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Chapter 70

“Send Princess Liu Yue back! Send Princess Liu Yue back!!” commanded Ying as she watched the guards drag Liu Yue back .

Daisy emotionlessly diagonally slashed an opponent then kicked him away before wiping the blood off her face . She found battle amusing . At first, one wouldn’t dare to kill; however, once one killed their first target due to their risky predicament and anger, the sense of glory and the wild instinct of a human being calmed them, and joy kicked in .

Soon enough, Daisy killed a second and a third person . Daisy never lacked the skills to commit murder . Under Elizabeth and Nier’s tutelage, she already reached an exemplary level with her swordplay . The hurdle was her peaceful life that kept her ruthlessness from surfacing . Daisy wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt her sister, which was why she killed for the first time .

Daisy drove her sword through someone’s chest for the first time . She watched him taking his final breaths and listened to his cry of despair . She smelt the blood that splattered on her . She had an urge to cry when she blood that sprayed . Nevertheless, the fear and excitement of successfully cutting down her prey overwhelmed her and motivated her to mow down her next target .

Daisy was the descendant of Nier, the most outstanding Valkyrie . The violent nature of Valkyries had always dwelled deep within her soul . She perceived her enemies to be lamb waiting to be slaughtered .


While the guards protected her, Liu Yue groaned . They had finished with emergency treatment, but the pain still radiated through her body . Both of her legs were wounded . She couldn’t even sit without feeling excruciating pain, let alone stand .

Nona stayed next to Liu Yue and quietly chanted a magic spell, but she was a fairly weak elf . Her mana was far inferior to her sister’s – not to mention the city seemingly lacked any traces of mana for some reason unbeknownst to her . Hence, Nona had to resort to using her spa.r.s.e mana reserves to heal her sister . Nona looked as white as a sheet . With sobs of despair, she cried, “I can’t… I can’t… This is all I can do… It’s all… I’m sorry… I’m sorry… Liu Yue . Liu Yue… I’m sorry… I want to save you . I want to save you… Sorry…”

Nona did her best, but she was an ordinary elf at the end of the day . Lucia never used healing magic as she was aware she lacked the mana required for it . Liu Yue’s wound shrunk minutely .   All Nona managed to do was reduce the blood loss .

Liu Yue struggled to raise her head . She gently shook her head . She revealed a barely noticeable smile and weakly said, “I’m okay, I’m okay… I… I’m okay…”

Ying ordered, “Let’s retreat for now . The more men come, the slimmer our chances of getting away . We’re pulling out . ”

The battle entered a worrisome stage, which was very disadvantageous for the group that was outnumbered to begin with . Their original plan was to charge straight to the palace, but Liu Yue’s injury delayed it, so they had to take her back to the s.h.i.+p first . Then, they could consider the possibility of breaching the palace .

The guards were skilled, but they struggled against the enormous enemy numbers, consequently suffering a considerable number of losses themselves .

Daisy still had a lingering urge to continue . As the fight raged on, Daisy began to discover her purpose in life . It was as if she lived until then for that moment . She never felt so excited before . Her entire body quivered with infinite excitement . Her sword had never felt so light before .

“How many have I cut down? Five? Seven? I’ve lost count . Killing is magnificent . This must be my purpose in life . Is this the life Mom experienced? Is this the life Grandmother Elizabeth experienced? This sort of life isn’t half bad; it’s addicting,” thought Daisy .

Daisy retreated . Nona carried her sister on her back and ran as fast as her legs could take her . The question was who was going to bring up the rear . They didn’t have many guards with them . They were all elites, each one being selected from a pool of one hundred . Losing too many of them would be a pity . Plus, if they lost all of their men there, how were they going to rescue Vera?

Suddenly, they heard horse hooves from behind . Ying turned her head around . She picked up a sword that happened to be within reach and plunged it into the horse from afar . Ying stomped on the rider’s chest to break his fall and raised her sword .

“It’s me! It’s me! I heard you were in danger, so I immediately rushed here! I came to help you! I came to help you!”

The person below foot had a familiar voice . It took Daisy a moment to react: “It’s you?!”

Ying moved her foot and saw the youngster, Larya . She didn’t care how he arrived . She pulled him up and then threw him to the front: “You hold the frontlines . Liu Yue has been wounded . We need to retreat to treat her wounds . Just hold the line until we get away then come meet up with us on the s.h.i.+p . ”

The youngster dawdled for a short moment to blankly look at Liu Yue, who had her eyes shut . He started to panic: “Liu Yue got hurt…? Liu Yue, she…”

Liu Yue’s ears and tail powerlessly hung down . Her beautiful red fur was stained with red blood . Liu Yue struggled to open her eyes . She bitterly looked at the youngster . With a helpless smile, she said, “I’m fine . I’m all right…”

The youngster’s pupils dilated . He shakily walked over to Liu Yue . Nona took a step back to prevent him from getting closer to Liu Yue . He stopped in his tracks and had one last look at her . He then turned back to look at the opposition . Voice solemn, he declared, “In that case, leave this place to me . Miss Ying, you take Liu Yue away . ”

“What are you trying to do?!!”

Liu Yue knew what the youngster implied . There was only one possible outcome if one man was to face off against all the guards of an entire city . To add, because they started the fight, the enemy wouldn’t show mercy . There was no chance of the youngster regrouping with them on the s.h.i.+p . He didn’t have the strength to stop a group alone . Only her father would have that sort of strength .

“Miss Liu Yue, I have always needed to say this to you . Sorry . I have hurt you too many times, and I have never protected you properly . But this time, I hope you will let me fulfil the duty of a guard . If it’s possible, I hope to continue being your bodyguard! Let us meet again on board!! Thank you… for remembering my name…”

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