Chapter 27

There were essentially no twists or turns in the discussion with the North . I remember the discussion for the Korean War continued for many years . This time, however, it didn’t even take an afternoon .

The Queen in the North had no requests except to return home . She didn’t want to rule anything or desire any status . She just wanted to return home . I promised her that she could return home . I told her she could return to the South with us, and that I wouldn’t harm any more anthropoids .

During the discussion, I mentioned the winged race . The Queen smiled as she looked at me and asked, “Do you know where the elder went?”

“I don’t . ”

“He committed suicide . ”


“That is right . He stabbed himself through the neck with a short sword and died leaning back in a chair . His blood ran along the tip of the blade and trickled onto the ground, creating a puddle of blood on the ground . Grand Commander, you might be surprised by that news . That elder is but a shrivelled up old man . He was very old, but he still had that much blood . ”

The Queen of the North chuckled, and then looked at me calmly, “Do you know how I know so much? That is because he committed suicide where I took shelter . He died in front of me . He initially hoped to deal a heavy blow to your army here, and then continue to let his tribe rule the North . However, the person behind you, I am referring to Ling Yue, and your cannons drove him to despair . He knew that there was no chance he would live, because standing behind you was Ling Yue, who is your lover . He knew that Ling Yue would not forgive him,”

“Good on him, because if I got my hands on him, he might not have been able to die so nicely . Having said that, I don’t think Ling Yue wants to see me kill other uninvolved people, so I shall let your Leah decide on what to do with the winged tribe . I hope that she can provide me with a list of names of those involved in the extermination of the Moon Fox Tribe . That way, I will be able to mete out their punishment,” I replied with a nod, “Now, then, Miss Evelyn, please do not worry . We will bring you back with us when we return . Do not worry . I will head back as soon as possible for my Lucia . ”

“When is ‘as soon as possible’?”

“When my younger sister arrives here . ”

I couldn’t stay here and deal with the things here . I had to bring my Freya over . I couldn’t return if I had to manage the city in the North . I didn’t want the North, but I couldn’t let it fall into absolute chaos either . I needed to have someone come over and help me handle it . After thinking about it, the person I trust most was Freya .

Freya was truly pitiful . She was always helping me put out fires and pulling overtime every day . I needed to pay her back when I have free time . I, at least, need to go out and have fun with her as a true brother .

Freya was truly pitiful . She was always helping me put out fires and pulling overtime every day . I needed to pay her back when I have free time . I, at least, need to go out and have fun with her as a true brother .

“Send this letter to Troy City . Make sure you get it to Freya . Take half of the guard unit back and bring me Freya safe and sound . ”

I wrote the letter as fast as I could and handed it to the messenger . The messenger nodded and Shusia, who was next to me, nodded . He took a team to go and pick up Freya . Freya was vital to me . If something happened to her, my conquest would lose half the chance of success . I had to ensure her safe arrival .

Queen Evelyn looked at me and solemnly said, “You need not worry . If you can trust me, I can help you appease the people and help them settle down during this time . You can trust me . I will not do anything that can harm you; I merely want to help you . I have admitted our defeat, but I am still the Queen of the North . As long as I am still here and I declare my ident.i.ty, n.o.body can act in my name . ”


I looked at her and considered it .

‘I think the suggestion will work . The Queen has no intention of fighting any war and based on Leah’s behaviour and actions, she doesn’t want any power to rule the North . She just wants to return to the south . Strictly speaking, she wasn’t my enemy in this war . She was simply a pitiful ruler . In that case, I can trust her . But is it really all right for me to hand my right to rule that I’ve had for such a short length of time to somebody I’ve just known?’

‘I think the suggestion will work . The Queen has no intention of fighting any war and based on Leah’s behaviour and actions, she doesn’t want any power to rule the North . She just wants to return to the south . Strictly speaking, she wasn’t my enemy in this war . She was simply a pitiful ruler . In that case, I can trust her . But is it really all right for me to hand my right to rule that I’ve had for such a short length of time to somebody I’ve just known?’

The Queen saw my distrust for her . She looked at me . Her urgency showed . She explained, “You can trust me . You really can . I am rushed, not because I want to acquire the right to rule the North or anything, I just want to help you return as soon as possible so that I, too, can return as soon as possible . I really want to return soon . I am a descendant of the Galadriel tribe . I want to return with you, as well . ”

I looked at her and shook my head, “But if you’re here, you can’t come back with me . If you help me out here, that will only allow me to return ahead of schedule . ”

“No, what I meant was…”

The Queen looked at me and then at Leah, who was next to her . Leah nodded then picked up where the Queen left off, “I can pretend to be the Queen . I can appease the people, while you take the Queen back . If you and the Queen are both absent, people who have rebellious thoughts will definitely forge a decree from her and revolt . As long as I speak on behalf of the Queen, the people won’t be led astray and, hence, allowing you to return beforehand . ”

“Have you two used this method before? So was the one who was with me Leah or you?”

The Queen giggled . She then replied, “Of course, it was Leah . I do not have such combat prowess . Therefore, the rest will depend on you now, Grand Commander . If you trust us, please fulfil my wish . We will settle the North for you the same way we cooperated before . Please continue to trust us!”

I looked at them . I honestly had no way of confirming it directly .

The Queen giggled . She then replied, “Of course, it was Leah . I do not have such combat prowess . Therefore, the rest will depend on you now, Grand Commander . If you trust us, please fulfil my wish . We will settle the North for you the same way we cooperated before . Please continue to trust us!”

I looked at them . I honestly had no way of confirming it directly .

I had to return . Every moment I spend here is torture, because I have no idea how Lucia is . I desperately want to return to see my pregnant Lucia . I wanted to ensure our child was all right . I really wanted to go back right now .

‘Shall I trust them or… Do I even need to think about it?!’

‘What am I thinking? Why am I in a dilemma? I conquered this land . Behind me is my wife, whose condition is unknown . She’s my Lucia, my wife who has always been with me . I never accompanied her after we got married . She was all alone even after getting pregnant . Do I even need to choose? I really want to slap myself . I can’t believe I was in a dilemma over that . I can’t believe I hesitated!!’

“I’ll leave it with you, then . Rest up tonight, and we will return to Duargana tomorrow during the day!”

There were essentially no twists or turns in the discussion with the North . I remember the discussion for the Korean War continued for many years . This time, however, it didn’t even take an afternoon

The Queen in the North had no requests except to return home . She didn’t want to rule anything or desire any status . She just wanted to return home . I promised her that she could return home . I told her she could return to the South with us, and that I wouldn’t harm any more anthropoids

During the discussion, I mentioned the winged race . The Queen smiled as she looked at me and asked, “Do you know where the elder went?”.

“I don’t . ”.

“He committed suicide . ”.


“That is right . He stabbed himself through the neck with a short sword and died leaning back in a chair . His blood ran along the tip of the blade and trickled onto the ground, creating a puddle of blood on the ground . Grand Commander, you might be surprised by that news . That elder is but a shrivelled up old man . He was very old, but he still had that much blood . ”.

The Queen of the North chuckled, and then looked at me calmly, “Do you know how I know so much? That is because he committed suicide where I took shelter . He died in front of me . He initially hoped to deal a heavy blow to your army here, and then continue to let his tribe rule the North . However, the person behind you, I am referring to Ling Yue, and your cannons drove him to despair . He knew that there was no chance he would live, because standing behind you was Ling Yue, who is your lover . He knew that Ling Yue would not forgive him,”.

“Good on him, because if I got my hands on him, he might not have been able to die so nicely . Having said that, I don’t think Ling Yue wants to see me kill other uninvolved people, so I shall let your Leah decide on what to do with the winged tribe . I hope that she can provide me with a list of names of those involved in the extermination of the Moon Fox Tribe . That way, I will be able to mete out their punishment,” I replied with a nod, “Now, then, Miss Evelyn, please do not worry . We will bring you back with us when we return . Do not worry . I will head back as soon as possible for my Lucia . ”.

“When is ‘as soon as possible’?”.

“When my younger sister arrives here . ”.

I couldn’t stay here and deal with the things here . I had to bring my Freya over . I couldn’t return if I had to manage the city in the North . I didn’t want the North, but I couldn’t let it fall into absolute chaos either . I needed to have someone come over and help me handle it . After thinking about it, the person I trust most was Freya

Freya was truly pitiful . She was always helping me put out fires and pulling overtime every day . I needed to pay her back when I have free time . I, at least, need to go out and have fun with her as a true brother

“Send this letter to Troy City . Make sure you get it to Freya . Take half of the guard unit back and bring me Freya safe and sound . ”.

I wrote the letter as fast as I could and handed it to the messenger . The messenger nodded and Shusia, who was next to me, nodded . He took a team to go and pick up Freya . Freya was vital to me . If something happened to her, my conquest would lose half the chance of success . I had to ensure her safe arrival

Queen Evelyn looked at me and solemnly said, “You need not worry . If you can trust me, I can help you appease the people and help them settle down during this time . You can trust me . I will not do anything that can harm you; I merely want to help you . I have admitted our defeat, but I am still the Queen of the North . As long as I am still here and I declare my ident.i.ty, n.o.body can act in my name . ”.


I looked at her and considered it

‘I think the suggestion will work . The Queen has no intention of fighting any war and based on Leah’s behaviour and actions, she doesn’t want any power to rule the North . She just wants to return to the south . Strictly speaking, she wasn’t my enemy in this war . She was simply a pitiful ruler . In that case, I can trust her . But is it really all right for me to hand my right to rule that I’ve had for such a short length of time to somebody I’ve just known?’.

The Queen saw my distrust for her . She looked at me . Her urgency showed . She explained, “You can trust me . You really can . I am rushed, not because I want to acquire the right to rule the North or anything, I just want to help you return as soon as possible so that I, too, can return as soon as possible . I really want to return soon . I am a descendant of the Galadriel tribe . I want to return with you, as well . ”.

I looked at her and shook my head, “But if you’re here, you can’t come back with me . If you help me out here, that will only allow me to return ahead of schedule . ”.

“No, what I meant was…”.

The Queen looked at me and then at Leah, who was next to her . Leah nodded then picked up where the Queen left off, “I can pretend to be the Queen . I can appease the people, while you take the Queen back . If you and the Queen are both absent, people who have rebellious thoughts will definitely forge a decree from her and revolt . As long as I speak on behalf of the Queen, the people won’t be led astray and, hence, allowing you to return beforehand . ”.

“Have you two used this method before? So was the one who was with me Leah or you?”.

The Queen giggled . She then replied, “Of course, it was Leah . I do not have such combat prowess . Therefore, the rest will depend on you now, Grand Commander . If you trust us, please fulfil my wish . We will settle the North for you the same way we cooperated before . Please continue to trust us!”.

I looked at them . I honestly had no way of confirming it directly

I had to return . Every moment I spend here is torture, because I have no idea how Lucia is . I desperately want to return to see my pregnant Lucia . I wanted to ensure our child was all right . I really wanted to go back right now

‘Shall I trust them or… Do I even need to think about it?!’.

‘What am I thinking? Why am I in a dilemma? I conquered this land . Behind me is my wife, whose condition is unknown . She’s my Lucia, my wife who has always been with me . I never accompanied her after we got married . She was all alone even after getting pregnant . Do I even need to choose? I really want to slap myself . I can’t believe I was in a dilemma over that . I can’t believe I hesitated!!’.

“I’ll leave it with you, then . Rest up tonight, and we will return to Duargana tomorrow during the day!”.

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