Publishedat 27th of August 2019 07:22:55 AMChapter 18
Elven Forest (10)

Lucia rolled over . She rubbed her eyes and greeted the sunlight . Her angelic daughter was asleep next to her . She couldn’t resist the urge to caress her daughter and kiss the latter’s cheek . She sat up and slid her thin blanket slid off . The tip on her breast bounced ever so slightly . In truth, ever since she began breastfeeding, Lucia began to gradually feel aroused in spite of not craving it before . However, she felt too embarra.s.sed to explicate it, for she never thought about it . Plus, her husband was in the elven lands specifically to recuperate, so she didn’t think about it .

Lucia picked up her clothes from the side and took her time getting dressed . She pulled the curtain open . It was noon . Lucia still slept at dawn and woke up in the afternoon . Her daughters, however, were probably having an afternoon nap . The maids took care of the girls in the morning, since Lucia struggled to adjust her sleep hours . Lucia wore on her dress then flicked her short hair . She didn’t wake her daughter up; instead, she called for a maid .

After applying her make-up, Lucia left the room to have lunch . After lunch, she returned to her bedroom . Her daughters had just woken up and were happily playing with the maids . After breastfeeding her girls, she cheerfully played with them for a while . Afterwards, she went to afternoon tea with children from n.o.ble families after the daughter of a n.o.ble elder invited her . Under normal circ.u.mstances, the children of n.o.ble families weren’t permitted entry into the flower garden in the backyard . Thanks to Lucia, though, they were allowed to enter Vyvyan’s personal flower garden .

The girls were delighted . They loved the new and peculiar plants . Lucia nostalgically scanned the flower garden . The flower garden was where her life of bliss began . It was back then when she was young that she received the most beautiful birthday present in her life, her Prince .

“If I may be honest, Lucia, you’ve dramatically changed compared to your former self back then . ”

“Hmm?” With her cup in her hand, Lucia she smiled and touched her face: “How exactly have I changed? If you’re saying that I’m more mature, I’m quite confident about that . ”

“Not just that . Lucia, you’re now different to the impression you gave us in the past . After all, you were a tomboy who was always with His Highness,” stated a young girl . She had a sip of tea then scanned Lucia: “You used to be as energetic as a boy would be, yet now you are so gentle and motherly . We never expected you to have this side to you . Moreover, you were able to marry His Highness, which was something we didn’t expect . ”


“Sina once really liked His Highness; but unfortunately, His Highness didn’t seem to be interested in her . We were curious who he liked . We never imagined you’d be able to marry His Highness . Not to mention that you even have children now . How shall I put it? You looked so ordinary back then when you ran around all over the place . We never expected His Highness would choose you, but you two look as though you’re enjoying a life of bliss . ”

“Ah, that was a very long time ago…” Sina helplessly smiled and sprawled down onto the table .

Lucia pursed her lips . She was in a good mood . She looked at the girls around her: “Indeed, I do really love His Highness . To be frank, there was a point in time that I never thought I’d be able to be with His Highness . It’s just as you said: I’m just an ordinary elf . That said, I’ve always done my best . I suppose I’m able to have what I have today thanks to His Highness loving me . ”

Sina heaved a breath . She then s.h.i.+fted her gaze to the garden: “You sound as though you’re bragging . What you’re saying is torment to a woman such as me, who failed in love . I guess it’s a true blessing to be able to marry His Highness… It’s been so many years, yet I have never seen another elf like His Highness . There really is just one Prince . ”

Lucia proudly nodded: “That is a fact . How could there be a second Prince in this world?”

Suddenly, rustling sounds came from inside the flower garden . The girls looked in the direction of the sound . A white deer charged out . After looking at the girls, it turned and vanished into the flower garden again . It didn’t seem to be afraid of the girls whatsoever . Lucia observed it with her curiosity piqued: “I never realised that there was a white deer here? Was it brought in at some point?”

“Ah, a white deer? I haven’t seen one in a long time . ”

“Speaking of white deer, His Highness’ steed is the White Deer King . While it has a poor personality, it’s friendly with my husband . ”

The girls nodded and then turned back to resume their original discussion . Lucia was right about one thing, though, and that was that white deer didn’t live in the rear flower garden . Never in the past and not now .

Current time in the Eastern forest .

I sneezed . Mommy Vyvyan asked, “What’s the matter, Son? Are you not feeling well?”

“Ah… No, I don’t think I’d catch a cold when I’m an elf, would I…?”

“True…” remarked Mom, touching my head: “There’s no problem with your mana, either . Son, take care of yourself . Could the cold air from before affected you?”

“No, Mom . I think I’m all right . The real question at hand is, ‘is the girl really inside this cave?’”

“Ah, the last trace of mana was here . ”

I looked at the small opening . The hole looked as though some animal dug it . I had no idea how she got in there . Mommy Vyvyan formed a flame on her hand: “We’ll send a flame in, and blow it up from the inside . Water will do, too . I don’t think we should go in . ”

“You’re right, Mom . Even so, I think using water and smoke would be better . We shouldn’t blow her up . After all, we still don’t know if she deserves the death penalty . ”

“Let’s use water, then . ”

Mom extended forth her hand . Mom ushered the water from the creek nearby toward her hand . She “Whoever you may be, I can forgive you if you sincerely admit your wrongdoings . However, since you’ve decided to hole up, I have no choice but to resort to this . Whether or not you die is not on us . ”

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