Publishedat 7th of November 2019 07:06:25 AMChapter 25
Serious Girls

“Mm, just my luck . ”

Liu Yue let out a heavy sigh . She looked at her new clothes with a slightly disappointed look . She was a victim of a disaster before she reached the sh.o.r.e, which left her with a pessimistic view of the road ahead . The three of them looked at her light purple long skirt that had the uniqueness of the desert .

The dresses in the foreign nation generously reveal the top of females’ b.r.e.a.s.t.s while the material was very thin . Vera looked at Liu Yue’s feminine curves with a hint of jealously . Vera pulled over a silk scarf and draped it on for her sister .

“I’m sorry,” the youth apologised .

The youngster also got changed . Perhaps the style his of robe was form fitting for the youngster because he always lived there . He looked at Liu Yue with a helpless smile, touched his head and said, “I’ll pay you for the clothes later on . ”

“It’s fine . It wasn’t your fault . ”


Liu Yue heaved a breath . He didn’t do anything wrong . He considerately stepped on the ladder to stabilise it for her, and he looked away . What happened was her tail’s fault . If it didn’t cover his face, the accident could’ve been avoided . She couldn’t control the length of her tail, though; therefore, she ruled it as a stroke of bad luck .

Liu Yue began to suspect if there was a problem with her and the youngster because it seemed that something unfortunate would happen every time they’re around each other . Plus, it would be an accident where neither of them could be blamed . Liu Yue wasn’t one to believe in coincidences and luck, but she started to believe in metaphysics at this point .

Ying paid for their clothes then gave Liu Yue a nod: “You look cute now, Your Highness . Let us go now . This place is not the Imperial Capital . We need to ride on the horse carriages for some time, but I am sure that riding a horse carriage is good news to you . ”

The four sisters exchanged eye-contact with each other . Vera inquired, “Miss Ying, can we not stay in this city for some time? We have just arrived . If we leave right away, it would be disappointing . We want to have some fun here before going . Just one or two days will be fine with us . We would like to have some rest while we are at it . ”

Ying looked to Tanya as she found herself in a dilemma . It wasn’t easy to refuse their request, but Ying and Tanya weren’t there as their bodyguards . They were on a mission Troy a.s.signed them . They didn’t have any intention of delaying their duty, but the sisters are his daughters and Princesses . Their request wasn’t problematic, either . Honestly, Ying wanted to refuse them .

Tanya responded, “You shouldn’t be asking us that but this young man . Didn’t you come here to help him? How did it suddenly turn into a vacation? Have you asked for his opinion to stay here?”

The four sisters froze . Frankly, they had practically forgotten what their goal was . They tossed their ambition to the side long ago . All they wanted to do at that point was have fun . They were excited about the scenes they’ve never before seen since it was rare for them to get an opportunity to leave the palace .

Ling Yue’s thoughts: “True . I didn’t come here with the intention of playing . My goal was to prove to Dad that I’m not a kid anymore, wasn’t it? Forgetting my primary objective and pursuing leisure is not how an adult behaves… Not only is that unlike an adult, but I’ve even forgotten my Moon Fox Tribe teachings…”

Liu Yue looked over to the youngster . He seemed to have already predicted it . With a hopeless smile, he said, “It’s all right . Honestly speaking, we’re here earlier than I expected . I must say that your s.h.i.+p is incredibly fast . The longest we can stay for is two days, though . We’ll need to head back afterwards . My Queen will prepare things in the palace for the next two days, so there won’t be any business . However, I think that it’s better to return as soon as possible . ”

Truth be told, the youngster shared Ying’s thoughts . He didn’t want to waste another second, but he didn’t have much of a convincing reason to reject their request to play . After all, he was the one who called them over . He was disappointed . He thought their relations.h.i.+p with them was decent, but the four paid no heed to his concern . They didn’t understand his feelings at all . He wanted to hurry back to his Queen’s side . He wanted to report the good news to her . His Queen desperately needed this good news during a time of depression in the city, yet the four girls didn’t care about him .

“Really?! Fantastic!”

Nona was so delighted she could jump in celebration . However, she realised that she, alone, was the only one cheering . She looked at her sisters with a bewildered look only to realise that n.o.body else revealed such a cheerful look . The four clearly reached an agreement to stay for some time when they exchanged eye contact, yet Liu Yue and Vera held on to mixed emotions .

Vera quickly s.h.i.+fted her gaze back to the port’s city and went silent . Liu Yue’s tail slightly trembled . She had to admit she totally forgot about him .

The four sisters didn’t have any secrets between them to speak of . The circle was a closely knitted one, but it was difficult to allow a fifth person into the circle . The four sisters already had somebody they were devoted to, so they wouldn’t have paid attention to the youngster . It didn’t matter if the other three didn’t care, but Liu Yue felt she was a bit too cruel . She remembered when she had the happy conversations with him at her door . She remembered how indescribably excited she was over what he told her . The four sisters rarely had secrets, but her conversations with him at night were a secret between the two of them, yet she completely forgot what he wanted . The youngster gave her what she wanted, but she never spared him any thought .

“I think we should head straight there, instead . Miss Tanya is right . We should be considerate of his feelings . We didn’t come here for a vacation . We came to prove ourselves . We came here because we could help this young man, so we can’t just continue playing around . We need to finish our work before we return here to play . I think we should head there now,” a.s.serted Liu Yue .

Nona never expected to hear those words from Liu Yue . Nona treated the trip as a holiday . She couldn’t care less about the youngster’s issue . She didn’t care from the start where political warfare was concerned; hence, she joined her sisters for a holiday: “But we haven’t been here yet . If we just head over, wouldn’t it be a loss? This is our first time here . Our moms and dad aren’t here, so we can play however we like . Plus, didn’t he say that it was okay to delay it for two days?”

Nona didn’t show any signs of giving up . She turned to her elder sister to plea for help, but Vera ignored her . Vera, instead, argued, “Liu Yue is right . We’ve lost track of our goal . We don’t have any more time to play around . The situation is urgent . We don’t have any excuse to idly waste time playing around here . I’m certain that we’ll be absentminded if we stay here, which includes you, right? If our only guide is absentminded, we won’t be able to enjoy ourselves . We’ll do the hard work first, and put playing aside for now . We’ll help out first . ”

“I… I’m fine… It’s just two days . ”

This sudden back and forth made the youngster feel embarra.s.sed . He felt guilty as though he ruined the girls’ holiday . He glanced over to Liu Yue . He stuttered when he wanted to say something, but Liu Yue ignored him . She narrowed her long and narrow fox eyes: “Lots of things can change in two days’ time . Also, you must want to return sooner, don’t you? I think the sooner we get to the palace, the better . Since we said we’d help you at the start, we’ll uphold our promise . Troy is our dad . We won’t allow our dad to be criticised, so the sooner we go, the better!”

Noticing the youngster’s guilty expression, Tanya stated, “We do have time to have some food, though . ”

The youngster was an interesting fellow . The young girls wanted to make it up to him for forgetting their promise to him, yet when he realised he killed their mood, he started feeling a little guilty . He didn’t seem to be a bad individual . In fact, he seemed soft . It wasn’t surprising to know that the ruler would have him stay with her daughter . He wouldn’t step out of line, ever .

“We were all on the s.h.i.+p together and have not had a good meal . On the way to the palace in the horse carriages, we will have to eat simple meals, so we can have a meal we will not get to enjoy in a long time . How about it, Princesses? We do not plan to go for some fun, but we do need to eat, right?”

Liu Yue’s tail sprung… similarly to a happy smile coming to someone’s face…

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