Publishedat 10th of July 2019 05:49:23 AMChapter 33
For the Alliance” is no Longer a Slogan (Part 13)

Troy City’s Imperial Palace had been left barren for a very long time . Basically, n.o.body lived there for months . However, it maintained operations as per usual . After all, after what happened last time, where King Troy Galadriel Rosvenor furtively returned out of the blue, everybody a.s.sumed that he would definitely be furious if he came back to see his imperial palace abandoned .

Originally, a statue of Elizabeth and Vyvyan was erected at the front of the palace . However, the statue at the plaza had been torn down . A new statue had yet to be erected, leaving the plaza empty . Technically, the plaza was empty before, as well; but nonetheless, it was difficult to get used to seeing it barren when the statues that were there were torn down . It was such an odd feeling that people lamented why there was nothing there anymore .

As a new city, Troy City had reached a phase of steady development . The flowers that covered the entire outside of the city were the source of the city’s wealth . Troy’s initial plan had some problems . Troy City wasn’t a city that wasn’t unrelated to all three parties; it was a city that was related to all three parties . It was the only city where humans and elves cohabitated . Additionally, a fair number of second generation children in Troy City were actually hybrids between humans and elves . The elves, who were driven out of their homeland, weren’t belittled or despised at Troy City . Humanity needed them to earn money, after all . Moreover, they were legitimate citizens of Troy City . In other words, they were of the same status as humans .

People from the North didn’t have any animosity for elves, while the elves never killed their family members, either . None of them every entered the military to bring up the matter with the elves, either . As a result, they really liked these species that were different to themselves . The elves were also very grateful to the citizens of Troy City for accepting them . That was why the citizens of both races managed to get along in harmony . Eventually, elven goods had begun to appear in stores .

The city was also essentially Troy’s first bastion . Lots of policies he personally devised were left behind; therefore, the operating system was very similar to the current system employed in the North .

At present, forming an alliance between humanity, elves and the North at Troy city would be comparable to a hand and glove designed for each other . If you wanted to see how the most ideal vision of the three races united looked, Troy City was the perfect exemplar . It was incorrect to say that Troy City unconnected to all three monarchs, for the truth was that all three left their footprints there . That was why all three parties could accept it . Troy City was a wealthy city . The elven dye opened up a good number of new business trades, allowing Troy City to develop into a lively and dynamic city . Although humanity’s lands there were poor, the city flourished . The city was a very successful business-oriented city .

Today was meant to be a typical day at Troy . However, when the people got up and went to the streets, they noticed there was something different . Soldiers in white had occupied the streets . The soldiers were lined up in one straight line on both sides of the road . The denizens of Troy City had no idea what happened, but they soon realised that the soldiers were their lord, Troy’s Guard Unit . They came to the conclusion based on the fact that only Troy’s Guard Unit would have the flag of Troy City . The flag fluttered in the winds every day at Troy City . The people cheerfully gathered onto the street and watched antic.i.p.ation . The guards cleared out the centre of the street and maintained order .

I looked Troy City, which was in front of me . From atop the White Deer King, I remarked, “Honestly, I’m not too fond of these sorts of situations . ”

Riding on a horse at my side, Freya responded with a smile, “There would be no need for it if you brought your family here for some fun . But did you hear what I previously said? Or have I not said it? It is only natural that a King’s lifestyle is more extravagant . The extravagances and luxuries are not for you to enjoy, though . Instead, they are for others to admire . Your extravagance is your pride and dignity as a King . n.o.body will have respect for someone in rags . What you are currently doing is for humanity and elves to witness . Only by showing that you, too, possess a majestic aura and power, will elves and humans take us seriously . We can be considered a new government established in the North . If we do not show off our greatness, how would they have respect for us? This is actually one of the benefits Troy City offers you . I am referring to the fact that your military can enter . ”

Correct, only our military in the North could enter Troy City, because it was mine . The military in the North could enter Troy City, but humanity and the elven militaries weren’t permitted entry . Only their monarch’s bodyguards were allowed to enter .

I arrived two days before my moms . I planned to take Dragon Mom to the hot springs, and let her have some fun in Troy City .

Dragon Mom looked up at the golden Troy City . She couldn’t help but reveal a smile . With her eyes on the city before her, she softly said, “Is this humanity’s city? This is my first time seeing one . I must say, there are so many humans . I can sense countless breaths from here already . But, there seems to be elves inside, too?”

“That’s right, Mom . This is a city with both elves and humans, Troy City .   It’s named after me . Mommy Vyvyan and Mommy Elizabeth originally had it built so that I could stay here . Nonetheless, I went to the North in the end, so this city became a backup base for me . ”

Dragon Mom didn’t seem to quite understand . That was perfectly normal, nonetheless . She had only learnt how to live; she was uninformed of the politics and military affairs between humans and elves . She didn’t seem to care about those things, having said that . All of her attention was on the news that the city was a gift to me from my two moms .

Dragon Mom pinched her chin . After some hesitation, she said, “Do you want a city, Son? Do I need to give my son a city as a mother? I don’t quite understand, but if it’s necessary, I can give you a city in the desert . Then I can just go capture some humans and elves to put there . ”

I helplessly smiled . I honestly wouldn’t put it past Dragon Mom to do that . She was never had any experiences, and therefore no concept of the logic we utilised . She’d do anything to please me . Last time, I don’t know who told her about good morning kisses being French kisses, but it took me a long time to rewire the idea and tell her that good morning kisses were merely cheek or forehead kisses not necessarily lip kisses . Afterwards, I banned everybody around me from making dangerous jokes about lip kissing to Dragon Mom, because she would actually do it .

I smiled: “That doesn’t count as a city, but merely a prison, doesn’t it? Don’t worry about, Mom . You’re my guest here, so I’ll take proper care of you . Don’t worry about pleasing me . ”

“Really? That’s good, that’s good . I’m very happy . Honestly . I am very happy to hear you say that” said Dragon Mom, with a happy smile . Then she looked at me . In a content manner, she added, “In that case, I shall do so, then . My dearest son, since that is what you want, Mommy won’t think too much and wait in peace . ”

With a smile, I replied, “All right . That’s for the best . Mom, since you’ve come to my city, it’s best if you don’t need to do anything . Just stay by my side . Let’s go to the hot springs together in the evening . ”

“Hot springs?”

“It’s essentially a hot bath, but outdoors . ”

Dragon Mom’s eyes instantly gleamed with excitement: “Outdoors?! Where outdoors? On the mountain?”

“If you consider it a mountain, then I guess so . ”

“Can I revert to my dragon form, then?”

I looked at Dragon Mom with a hint of surprise . She appeared eager to revert to her dragon form . She wanted to fly in the sky . She wasn’t quite used to staying in her human form all the time . Perhaps Dragon Mom wanted to soar in the sky in her large form that she was familiar with . I guess it was fair . The Imperial Palace was a little too constrictive for her . I should, indeed, let her let loose a little .

“Sure . After we get out of the springs, you can soar through the sky as you please, Mom . ”

“You want to join me, Son?!”

Well, I did have dragon wings on my back, but I wasn’t skilled at flying . I could only use my wings to glide . I couldn’t control it too proficiently, because the wings weren’t controlled with my arms . Furthermore, I didn’t enjoy the feeling of flying so much . It was always freezing cold whenever I flew; at was a very agonising feeling . Hence, I turned down Dragon Mom .

Dragon Mom looked slightly disappointed . Maybe flying in the sky together was an act of intimacy for dragons . She quickly smiled again, though . She looked at the city before her with excitement . I nodded . I knew what she wanted to do most then was enter the city .

I smiled, and then kicked the White Deer King with my foot . She turned around to give me an angry reaction . I quickly stroked her neck carefully as a means of apologising . Smiling, I said, “Now then, let’s enter the city . ”

“All right . ”

The people around me nodded . I didn’t bring my family for the trip . I only had my Dragon Mom, Freya, Luna, Ying and Tanya, who led the forces in ahead of time .

Honestly, Tanya’s change was the most surprising change to me . If she was considered an excellent guard in the past, she was a lot more mature and steady in comparison after I returned . And, it seemed she was already an excellent general .

I heard Mommy Elizabeth educated her . In just a short month, she managed to cultivate Tanya into a terrific general . Part of it was due to Tanya’s ability to pick up what she was taught, and the other half was Mommy Elizabeth’s outstanding education skills, I’d a.s.sume .

Along with the sequence of horse hooves… and deer hooves, the representatives of the North entered Troy City . It would be the grandest moment in Troy City . It wasn’t another military alliance, but an eternal alliance between humans, elves and the North . It would be the continent’s moment of unification after thousands of years .

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