Dragons" Melancholic Song (Part 21)

During the day, Irina and Camille went out. As aforementioned, I had no clue where they went off to or what they did. However, they had shown that they trusted me by leaving their house to me, not to mention allowing me to move about as I pleased.

I went up to the second floor again, where Camille and Irina lived. It was also where Dragon Mom was held captive. I knew where the keys were. Irina didn"t have her guard up against me, either. The keys were exactly where they were last time. I opened the door and went in to sit next to Dragon Mom.

Mom was in the same shape as a few days ago. She was still sleeping in peace without budging. There was no look of pain on her face, so it didn"t hurt my heart as it did before. I was just very worried.

I gently grab hold of Mom"s hand. Her hand was very soft and warm. I looked at her face and gently sighed. In a quiet voice, I muttered, "Mom, when will you be able to wake up? I really don"t know what to do… We never expected this to happen… What do I have to do to help you wake up now? I never thought the dragons would target you instead of me. I thought that I possessed immense power, but I"m still so powerless before a true dragon… Mom, Mom, tell me, what do I do…?"

My speech turned to whimpers. I felt that what I did was too much.  I didn"t think about my mom. I, instead, started to get clingy to Irina.

I silently cursed and questioned myself: "What on Earth am I doing? I should be taking Mom away from here right now. I should be helping her recover and then taking her away from here. Just what in the world am I doing…? Why have I become muddle-headed over Irina? What happened to my original thoughts and determination? When did they vanish? What in the world am I thinking…? What am I doing? Why has Irina rendered me unsettled…?"

I tightened my grip on Mom"s hand and declared, "Mom… I"ll take you home. I"ll definitely take you home. I promise."

I suddenly felt my hand warm up. Mom seemed to respond and squeezed my hand.  I was trying to reinforce my resolve, but the feeling felt akin to thunderclap on a clear day. I never expected Mom to respond to me.

"Isn"t Mom still sleeping?!" I wondered, surprised.

I held my breath and looked at Mom"s hand. I didn"t see anything out of the ordinary, though. Her hand was still in mine. I didn"t dare to do so much as breathe, as I was afraid that I"d miss any minor details hinting that she woke up. Unfortunately, Mom just lied there in silence. Her expression didn"t change, and not even her hair budged.

The warm sensation that I felt in my hands was definitely not an illusion. I clearly felt the warm sensation transferred to my palm. I could feel a warm sensation and strength from Mom. She wasn"t as strong, and it was a gentle warmth, but I could feel her warmth, nonetheless.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Have you woken up?! Mom!"

I jumped to my feet, thereby knocking over my stool as I stood up. I leaned in over to Mom and emotionally shouted as loud as I could, but she didn"t budge. She remained there in silence.

"Mom, listen to me!! Mom! Can you hear me?! I know that you can hear me! I"m sure you can hear me! I felt it! I felt it! You should be awake, right?! If you"ve woken up, please open our eyes and look at me! Please say something to me! Please let me feel rea.s.sured!"

Shout as I may, caress her hand and face as I may, Mom didn"t respond. It was as if that warm sensation I felt in that moment was my imagination.

I thought, "Has Mom not come to? Was that all just my imagination? I don"t think so. I"m not convinced. I could distinctly feel that warmth. It was very, very distinct. It felt the exact same as when we held hands in the past. I didn"t mistake it. That wasn"t my imagination. That was real. I truly felt Mom"s warmth."

Mom definitely responded. The thing was I didn"t know why Mom didn"t respond any further. Perhaps she could feel something, which means that she couldn"t subconsciously express herself properly yet. I thought that suggested the effects of the drug I was uninformed of were gradually wearing off. Put another way, Dragon Mom would gradually recover even if I don"t do anything with Irina. I guess that meant dragons" unique instinct to sleep wasn"t for nothing. Mom was slowly recovering during her sleep.

That explained Camille rushed to switch to another method. Dragon Mom would eventually recover at that rate. Once Mom wakes up, her fury as a pure-blooded dragon will be more than they could handle. If the deal was sealed before her awakening - meaning Irina was pregnant with my child - even Mom would have to consider foregoing her anger out of consideration of the child, having said that.

I began to contemplate what I should do: "What course of action shall I take, then? If Mom has begun to recover, then there"ll be a point where she fully recovers. Do I need to stall for now? No, that won"t work. They"re all dragons; Camille knows Mom will eventually recover. She, in fact, might already be planning something. She"s an excellent pharmacist. I don"t know what sorts of weird drugs she"s come up with. She"s able to create all sorts of drugs to realise her wish. If there are more strange drugs, it"s going to be even tougher to deal with. Who knows if that b.i.t.c.h will come up with something even more dangerous? As I"ve confirmed that Mom will be safe and can recover without Camille, I need to hurry up and get out of here. Irina and Camille have yet to do anything to me, so now is the best chance!"

I released Mom"s hand and then took two steps back. I kept my eyes on Dragon Mom the entire time. I looked at the peaceful expression she wore while sleeping silently. I breathed in deep then said, "I"m glad to know that you are all right. Since you have regained conscious, I will take you out of here. Trust me. Trust me on it. I"ll definitely take you out of here! We"ll definitely get to go home!"

Right when I left the room, I suddenly heard the crisp sound of knocks on a door. After a short pause to carefully listen in, I confirmed that I didn"t mishear it. It was the sound of somebody knocking on a door, and it came from the main door.

I reasoned, "Since this is Camille and Irina"s home, not the palace or my house, I guess it"s safe to a.s.sume that the visitor wants to see Camille or Irina. I don"t think I should open the door then. Those living within this vicinity are all dragons. I"m in the dragons" den. It"s probably dangerous for me to allow a dragon in without Camille or Irina being around.

What if Camille or Irina is locked outside, though? I don"t know what those two are doing outside, while I can"t detect the pa.s.sing of time in the cave. The only indicator that it"s daytime is when Camille and Irina leave. Could it already be time for them to return? They"ve never locked themselves outside before, however."

The knocking didn"t stop. Whoever it was, continued to knock and they were very patient. In spite of n.o.body responding, they continued to stop every three knocks in an orderly manner. They showed no intent of stopping. The continuous knocking was pollution for the mind. I covered my ears, but I could continue hearing it as if it was knocking on my head.

I ran downstairs to the door. Unfortunately, the door didn"t have a window on the door to see who was outside. It was just an ordinary wooden door. Furthermore, it was so thick that not a shred of light could s.h.i.+ne through.

Whoever was outside had some mental issues. n.o.body responded. Normally, you"d leave if n.o.body responded, yet whoever it was, kept on knocking. I genuinely reckoned they would"ve continued knocking until night time if they weren"t Irina or Camille

I hesitated for a moment. I wondered if I should ask who it was but realised that if I asked, then I"d have to open the door. If the individual outside was a dragon and heard my voice, they"d definitely ask me to open up; otherwise, they"d continue knock on the door until I died. But nevertheless, if I allowed them to continue knocking, I"d have a mental breakdown. They just wouldn"t stop. Plus, the cave was silent, so the knocking was akin to having my ears hammered.

I took in a deep breath. I didn"t think it was probable for them to kidnap me from their leader"s home even if they wanted to harm me. Plus, if that was their plan, they could just break through. There was no need to knock.

I pulled the heavy timber door open.


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