"Onii-sama, the Earth Dragons you asked for have arrived at the city entrance. They were not brought into the city to ensure safety within the streets. Please head outside the city. It is cold outside so you must wear more clothing." Freya woke me up the next day when it still wasn"t very bright outside…… To be honest, the scene with Nier and I right now isn"t suitable for children. But Freya has gotten used to it now so she didn"t say anything. I ma.s.saged my head and sat up. I pulled Nier who was lying on my chest off and carefully lay her aside. I then covered Nier up completely with the blanket so that she wouldn"t catch a cold.

I didn"t drink much alcohol last night, but Freya in the other hand was plastered to me. She was virtually going to get into a tussle with Nier. If it wasn"t for Lucia who desperately dragged Freya away, Nier who was absolutely fuming would"ve drawn her sword. Not only did Freya cling to me and refuse to let go, she even mocked Nier and Lucia who had no comebacks at all. Freya resembled my main-wife instead of them

"Good morning, Freya. Looks like you"re sober now."

"Please do not mention what happened last night, onii-sama. Let us both forget what happened last night, thank you very much, onii-sama. Let us not mention last night"s incident again."

Freya cut me off resolutely and looked at me with pleading-eyes. It looks like she really doesn"t want me to bring up last night"s incident again…… For the serious and strict Freya before me right now, last night was a shameful memory. A very shameful memory.

I smiled helplessly and said: "I actually thought the Freya last night was really cute……."


Freya didn"t react with surprise as I thought she would. Instead, she looked at me with an interested expression. She smiled mischievously and then clung to my arm. She then immediately reached for my sensitive spot, causing me to jerk my body away from fright. Behind me was a sleeping Nier. Nier doesn"t really sleep deep. She possesses very strong vigilance signals as a Valkyrie. She only sleeps deeply when I"m by her side. If I called her now, I can guarantee she"ll wake up for sure. And if Nier woke up to this scene, she"d hack me to death, wouldn"t she……?


"Is this what you meant by cute, onii-sama? Did you want me to become a normal-stupid sister who clings to her brother and keeps calling him "onii-chan"? Or… do you like experiencing this sort of forbidden love? I personally don"t mind." Freya giggled mischievously as she clung to my arm and continued, "Of course, if you want me to be like that, I can transform into that type of sister, you know? But then, who will you rely on, onii-sama? When you are able to stand on your own, I will naturally become that sort of sister. When that time comes, you can do anything you want……"

"Don"t do this… Freya……"

Freya and Luna have something in common, and that is that they"re both very skilled in teasing people. I clenched my teeth tightly. My legs started to shake a little. Freya giggled and then hopped to a side. She then made a small bow and said: "Let us go then, onii-sama. Please forget what happened last night. Otherwise, there will be a punishment~."

Before I could reply, Nier gently snorted. Man I was so frightened I nearly got down on my knees. Did Freya plan this?! She hopped off as soon as Nier opened her eyes!

"Dear… where are you going?"

Nier rubbed her eyes and sat up causing the blanket on her to slip off. I looked at Nier"s nude body. I was still feeling it since Freya just teased me…… I swiftly turned around, picked up my cape and replied: "Nothing. I"m going to go and receive some goods. Keep sleeping, Nier. I"ll be back soon for breakfast."

"Alright then, dear. Stay safe."

Nier nodded and then lied back down. She must not be feeling so well after drinking last night.

Freya who stood to the side chucked like a devil. The sight of her chuckling made my hairs stand up. I warned myself not to try and tease Freya in the future no matter what.

My plan is to have two armies.

One of them is the human guards who are learning swordsmans.h.i.+p and archery under Nier"s tutelage.

The other one I want is a heavily armoured elven cavalry unit.

Thought elves aren"t skilled equestrians, I don"t intend transform them into a heavily-armoured cavalry unit. The elves have a better option, and that is Earth Dragons. I remember the ferocity of the Earth Dragons charging at us back then like it was yesterday. I don"t know where I got the courage and fire from back then to not turn-tail. Normally speaking, seeing a horde of Earth Dragons charging at you causing even the Earth to tremble would cause one to flee. That"s just an instinctive reaction.

Hence why I want a cavalry unit who rides Earth Dragons. Why choose elves? Because Earth Dragons are magical creatures. I think that it"s more appropriate to give magical creatures to elves than humans. As you can"t pierce Earth Dragons with blades, we just need to create armour which can guard against ballistae. The Earth Dragons will charge the enemies and open a path. The human cavalry equipped with guns that can fire repeatedly and long-swords will then charge into the s.p.a.ce opened and scatter the enemy groups with firepower before chasing them down with their swords to slaughter them.

Now that"s a perfect tactic. Of course, if I had cannons as well, that would be even better. It"s just that we can"t form a cannon unit in our small city. I still don"t have mom"s level of power so I can"t form an army.

The imperial elf guards Mommy-Vyvyan brought over are outstanding soldiers. As long as they can ride Earth Dragons and train a little more, they"ll have combar power. Moreover, the Earth Dragon cavalry unit won"t need to get into close-quarters combat with their enemies. They just need to keep charging into their enemies over and over. Those who truly need to train are those in the unit that needs to charge into the enemies and slay the enemy army.

I walked up to the side of the Earth Dragons. Honestly, the Earth Dragons have left me with a trauma. I don"t know if it"s Troy"s fear or not, but when I looked into their eyes, my body trembles on its own. These herbivore creatures that look docile are very frightening when they go wild. However, Freya didn"t even react. She instead scanned the horde of Earth Dragons with interest and asked me if she could touch them.

"Your majesty, the Earth Dragons you asked for are all here." The head-merchant wiped his forehead of sweat. It looks like it was very tough for him to transport the Earth Dragons. I nodded. This group of Earth Dragons shouldn"t be bad, right……? I can"t tell. But judging from their physiques and gazes, they don"t look bad. They should be tough Earth Dragons, right?

An Earth Dragon can run much faster than a horse. They"re like a rhinoceros. Would you not be afraid if a horde of rhinoceros charged at you and you only a short-sword in hand? It"s a bit of a waste for there to be only one rider per Earth Dragon. Let"s see if I can use a set-up like that used with armoured-elephants which would allow another elf to toss magical potions at the enemies or fire arrows at the enemies.

"Very good. Thank you. This is your payment. Keep it safe."

I handed him a bag of gold coins. Once he counted them to ensure it was the correct amount, he gave a deep-bow and then rode his horse off.

The guards standing around the Earth Dragons didn"t know what to do.

However, I don"t intend to train the Earth Dragon cavalry unit here because elves can"t stay in humanity"s lands for too long. I need Mommy-Vyvyan to transport this group of Earth Dragons to the elven lands. If they train here… uhm…… That means I need to go and see Mommy-Vyvyan… Uhm……

After Mommy-Vyvyan made a suggestion that could destroy all morals in the world… I"m somewhat scared of her……

But the most dangerous part is… tonight is a full-moon night……


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