Publishedat 4th of July 2019 07:14:12 AMChapter 21
For the Alliance” is no Longer a Slogan (Part 1)

“This way, your life will have a schedule . Do you have any problems with it?”

The maid handed the schedule to Sylvanas with a smile . Sylvanas took in a deep breath, and then carefully accepted the schedule . She gave her a choppy, “Thank you . ” Sylvana hadn’t ever experienced life in the North before, but she wasn’t an idiot . She might look bulky and large, but she was highly intelligent . Within merely a few days’ time, she managed to learn all of the language necessary for life . Furthermore, she told herself that she had to be patient for her son’s sake despite her formal carefree life . Thus, she did her best to adapt habits she wasn’t quite used to in her human form . Also, she never caused trouble .

Initially, everyone was afraid of Sylvanas . However, as she behaved politely and didn’t seem violent, everybody soon stopped fearing her as they once did . She also did her best to learn and act on what she learnt . While she hadn’t learnt everything there was to learn yet, she had knowledge of basic etiquette – at least, she wouldn’t be drinking water for was.h.i.+ng one’s hands again . Nevertheless, due to the language barrier, she still had things to learn .

The official language of the North had yet to be decided . I planned to use humanity’s language as the official language, because the elven language was too complicated for humans to p.r.o.nounce . The voices of elves actually sounded akin to birds . Anthropoids couldn’t p.r.o.nounce elven words, but they could manage humanity’s .

Sylvanas read the schedule in front of her . It wasn’t very packed . Strictly speaking, it could barely be considered one . It merely informed her of what she should do; she didn’t really have to do anything . All she had to do was appear where required . For instance, she needed to dine together with us, stroll in the flower together and spend free time with us .

The maid watched Sylvanas, who had to put in a bit of effort to examine it, with a gentle smile . There was some unease on Sylvanas beautiful face . She couldn’t understand everything written on the sheet of paper . Of course, there was also a degree of dissatisfaction about having to start a scheduled lifestyle tomorrow . She was particularly nervous, for she heard she could start seeing her son tomorrow .

With a smile, the maid explained, “You need not worry so much . It is basically the same as your lifestyle before . You just need to know when to do what, and you will be fine . It is all right if you forget . You just need to have a maid with you at all times, and she will remind you of what to do and when . ”

Sylvanas nodded . She then looked up at the maid and asked, “Can you start following me tomorrow, then?”

“No . ”

Sylvanas froze for a moment . She never expected the maid would refuse her . However, she soon noticed the particular maid was totally different to the other maids . She wore the exact same uniform as the other maids, but she was missing lots of things, and she didn’t have a chest plate . Instead, she had a s.h.i.+ny chest pin .

“It seems that this maid is different to the other maids . Could she be the head maid, or is she different to the other maids?” Sylvanas pondered .

The maid shook her head, revealing her long elven ears beneath her short hair . Smiling, she explained, “Although I would be very happy to, I already have my own master I must serve . I am His Majesty’s personal servant, so please forgive me, but I cannot follow that order . ”

Sylvanas jumped to her feet . She widened her mouth and, sounding surprised, exclaimed, “Ah! Ah! You’re that maid! You’re the maid my son keeps talking about!”

Luna gave excited Sylvanas a big bow with a smile: “Yes . Thank you very much . I am able to stand here now thanks to your heart . ”

“It’s nothing; it’s nothing . The heart was in my son’s hand at the time, so he was the one who saved you . I just provided a little help . ” Sylvanas waved her hand, and then looked at Luna feeling pleased . She then added, “Oh, by the way, Luna, let me ask you a question . When we meet tomorrow, how should I welcome my son? Shall I give him a hug or a kiss?”

Luna softly giggled . While it was a query, what Sylvanas truly wanted was already written all over her face . She wore a look of eagerness and nervousness . She subconsciously covered her lips, indicating what she wanted .

“But nonetheless, a mother kissing her son is fine, right? Vyvyan kisses His Majesty daily, after all . Sometimes she’ll kiss him on his forehead; other times, she’ll kiss him on his lips . Lucia and Nier never commented about it,” a.n.a.lysed Sylvanas .

“I believe a good morning kiss would be better . After all, Queen Vyvyan gives His Majesty a good morning kiss every day . As you are also his mother, I believe that a good morning kiss is acceptable . ”

“Is it? Is it? I see . ”

Luna noticed Sylvanas was very happy to hear the answer she was hoping for . She excitedly grabbed Luna’s hands . Luna could only respond with a helpless smile . Luna thought, “Perhaps my answer will cause His Majesty some trouble tomorrow morning . ”

In a curious tone, Sylvanas asked, “Oh, right, Luna, isn’t there another woman here? She’s supposed to be like me, a mom . ”

True . Elizabeth wasn’t present . Elizabeth went out before Vyvyan returned, so Elizabeth had yet to meet Sylvanas . The concern that the two would fight didn’t happen, because they didn’t meet . Moreover, the two were unlikely to meet soon; actually, they wouldn’t meet for the meantime .

Luna replied with a smile, “Are you talking about Empress Elizabeth? I am very sorry, but she has already left . She should have arrived at Rosvenor Empire in the South by now . ”

“Oh… It’s a bit of a regret to not get to see her . But why does a mother not stay with her son? She’s a mother, so she should be here? Why does she have to go back? Could there be something more important than her child? Does such a woman really have the right to be a mother?” asked Sylvanas .

Sylvanas didn’t care about empires, authority or money… Well, she probably did slightly care about gold… Nevertheless, none of that could compare to her chid . After all, her son was cuter than gold . She lost her empire and home ages ago . She viewed home as a place where her family members were . The desert aside, her son became everything to her .

“That would be applicable for you,” answered Luna .

Although Elizabeth didn’t show a positive att.i.tude towards Luna at the start, guarded against her and hurt her before, Luna liked Elizabeth very much, because Elizabeth never forced her to leave Troy . Elizabeth threatened her before, but she didn’t make things hard for her or hurt her . Thus, Luna wasn’t too happy to hear the Sylvanas say that .

Luna earnestly explained, “However, as an Empress, Empress Elizabeth should give her best for her Empire, as well . She loves His Majesty, too, but she also has things she must to attend to . ”

I watched Castell who had walked out the door . He didn’t speak for even an hour tonight, but his voice was now hoa.r.s.e as though he grew another ten years older . It seemed as though it took everything out of him to raise his head . He stood at the door . His shadow looked excessively long due to the moonlight . He looked thin enough to give the impression that he could vanish at any moment . I saw him to the door . He turned his head around to look at me with a complex gaze . He stayed there for a long time and didn’t put on his hat .

I asked, “Is there anything else, Castell?”

“Uhm . ” Castell didn’t display a vague att.i.tude this time . He nodded with a very serious att.i.tude . He let out a heavy sigh: “I honestly never thought this could happen between you and Her Majesty . Forgive my bluntness, but, Your Majesty, I want to know if you took it a step further with Her Majesty . ”

Castell’s gaze contained a tinge of sorrow . I shook my head with a smile . I didn’t know why, but I felt great in that moment . I replied, “What’s the point of the question? You can’t tell others even if I did tell you . ”

Castell quietly laughed: “That is correct . I know that . I know that it is meaningless to know the answer to the question . It is just my personal curiosity . ”

Castell wanted to reveal a smile with his usual vibe, but his expression looked despondent . I didn’t immediately answer the question . Instead, I kept looking at him and I stayed silent until he couldn’t hold it in any longer before I responded, “What’s it got to do with you?”

“Wh- . ”

I imagine Castell never expected I’d give him such a confrontational response . Everything he wanted to stay, stopped and stayed stuck in his throat . I looked at him with a ridiculing smile and went on, “Sorry, I was just trying to crack a joke . But I do remember you telling me that being excessively curious will serve one no good, so you should just stick to taking care of Empress Elizabeth . As for things outside of that duty, you don’t need to worry, understood? I am no longer who I once was . I know you might be able to successfully threaten my sister and family with war, but I dare you to try, and we’ll see how the war ends . Protecting those around me is no longer an issue for me, and that includes my mom . ”

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