The empire held a ball today in the Emperor’s Palace thanks to that fat chief officer of the treasury. Normally, this palace isn’t open because it’s usually reserved for the empress to hold banquets. However, this time it was a ball specially held to “welcome the prince home.”

Her majesty lent out her favourite palace without any hesitation as soon as she heard I was attending.

The fat man didn’t say anything with substance. He just told me how many streets and markets he owned. He then told me I could just take what I wanted when I went to so-and-so. He also told me stuff pertaining to women, which included him having several elf-girls…

Forget kissing up to me or carrying my shoes, he was virtually on all fours kissing and licking my shoes. My mood turned very sour after that…

This place must be specially used for b.a.l.l.s. The large hall was empty. The torches used to light the hall were covered with a crystal cover, illuminating the entire hall. The floor was floored with luxurious marble tiles. Treasured works of art were hung on the walls. I think you could have several hundred people dancing in here all at once. All sorts of foods were placed on the two long tables along the two sides.

Several people dressed in gorgeous evening dresses quickly went their ways. The men with of wine in their hands were chattering. Conversations over their drinks were about money and power. The women revealed their warm backs and shoulders. Their fragrances silently carried the scent of their hormones. The reasons people were mingling and lingering around at this ball were because money, power, women and the things men wanted were present.

I bowed to her majesty from behind and said: “Your majesty…”

The empress didn’t dress in any sort of evening dress for the ball. She chose to dress in a military uniform instead. Her long cape dragged along the floor. Several maids beside her helped her adjust her belt and shoulders. She had her back facing towards me, but when she heard me she said: “You’re here, my son.”


The empress nodded, and then said: “This ball was prepared for you. Do you have a dance partner?”

“I don’t…”

My dance skills are at a high school level… I haven’t danced in so long I’ve forgotten how to as well… Wait, no! I forgot something even more important. I forgot to find a female dance partner! I haven’t attended a ball before so I had no idea what to do. I quickly threw on some formal-wear and came straight here.

Oh, wait. Nier came here with me. I turned around to look at Nier who was expressionless. All Nier did to prepare was change into a clean uniform and clean her shoes. Her belt still had the candy bag and her sword hanging from it. It looked like she had no intention of dancing… She can’t be my dance partner like that, right…?

“Is that so…? Oh well. Just don’t dance then.” The empress softly cleared her through, and then turned around to smile at me. Her black eyes revealed a hint of gentleness as she said: “Enjoy yourself a little, my son.”

After the maid finished fixing her clothes, she bowed and said: “Your majesty, I will go and get someone to help you with your cape.”

“Don’t worry about it”

The empress waved her hand, turned around to look at me and then said: “Isn’t there someone to help me right here? A son should help her mother with her cape, right?”


I still didn’t quite catch on and looked left and right until Nier viciously kicked my leg… I walked up to the back of the empress, and lifted up the portion of her cape touching the floor. The maid rushed over and folded the cape into my hand neatly, and then said: “Keep your distance. Do not come too close or get too far away. Do not let the cape move in your hands.”

“I’ll do my best.”

The maid sternly exclaimed: “Doing your best is not enough. You must get it right!”

The empress chuckled and then stamped her feet, and said: “Don’t be so nervous, son. You’re my son. n.o.body will say anything even if my cape does touch the floor. You’re not a professional at it. I just want to have my own child help me with it.”


Perhaps it implies that a sovereign is indicating their favour for someone by allowing them to hold the hem of their cape or clothing. We are talking about a sovereign after all. n.o.body is allowed to make a mistake around a sovereign, even more so when they’re permitted to accompany the sovereign to such events. The empress adjusted the black veil in front of her face and then said: “Let’s go, son. Haha, this is the first time I’m attending a ball with my son. I’m a bit nervous. Son, I suddenly want to dance with you, what do you think?”

I was so frightened I froze up. I then said: “I uhh… I don’t know how to…”

“It’s fine. Would they dare to laugh if you couldn’t dance? Let’s do it!”

The empress is a little over-excited today…

“Let’s go!”

The curtain before us suddenly opened and the bright-blinding light s.h.i.+ned onto my face. The smell of perfumes and food came rus.h.i.+ng over together. The noisy chattering in the room suddenly came to a stop. As I held the empress’s cape, I did my best to maintain the tranquillity she was showing. I scanned the luxurious dance hall after my eyes adjusted to the strong lights. I saw the men and women on both sides in lavish clothing bow. The empress raised her head and slowly walked forth with the aura of a sovereign as I followed behind. Nier had her head down with her hand on her sword handle as she casually followed. I was the only one behind the empress shuffling his feet like a clown.

“Long live your majesty!”

Eh?! Their greeting phrase is different this time!

After we crossed the excessively long large hall, the empress turned around, almost pulling her cape out of my hands. I quickly ran in a big circle to try and circle around behind her, but the empress pulled me in towards her by my arm. She then pressed my head against her glorious bosom…

My neck! My neck!!

“Ladies and gentlemen, I came here to partic.i.p.ate in this ball prepared for my son by Chief Yin. I’m very happy to know you all care about him. I have led conquests for over ten years, yet only have this one child. I hope that you all will treat him as the future emperor, so that he may soon become a qualified emperor. Alright, I’m very happy tonight. Let’s not talk anymore, please rise. I shall start the opening dance!”

The empress vigorously grabbed my hand. Her hands were different to mom’s hands. Mom’s hands are slender, gentle and warm, while the empress’s hands were rough and had calluses. Her hands looked slender and white from a distance, but when you touched them, you could feel the abrasions acc.u.mulated from all of her conquests. These must be the hands of the empress who spent years on the battlefield… She really is different to other people…

Her hands were hands that wielded swords.

The music in the hall started playing. I so can’t dance! I only know casual dances, but… It seemed that the empress couldn’t dance either. She just tightly gripped my hand and hugged me with all her might! She’s pursuing her private interests under the guise of work! This has got to be considered pursuing her private interests under the guise of work!!

This isn’t even remotely dancing!! Can’t you people tell?! Why are you people watching me with envy?! Can’t you people tell?! This isn’t even remotely considered dancing!

Despite that, the empress’s happy look came from deep down inside her. I could see her smile through her black veil. Even the hostility in her eyes disappeared. It must be a very happy feeling to be able to dance with your son as his mother…

The empress’s hands were rough…

But, they were warm like mom’s hands nonetheless.

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