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Chapter 37
Correct and Wrong Order

“Imperial palace open day? I sure admire her courage . I can’t tell if she’s confident in her people or if she’s confident with herself, or maybe she’s just plain foolish . ”

The red liquid in Ikana’s gla.s.s swished around as if it was sticky blood on a wall . She had one of her long and slender legs over the other, gently teasing the edges of the cork with her toes . She left a pink mark on the cork with the soft bottom of her foot . She narrowed her eyes and added, “Is this our opportunity or a trap?”

“Consort, if this fails, all of our spies may be revealed . Now is not the time for us to act, so they do not have plans to act ahead of time . Problems may arise once we allow them to operate freely . I suggest we do not act and await orders . It should be fine as long as we do not veer off our original plan,” expounded the advisor .

Ikana had a drink . Her blood-red lips and the blood drink glimmered underneath the flame, making Ikana evilly enchanting .

The advisor had a valid point . The spies Ikana planted in Galaluocia were components of a perfect machine . Every single spy was essentially a component that would spring into action with her click . Everything that was done before was to prepare for the day it was switched on . The imperial palace open day was, truthfully, too sudden . If they were given permission to act, they’d be acting without a plan . They didn’t have time to get together and delegate work, either . That meant it depended on solo operations . Trying to operate a machine with each component in isolation all of a sudden was pure foolishness . In fact, one component might get in the way of another . If one person failed, it would result in a comb throughout the city . That could potentially lead to the destruction of the machine that was prepared .

Tomorrow was the imperial palace’s open day . There wasn’t enough time for news to reach Galaluocia from Ikana’s place and for them to gather and discuss . If they went that route, the open day would basically be over by the time they were ready . could watch everybody dance and if somebody was lucky enough, they might be able to eliminate Vera in the chaos . If they failed, however, the entire plan would be forfeited .


Ikana understood that lack of forbearance in small matters upsets great plans . The one thing Ikana least lacked was patience . A woman, who could wait four years to take her revenge, could easily wait two more days . Moreover, Ikana had never winged anything . She wouldn’t bet her future on an uncertainty . That being said, that was when it didn’t concern Abner . This time, it had to do with Abner and her bliss .

Ikana was already incredibly vexed about not having a child, which also led to many n.o.bles sending their daughters into the palace . Abner didn’t mention anything, but Ikana was aware everybody had a limit . Ikana was a harem on fire . If Vera insisted on rising from the ashes, Abner might not be able to stand firm in his stance; Ikana wasn’t confident he could . For that reason, Ikana contemplated her move . Ikana, who never gambled, seriously pondered if she should take the leap of faith . If it succeeded, she could make things right once and for all . The death of others had nothing to do with her .

Seeing Ikana have a rare moment of silence, the advisor had to remind her, “Consort? King Abner will be back any moment now . If you do not make up your mind…”

Ikana irritably scratched her head then stood up: “I know . Find the three least important teams, and have them make an attempt to test the waters . If it works, kill Vera in the process . Everyone else is to stay on standby and await orders . ”

“Consort, if we do that, we may never have the chance again . If it goes awry, Vera really will be successfully crowned . Then, we will not be able to strike in time . ”

“This chance is just as important . Since Vera is so confident, we can’t sit around and not respond . We can also take this opportunity to lower her guard . The ones to deliver the fatal blow aren’t the spies . If they succeed, that would be perfect . If they fail, I have another plan, so send the message . I truly hope to hear good news at afternoon tea . Now, get lost,” Ikana brayed .

The maid came in to supply a second cup and midnight snack . The advisor bowed out . Ikana checked herself out and returned to her room . Whatever the case may be, Vera’s issue was tomorrow . There was something that required her attention before that, specifically, how to serve her husband tonight .

Current time at Galaluocia Imperial Palace .

“Mister, sorry, please wait a moment . ”

The young man in white turned his head to look at the youngster . Puzzled, he asked, “Is something the matter?”

“It is about Miss Vera . ”

The young man in white was slightly taller, but the youngster didn’t want to raise his chin to look at him . He took in a deep breath before articulating his thoughts: “It is about guarding Miss Vera . How confident are you that you can protect her? Miss Vera is my master . To be frank, I do not feel a.s.sured with you by her side . If it is possible, I really hope you can give up on staying by Miss Vera’s side on your own accord . If you can go to the rear, I would be very grateful . ”

“Sorry . It is not I who took the initiative to approach her but Miss Vera who asked for me to stay by her side . ”

Indeed, Vera did give the order . She allowed the young man in white to stand by her side to protect her during her speech . The youngster was slightly jealous . After all, he was the only person who could stand behind Miss Vera to protect her . That said, it was more about his concern . They had yet to verify the young man in white’s ident.i.ty . Though he was with Troy, Tanya and Ying didn’t have any more information other than, “We have, indeed, seen him before . ” Miss Vera indicated that she trusted him, but the key was whether or not the young man in white could actually demonstrate loyalty .

The young man in white nodded: “Perhaps you are right . I am not loyal to Miss Vera . I understand what you’re thinking, since I, too, am a guard . Giving your back to a stranger is unquestionably unwise . ”

“In that case…”

“But I still must stand behind Miss Vera to protect her,” the young man in white cut the youngster off . “King Troy’s order for me was to protect Vera . It’s true that my loyalty isn’t devoted to her, but I am absolutely loyal to King Troy . Therefore, I will be sure to earnestly carry out my order to protect Miss Vera . “

The youngster was rendered speechless . The young man in white bowed and went to leave . However, the youngster hollered from behind, “Are you sure? Are you sure that King Troy wants you to protect Vera?”

“I am . ”

“Then, are you sure which Vera he wants you to protect?”


*Though Ikana is officially regent, she’s referred to as consort due to her relations.h.i.+p with Abner .

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