Publishedat 4th of April 2019 09:47:29 AMChapter 5

“Your body is fine, Son . I checked your mana and its fine . If you feel something wrong, it’s most likely because you’re tired . ”

Mommy Vyvyan released me . Then, with a smile, asked, “Son, you never asked me to give you a physical check-up before . Why have you started asking me to give you check-ups so frequently all of a sudden?”

I picked up my s.h.i.+rt and draped it over my shoulders . I gave Mommy Vyvyan a helpless smile: “Nothing really . It’s just that I’m a bit more mindful of my body now . After all, I’ll be going out onto the water soon . What am I going to do if something happens while I’m out on the ocean waters?”

“It’s not as though there won’t be doctors aboard . ”

“But you won’t be aboard, Mom . ”

Mommy Vyvyan dawdled for a moment . She then walked over with a smile and pinched my nose . She patted my face: Son, you’re getting better and better at sweet-talking . It must be from talking to your wives, right? Mommy is very happy, but Mommy is slightly glad Mommy can’t come . Mommy has put on some weight after eating so many of humanity’s dishes, so Mommy needs to fight with the moron every day to burn off some of the fat . ”

Mom then pinched her waist and sighed . She smiled and continued, “Mommy doesn’t lack time; therefore, we can do it anytime . Once Mommy has lost some weight, Mommy will go visit the ocean with you . Mommy won’t go this time, but you don’t need to worry about your body . Son, your mana is fine . There’s no problem from the exterior . ”

I nodded then walked to the door: “I did look for a doctor, but they said I was fine . ”

“What are you worried about, then?”


Mommy Vyvyan smiled: “You want me to find out for myself or do you want to tell me?”

“Okay, I’ll tell you . ”

I raised my hands to surrender . I couldn’t show any oddities before Mommy Vyvyan, for there were no secrets before her . I explained, “The truth is, I ran into a fellow who claims himself to be a prophet when I went out today . Mm, it’s not really self-proclaimed . In any case, I think that he has some skill . Mm, put another way, he said I may soon die . That’s why I’m slightly concerned as to whether I’ll truly die soon . ”

Mom looked at me as though I was her fake son . She pondered what I said for a long time while keeping her eyes on me . She replied, “I’m honestly not sure, Son . Why did you believe him? To be honest, Son, clairvoyance magic does exist in this world, that sort of magic has not appeared for ages . Mommy is a demi-G.o.d, right? But even Mommy can’t use that type of magic . Mommy’s current clairvoyant spell can only be considered a theoretical vision, as Mommy needs to read the person’s minds, which subsequently allows Mommy to see what they’re planning to do . There has been n.o.body who has been able to use that type of magic in ages . Therefore, you most likely ran into a conman . ”

“Is that so…?”

I felt much more rea.s.sured after hearing Mom say that . Mommy Vyvyan was the authority on mana, so if she deemed him a conman, then he was a conman . I may have felt he was quite incredible to know who I was initially, but if he couldn’t do that much, then he wouldn’t be able to con people, right?

“As you have said that, I’m rea.s.sured . You’re right . I don’t feel unwell… Mm, I feel that I’ve been tricked…”

Mommy Vyvyan giggled: “To be frank, I don’t like that fellow . Son, you must know that you can’t tolerate him, either . To say such things without rhyme or reason is a threat and offence to a King . A King cannot tolerate that . Just kill him the next time he says that sort of stuff . You are now a King . You don’t need to be so kind . There’s absolutely no need to . ”

I gave Mom a smile: “I don’t think it’s a big deal . Whatever . I don’t mind it . Plus, he runs really fast . He fled before I could react . ”

“Anybody can use run away tactics . You just have to position yourself beforehand . It’s the same concept as the necklace I gave you; it’s just a little trick . Son, you don’t understand mana . That’s why you’re easily fooled by these tricks . ” Mommy Vyvyan stroked my head then added, “You’re healthy; what problem could you have? Do pay attention to your health, though . I’m worried about you going out this time . Can you swim, son?”

I had hoped n.o.body would mention swimming . Frankly, the mention of it stood my hairs up . Everybody remembers what happened before they died, and they’d be left with a trauma afterwards . I drowned saving somebody . I could swim; the current was too strong that day!!

“It’s all right . I can swim . ”

“Where did you learn to swim from…?”

“From the… bathroom, I guess…”

The bathroom of elves’ was indeed similar to a river… Mommy Vyvyan waited for a moment before speaking, “But you can’t move in the elven spring water…”

“I was born able to swim…”

“Okay, okay, as long as you can swim . Remember, Son . You must remember not to get into trouble and never act tough . Remember, Son . Mommy isn’t with you this time, but there shouldn’t be any dangers out on the ocean waters . If there is, remember that you still have this necklace . ”

I watched Mom wear the necklace on me again . She patted me on my chest: “Because of your physical health, Mommy won’t keep you tonight . Your wives have just had the chance to see you, too . I, therefore, think it’s best I don’t steal you from them . Don’t worry after you leave . Mommy will look after the girls . As for work, we’ll help you . Just have fun this time . ”

“All right, Mom . Thank you, Mom . ”

Mom smiled, and then I turned around . I pressed my hand on the handle only to discover I couldn’t open it . That was when I realised I was powerless to leave the room after entering… Mommy Vyvyan claimed she’d let me go, but… I didn’t believe she’ll let me go so easily!


“Sorry, Son… I take it back!! Stay tonight . You’ll be alone with them soon anyway . Stay with Mommy for now! Take care of Mommy tonight!”

“Your body is fine, Son . I checked your mana and its fine . If you feel something wrong, it’s most likely because you’re tired . ”.

Mommy Vyvyan released me . Then, with a smile, asked, “Son, you never asked me to give you a physical check-up before . Why have you started asking me to give you check-ups so frequently all of a sudden?”.

I picked up my s.h.i.+rt and draped it over my shoulders . I gave Mommy Vyvyan a helpless smile: “Nothing really . It’s just that I’m a bit more mindful of my body now . After all, I’ll be going out onto the water soon . What am I going to do if something happens while I’m out on the ocean waters?”.

“It’s not as though there won’t be doctors aboard . ”.

“But you won’t be aboard, Mom . ”.

Mommy Vyvyan dawdled for a moment . She then walked over with a smile and pinched my nose . She patted my face: Son, you’re getting better and better at sweet-talking . It must be from talking to your wives, right? Mommy is very happy, but Mommy is slightly glad Mommy can’t come . Mommy has put on some weight after eating so many of humanity’s dishes, so Mommy needs to fight with the moron every day to burn off some of the fat . ”.

Mom then pinched her waist and sighed . She smiled and continued, “Mommy doesn’t lack time; therefore, we can do it anytime . Once Mommy has lost some weight, Mommy will go visit the ocean with you . Mommy won’t go this time, but you don’t need to worry about your body . Son, your mana is fine . There’s no problem from the exterior . ”.

I nodded then walked to the door: “I did look for a doctor, but they said I was fine . ”.

“What are you worried about, then?”.


Mommy Vyvyan smiled: “You want me to find out for myself or do you want to tell me?”.

“Okay, I’ll tell you . ”.

I raised my hands to surrender . I couldn’t show any oddities before Mommy Vyvyan, for there were no secrets before her . I explained, “The truth is, I ran into a fellow who claims himself to be a prophet when I went out today . Mm, it’s not really self-proclaimed . In any case, I think that he has some skill . Mm, put another way, he said I may soon die . That’s why I’m slightly concerned as to whether I’ll truly die soon . ”.

Mom looked at me as though I was her fake son . She pondered what I said for a long time while keeping her eyes on me . She replied, “I’m honestly not sure, Son . Why did you believe him? To be honest, Son, clairvoyance magic does exist in this world, that sort of magic has not appeared for ages . Mommy is a demi-G.o.d, right? But even Mommy can’t use that type of magic . Mommy’s current clairvoyant spell can only be considered a theoretical vision, as Mommy needs to read the person’s minds, which subsequently allows Mommy to see what they’re planning to do . There has been n.o.body who has been able to use that type of magic in ages . Therefore, you most likely ran into a conman . ”.

“Is that so…?”.

I felt much more rea.s.sured after hearing Mom say that . Mommy Vyvyan was the authority on mana, so if she deemed him a conman, then he was a conman . I may have felt he was quite incredible to know who I was initially, but if he couldn’t do that much, then he wouldn’t be able to con people, right?.

“As you have said that, I’m rea.s.sured . You’re right . I don’t feel unwell… Mm, I feel that I’ve been tricked…”.

Mommy Vyvyan giggled: “To be frank, I don’t like that fellow . Son, you must know that you can’t tolerate him, either . To say such things without rhyme or reason is a threat and offence to a King . A King cannot tolerate that . Just kill him the next time he says that sort of stuff . You are now a King . You don’t need to be so kind . There’s absolutely no need to . ”.

I gave Mom a smile: “I don’t think it’s a big deal . Whatever . I don’t mind it . Plus, he runs really fast . He fled before I could react . ”.

“Anybody can use run away tactics . You just have to position yourself beforehand . It’s the same concept as the necklace I gave you; it’s just a little trick . Son, you don’t understand mana . That’s why you’re easily fooled by these tricks . ” Mommy Vyvyan stroked my head then added, “You’re healthy; what problem could you have? Do pay attention to your health, though . I’m worried about you going out this time . Can you swim, son?”.

I had hoped n.o.body would mention swimming . Frankly, the mention of it stood my hairs up . Everybody remembers what happened before they died, and they’d be left with a trauma afterwards . I drowned saving somebody . I could swim; the current was too strong that day!!.

“It’s all right . I can swim . ”.

“Where did you learn to swim from…?”.

“From the… bathroom, I guess…”.

The bathroom of elves’ was indeed similar to a river… Mommy Vyvyan waited for a moment before speaking, “But you can’t move in the elven spring water…”.

“I was born able to swim…”.

“Okay, okay, as long as you can swim . Remember, Son . You must remember not to get into trouble and never act tough . Remember, Son . Mommy isn’t with you this time, but there shouldn’t be any dangers out on the ocean waters . If there is, remember that you still have this necklace . ”.

I watched Mom wear the necklace on me again . She patted me on my chest: “Because of your physical health, Mommy won’t keep you tonight . Your wives have just had the chance to see you, too . I, therefore, think it’s best I don’t steal you from them . Don’t worry after you leave . Mommy will look after the girls . As for work, we’ll help you . Just have fun this time . ”.

“All right, Mom . Thank you, Mom . ”.

Mom smiled, and then I turned around . I pressed my hand on the handle only to discover I couldn’t open it . That was when I realised I was powerless to leave the room after entering… Mommy Vyvyan claimed she’d let me go, but… I didn’t believe she’ll let me go so easily!.


“Sorry, Son… I take it back!! Stay tonight . You’ll be alone with them soon anyway . Stay with Mommy for now! Take care of Mommy tonight!”.


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