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Chapter 32
Two Veras and Two Nations

The food that night was delicious; there was no debate there . Even Vera, who did her absolute best to show her dignity as the eldest daughter, revealed her true nature before the dishes . She, like her sisters, buried her head in the food . Miss Vera joyously watched the sisters indulged . She had a doting look and tenderness in her gaze . She looked Tanya’s way and remarked, “The Princesses are truly cute . ”

“Thank you . The four Princesses’ father is King Troy, and their mothers are beauties in their own right, so it is natural for them to be cute . ”

Tanya proudly puffed her chest as though the compliment was for her and not the four Princesses . The four bashfully smiled . The youngster at Miss Vera’s side smiled, as well . He reported, “Miss Vera, the four Princesses helped me out a lot during my time there and even saved my life . ”

Miss Vera turned to the youngster with a smile . She then looked at the four Princesses and, in a serious tone, said, “I see . I owe you my grat.i.tude, then . Money cannot buy loyalty, but true loyalty is priceless . He is my most trusted bodyguard and friend . When I heard of his mishap, I struggled to regain my composure . To be able to see my loyal bodyguard and friend again, your a.s.sistance was integral . Princesses, your souls and appearance are both beautiful . I would like to give you my heartfelt thank you . ”

Miss Vera stood up as she spoke . She gave the four sisters a deep bow . Startled, Nona tried to stand up in a fl.u.s.tered fas.h.i.+on while still chewing her food, but Vera yanked her impolite sister back . Surprised, Liu Yue’s ears twitched . Liu Yue replied, “We did not actually do anything . It was merely his loyalty to you that moved us . We, too, do not hope to see someone innocent die . ”


Truthfully, the things that took place between them were rather complex . The same could be said about their relations.h.i.+p . It was far from being as complex as was worded . With that said, they judged it pointless to tell everything to Miss Vera . Furthermore, the four weren’t willing to mention how they had the tables turned on themselves when they were locked up . It was a humiliating experience .

“Kindness is the nicest gift the heavens have given your father . Of course, the same could be said for you . When I see you, I have nothing but respect for King Troy, who I have not had the fortune of meeting yet . As his daughters are so gentle, kind, strong and brave, he must be even more brilliant,” praised Miss Vera .

Hearing praise for Troy was commonplace for Ying and Tanya, which was why they didn’t react . The sisters, on the other hand, excitedly exchanged eye contact with each other . The four told themselves they were there as their father’s representatives . Hence, they had to make sure they didn’t embarra.s.s him . To know that their deeds not only avoided negative opinions but even earned praise put radiating beams on their faces .

Miss Vera noticed the cheerful tail moving about in the chair . She looked to Liu Yue, teeming with curiosity: “Liu Yue… correct?”

Liu Yue forgot to wipe the b.u.t.ter by the corner of her mouth with her napkin . Her long ears twitched when she looked at Miss Vera, which was a sign that she was slightly nervous . Miss Vera scanned Liu Yue’s long tail and ears: “You are… not a human, correct?”

“Correct . I am a member of the Moon Fox Tribe . ”

Liu Yue didn’t find the question offensive because she wasn’t human . Liu Yue was honoured to be a member of the tribe . She proudly looked at Miss Vera and twitched her ears, which indicated that she didn’t mind Miss Vera was from a different race .

Miss Vera scanned at Liu Yue’s smooth, soft tail and ears . She curiously asked, “How amazing… Can I have a touch…?”

Liu Yue hesitated a bit . Her tail was most definitely out of bounds . Realising that, the youngster lowered his head to whisper in Miss Vera’s ear . Miss Vera apologised: “I see . I understand you cannot let others touch your tail . I am sorry for my very rude request . I apologise . ”

“Oh, no… Mm… I cannot let you touch my tail…, but you can touch my ears . If you insist…”

Liu Yue felt bad since Miss Vera was so understanding and immediately apologised . She leaned her head over . Miss Vera wiped her hands with a smile then carefully pinched Liu Yue’s ear . She cheerfully complimented, “What beautiful fur . Though I do not understand fur, I a.s.sume your fur must be the most outstanding type . ”

Ying calmly stated, “Miss Vera, using terms of praise for goods is not considered praise . ”

“Oh, you’re right . You’re right . You’re right . I apologise, I apologise . It was because I did not know how to describe it . It’s my first time seeing something magical . It’s rare for mana to exist due to the stones we have . As such, we do not have such a pretty and esteemed magical existence such as you . By the looks of it, we have missed out on lots of beautiful things . ”

Miss Vera pulled her hand back . Liu Yue didn’t feel uncomfortable with the way Vera touched her by any means . In fact, she felt somewhat happy . Miss Vera muttered something next to the youngster’s ear . He responded with a small nod . Liu Yue didn’t hear what exactly was said; however, she knew it wasn’t anything harmful to her .

“Now, then, one thing that has my interest is having the same name as Princess Vera . ”

Vera vigorously raised her head . She waited for a long time to hear the coincidence mentioned . She knew that she’d definitely be queried and prepared . With a smile, Miss Vera said, “Here, we would say that it is destiny to describe two unrelated individuals who coincidentally share a relations.h.i.+p . I think we were fated to meet . I believe my father and your father did not discuss it, so sharing the same name with each other is a beautiful coincidence . Princess Vera, please tell me, when you saw me and now that you are sharing dinner with me, do you feel that I have shamed your name?”

Vera shook her head: “No, Miss Vera . Your etiquette is very much so up to standard . I admire that . If possible, I hope to be as graceful as you are in the future and become a qualified Queen . I do not want to embarra.s.s this name, either, and I most definitely do not want to taint your name . ”

“I am very envious of you . Females succeeding the throne seem to be common over there . You would make a wise ruler who would not pale in comparison to your father . Nevertheless, as you have praised me, I, too, shall do my utmost . There are still countless others who oppose me solely because I am a woman . ”

“Competence has naught to do with gender . ”

“You’re right . ”

The two Vera’s mutually smiled . Miss Vera then said to the four sisters, “This time, I want to prove that competence has nothing to do with gender . I also hope that you four Princesses can a.s.sist me . I do not need you to run around for me . All I need is for you to stand behind me . I will feel absolutely rea.s.sured with you standing behind me . ”

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