Publishedat 12th of July 2019 05:53:46 AMChapter 36
“For the Alliance” is no Longer a Slogan (Part 16)

Though it was the only chance that the continent would be united, the meeting was actually incredibly boring . As the three leaders of each respected region, neither the Queen of elves, Empress of humanity or me uttered a word . The two just sat at their tables and silently watched . I refrained from acting, as well, obviously . I sat at the table and kept my eyes on Freya, the humans and elves loudly debating with each other down below .

I could tell that, while it was very tiring to deal with elves and humans simultaneously – since Freya was struggling to keep up with hearing the elven language, and then suddenly humanity’s language – I still managed to catch the fact that Freya  found pleasure in it . Though her face was flush with struggle, she wore a satisfied smile on her face . To make an a.n.a.logy, it was the same as Nier’s keen expression that she wore when she got to fight against a strong opponent despite being married . As an intelligent girl, Freya enjoyed competing with other smart individuals .

Vyvyan, Elizabeth and I never said a word . On one hand, we were worried we’d say something wrong, which would end up being something for another party to leverage . On the other hand, none of us were thinking about what to discuss . We had no interest for whose face would be printed on the coins, which nation’s road dimensions we’d adapt and so forth, because it was already listed on the draft . Neither Elizabeth nor Vyvyan were establis.h.i.+ng the alliance for those things . They just kept their gazes fixed on me . Hence, a week of the people’s intense debates couldn’t hold a candle to the progress between me and my moms in my room for one night .

I really wanted to laugh at the diplomats who were down there arguing until they were red in the face and eager to get physical . I also understood why there was only ever one personal servant . The people looked as though they desperately wanted to prove themselves, but they didn’t even know what their monarch wanted . What they desperately tried to argue for wasn’t important .

The North should’ve been the weakest party in the alliance . Up until then, the North still didn’t have a complete military . Furthermore, had Dragon Mom not provided me with financial funding, the North would be broke . However, you could say that I leveraged my two moms love for me to seize the initiative .

I knew my two moms could accept the majority of my requests as long as they weren’t outrageous requests . Therefore, the draft had essentially pa.s.sed . Once I unified the finance system, there wouldn’t be anybody’s face printed on the coins . Instead, I planned to use the sun, Earth and wind as symbols on the coins . Wherever one may be or what race they belong to, the sun, Earth and wind everybody saw was the same . Everyone could see the three and feel their blessings . It was, therefore, the most appropriate idea for an alliance pursuing fairness . Of course, there was much, much more .

I was very careful . I didn’t ask for the North to be given vast land, territory or more influence . In essence, I did my best to avoid arbitrarily involving settings of each of the three parties . As such, my two moms didn’t have any objections . As long as neither of my moms spoke, the conclusion wouldn’t be affected regardless of how much those below argued .

Mommy Vyvyan sat on my left hand side . She kept a happy smile on the entire time . She didn’t place her hands on the table . Instead, she kept touching my thigh underneath the table . On the other side was Mommy Elizabeth, who threw etiquette straight out the window and generously angled her chair to sit with one leg over the other . Interestingly, she didn’t lean toward her human servant; instead, she leaned toward me . She looked at my face with her gentle eyes; she looked as though she could never get tired of seeing it . I was more important than the debate to her .

The three of us didn’t care in the least . The people below were trying, nonetheless . I didn’t care about the matter, but I didn’t want Freya to turn around and see me looking bored . That would upset her . After all, she viewed the merger with great importance .

We had the national banquet at night, which I a.s.sumed was what my two moms care about more . The afternoon was over . I didn’t put elves with humans . I, instead, arranged for them to be on two sides behind the palace . I allowed them to have free time in the afternoon . In other words, that was when my three moms had afternoon tea together and met for the first time . However, there wasn’t just the three of them . I knew the Valkyrie and imperial guards weren’t comfortable around another hostile monarch . They were likely hidden somewhere they weren’t easily noticed, though .

Elizabeth placed her teacup down . She narrowed her eyes and ran her gaze over Dragon Mom: “This is our first time meeting, but I would a.s.sume you already know me . ”

Dragon Mom nodded, “Uhm, this is our first time meeting . He mentioned you and my son, but this is my first time seeing you in person . I thought I would see you there . ”

“Unfortunately, I was heading back to Hilles City, so I wasn’t there . ”

“I previously worried we would not get along when we met, but looking at it now, you are not a bad person . ”

Dragon Mom looked at Elizabeth without any concern for mannerisms . Elizabeth wore a very indifferent expression . She was very unapproachable with her Empress expression . She hadn’t worn on her mask . In spite of that, I admired Dragon Mom’s courage to say that upon her first meeting with Elizabeth . I was nervous and unbecoming the first time I met Mommy Elizabeth despite being her son, yet Dragon Mom didn’t show any surprise .

“I won’t be angry about what happened ten years ago now . Moreover, what I want now isn’t Inard . You could say my story with Inard ended the moment I left, so what he did after my departure is of no concern, and neither do I care who he got with . ” Elizabeth was surprisingly forthright considering the entire fiasco . It was the first time she openly expressed her feelings for Inard, I believe… She glanced at Vyvyan out of the corner of her eyes and then continued, “To me, he already betrayed me, not because he got with another woman, as I don’t care, but he gave my most treasured son, who’s most important to me, to this woman and nearly got him killed . I can’t forgive him for that . ”

I had my eyes bulging, thinking, “Hey, hey, hey, that’s not what you said before, is it?! I don’t remember you saying that before! Didn’t you really care about Inard before?! Didn’t you continue to yearn for him?! How did you give up on him so quickly?!”

I looked at Mommy Elizabeth with a dumbfounded look . Elizabeth winked at me but didn’t say anything .

Vyvyan snickered: “I’m amazed you dare bring it up . If he was your most treasured and beloved son, how could you have beared to leave him behind, alone? The child you left is dead . He is my son . I gave birth to him . He has nothing to do with you . ”

Vyvyan and Elizabeth metaphorically had their swords drawn and were confrontational . Puzzled, Dragon Mom t.i.tled head and turned to me: “Are these two usually, like this?”

I looked at the two in front of me and smiled helplessly, “I guess so . Usually, they’re very close, and they were good friends in the past, too . As long as I’m not their topic of discussion, the two of them won’t have such a poor relations.h.i.+p . ”

Dragon Mom’s gaze darted back and forth . She then slammed the table, startling the two . They looked at her with stupefied expressions . I noticed Mommy Elizabeth had already grabbed her sword handle, while Mommy Vyvyan had collected a ma.s.sive amount of elements . The two of them were actually very afraid of Dragon Mom . They were ready to fight if she showed any oddities . Dragon Mom ignored their reactions . Instead, she excitedly asked, “I get it! I get it now!! You two, you two should be good friends, right?!”

“I guess…” Vyvyan looked at Dragon Mom and then Elizabeth . She hesitated for a moment before saying, “If this woman can be reasonable, I guess we’re good friends . ”

“If she could stop living in self-denial, I would consider Vyvyan a decent elf . ”

Dragon Mom excitedly watch the two and then enthusiastically exclaimed, “See?! See?! I knew you two were friendly! How nice! How nice! I’ve never had a friend, so I really paid attention to you two . Therefore, let me help you . You are arguing who my son should belong to, right? You have no need to argue that . You just have to consider him my son! Problem solved, no?!”

The two of them blankly looked at Dragon Mom, who was proud with herself . Even I figuratively had my jaws gaping . Doubt crept into my mind . Though Dragon Mom had spoken for thousands of years, it seemed her intelligence hadn’t improved… .  Dragon Mom laid eggs, so her IQ was inferior to us breastfed species…

Since your argument is, “Who’s his mother?” you just have to give your son to me . You’ll be able to be friends without him, so just give up on him, was essentially Dragon Mom’s logic .

“Don’t worry, I love my son, so entrust him to me . You two should not ruin your friends.h.i.+p over this . ”

“Pfft!” Vyvyan couldn’t help but laugh . She covered her mouth and burst into laughter .

Mommy Elizabeth chuckled, and then turned her head away to mutter under her breath, “Idiot . ”

There was no way those two would hand me over . That was impossible . Unless they both died, that was never going to happen . The reason they didn’t say anything to Dragon Mom was because… they both considered her to be an idiot…

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