"Your highness… I don"t want to use this type of weapon……"

"You"ll be fine. Just give it a try……"

Lucia looked at the rifle in my hand with displeasure. Her eyes were filled to the brim with displeasure like I asked her to look at something I shouldn"t have. I really want for Lucia to use one of them because guns are superior killing weapons compared to bows and arrows. Well, to be fair, that"s not quite one-hundred percent true yet, but it definitely will be in the future.

I know the reason why elves aren"t willing to use guns. These things will destroy forests and it"s also the weapon that killed countless elves ten years ago. This sort of weapon was a curse from the standpoint of elves.

However, I feel that Lucia needs this sort of thing now because she"s just an ordinary elf now. Lucia"s skills with a sword are considered intermediate level. Lucia isn"t bad, but the people around her are monsters so it makes it look like all her efforts are failures.

However, she is actually a fair bit superior to normal troops and even the imperial guards. Most importantly, Lucia now no longer has the buffs provided by the wind elves. Lucia is truly very weak in her current state, hence why she needs a weapon.

"Didn"t you leave a gun with me before…? I just hung it up. I never used it. Your highness, that gun seems different to other guns." Lucia then looked at me and asked: "Is that gun somehow different?"

"Uhm, that"s right. I made that gun specifically for you. You can use that gun, right?"

I suddenly remembered it. I would"ve totally forgotten about that gun if Lucia didn"t mention it. I made an air-gun specifically for Lucia. My idea was great at the time. It was intended for Lucia to control the wind and then fire bullets from the gun, but Lucia can"t do that anymore.


Lucia looked at me with a hint of excitement and said, "If you made it specifically for me, I must use it! So what exactly is the function of that gun, your highness?"

"That gun isn"t fired using gun powder." I took the barrel where the bullet travels down out. I then showed Lucia the bullet inside and added, "Rifles use to require a place for storing gun powder. When gun powder pa.s.ses through it and makes contact, it explodes and fires the bullet. The same applies now except that the position of the gun powder has been changed. Your gun doesn"t have gun powder. It uses air-pressure to fire bullets. The reasons guns are a weapon that destroys your forest is precisely because of the burning of gun powder. If they were wind-powered instead of being powered by gun powder, you would be able to use it, right?"

Lucia fell silent for a while. She then nodded and replied: "I can use a gun that isn"t powered by gun powder. However, your highness, I can no longer use wind magic though. It"s not that I totally can"t, but I will need a very long time to gather enough of the element…… So, I think it"s better that I don"t use it……"

"Ah… true……"

Indeed, Lucia basically has no combat power now. Nier is the one that can protect me normally, but as I said, there shouldn"t be anyone on the elven side who wants to harm me so I don"t need to be worried about elven magic. And thus, I won"t need anyone who knows magic to protect me.

Further, I have the protection of the demi-G.o.d Vyvyan. I don"t think there will be any issues with the elven side.

"I"ve completed the two-hundred rifles you asked for."

The red-haired lady appeared behind us and patted me firmly on my shoulder. She then looked at the humanoid target in front that was swaying. She said, "Not bad your majesty. If that"s what you managed to hit, your marksmans.h.i.+p is great. Uhm, uhm, you need to have the skills to protect yourself as the prince too!"

I smiled helplessly. My marksmans.h.i.+p isn"t bad under these circ.u.mstances, but once I"m in a pinch, I"m not all that. I remember I emptied my bullets to kill just three people when I was a.s.sa.s.sinated. I still don"t have the psychological capability to fire stably in the midst of intense fights.

I don"t even fire guns after all. I can only shoot calmly in games. Most of my shooting skills were acquired from FPS games……

"Not bad. This rifle is very ideal." I put the barrel back into the gun then aimed at the target and emptied all the bullets on it, making the target sway. It could fire rapidly and the firepower wasn"t bad. To compensate for the lethal power of these rifles which is a minor con of them, I asked Mommy-Vyvyan to pour the magic from the magic potions elves make into three pools. I then soaked the bullets we produced in the magic, so that the bullets would be imbued with mana. Explosion, ignite and vicious venom were completed in a moment. And then we have the grand-daddies of bullets.

I"m sure that even Earth Dragons will have to run from the onslaught of repeated-firing guns. They might not get killed, but anyone would be scared by something raining bullets intensely like a fire-breathing dragon. I have every reason to call my cavalry unit the Dragon Rider Unit because while they"re rampaging on the dragons, the guns will be firing like a fire-breathing dragon.

I must admit that they"re not great at shooting while riding horses. But as soldiers tasked with controlling the enemy lines with repeated-firing rifles, they don"t need to be super-accurate marksmen. They just need to scatter the enemies then dismount and engage.

I looked outside. Two hundred people were orderly training their sword skills under Nier"s instructions. The one that really resembled a girl, that soldier… what was his name again…? Whatever, was training with the men too…. Wait. He is a guy….. His white-feminine face with a serious expression shone with radiance under the light. His crystal-like drops of sweat made him look heroic. His movements weren"t very similar to Nier"s. Watching him, I almost wondered why a woman was in my guard unit.

He"s dressed in a guy"s clothing, has the vocal tone of a guy and isn"t deliberately copying female mannerisms, so why do I keep thinking he"s a girl……? That"s too freaking scary. If Nier wasn"t aware he was a guy, she would never allow a woman in my guard unit.

I don"t think Lucia would either……

This young man"s loyalty is definitely true because I saved him, which is also why he"s the team captain. These men were gathered from all different teams previously, so their skills and qualities were completely different. However, through the regulations I put down and Nier"s demonic training, the group was now orderly and executed every order without fail. Not only was their marksmans.h.i.+p superb, their sword skills were gradually improving under Nier"s tutelage. I believe that this team will soon be my team I"m proud of.

They should be a team that is no less than the Valkyries or imperial guards.

This is my city, and this is my guard-unit. I"ve been here for almost a month and have finally settled old accounts and whatnot. My guard-unit is steadily improving as well. Now I need to resolve the most severe problem next. I must resolve this before spring arrives.

And that is, I must enable my people to grow crops that can be traded……


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