Chapter 37

I looked at the Queen and told her, “Sorry, I can’t let you return home . ”

She looked at me with a smile . “It is fine . You have already done what you promised . I was actually prepared for this, because the Galadriel tribe never changes . That is the nature of the Galadriels . They never make compromises . Of course, if you were the leader of the tribe, chances are things would change . ”

“No, that’s not all I want to say . Leave the South . I’m serious . Leave the South . This is no longer about whether you can return home or not . When I told the tribe about you, they rejected you . However, I noticed that a number of Imperial Guards were missing when I left today . Though it’s said that Vyvyan commands the Imperial Guards, in reality, it’s the Galadriel tribe that commands them . Zelal has the authority to command them . ”

Evelyn’s expression turned a little grim . I elaborated, “You must leave the South and go North . You can’t go to Troy City, either, despite it being my city, as you won’t be able to fight against the elves representing my mom . You must head North . The North is out of bounds for the elves . They won’t go to the North, so you should head back . ”

She looked at me and pleaded, “I… I do not want to go back… The North is a nightmare to me . I never want to recall the things I went through in the North . If I must die, I want to die in the South . I want to die in the sea of flowers in the South . I want to die next to my own kin . I do not want to pa.s.s on in the North in the freezing snow all alone . ”

“What causes you pain is the former North . The North is now mine, Evelyn, don’t forget that . The North brought you endless suffering in the past . However, you must believe that the fault doesn’t lie with the North, but that winged individual . I will provide you with a peaceful North, and I will turn it into the South . Trust me on it . ”

Evelyn revealed a smile . “I believe that you do not feel so strongly about wanting me to return to the North to protect me, right? Grand Commander, I surmise that you must want me to do something in the North, correct? Tell me . As long as it is a reasonable request, I will be sure to help you . Having said that, I no longer have anything but myself, so what can I do?”

“You, alone, are enough,” I answered with a chuckle .

She saw through me . Indeed, I wasn’t simply worried about Evelyn . I hadn’t known her for long . I would be very sad if she died, but I wouldn’t feel guilty about it . In a situation where even Lucia was at risk, I had to prioritise Lucia . As for Evelyn, it was fine as long as she didn’t die . She wouldn’t die if I send her back to the North . Plus, she could be useful and help me .

“Uhm, I hope that you can go to Ling Yue’s home . I really hope you can go there . There’s n.o.body at her home now and she insists on returning home . Unfortunately, I can’t leave right now . If possible, I’ll definitely go and keep her company, or bring her into the palace, but I can’t do that right now . I need to stay by my wife’s side . Ling Yue can’t look after herself alone at home, so I hope you and Leah can stay with her . ”

“Honestly, I am not very good at looking after another . ”

“That’s not a problem . Ling Yue won’t require a lot of looking after . Her pride won’t let her accept your help, so you just need to keep her company . You just need to be there so that her house isn’t so cold and empty .

“That’s not a problem . Ling Yue won’t require a lot of looking after . Her pride won’t let her accept your help, so you just need to keep her company . You just need to be there so that her house isn’t so cold and empty .

Evelyn nodded . “If that is what you have in mind, I can do that . It seems that I do not have any other choice, anyway . ”

“That’s right . If you stay in the South, you may die . I didn’t tell them that you’re at the city entrance . I believe that the Imperial Guards are wary of my guards’ presence and don’t dare to approach this place . Additionally, without my orders, my guards would never let them search this place, so you are safe . I will arrange for people to escort you back to the North . After that, reside at Ling Yue’s house for some time . I will return to the North very soon to handle matters there . ”

“Very soon . Roughly how long is that?”

“At least until my Lucia is safe and sound . My sister, Freya, is in the North . She still needs to get a grasp on the situation in the North, but Freya will soon have a general understanding, and then deploy plausible policies . ”

“You seem to trust your sister a lot . Since she is your sister, she would only be about sixteen, correct?”

I nodded . “Mm, even younger . However, wisdom is not limited by age, is it? Though it is slightly embarra.s.sing, the reality is I rely on my sister a lot . To me, my sister is my true pillar for ruling the North . The same goes for Troy City . If I didn’t have her, I might as well scorch the North . ”

I nodded . “Mm, even younger . However, wisdom is not limited by age, is it? Though it is slightly embarra.s.sing, the reality is I rely on my sister a lot . To me, my sister is my true pillar for ruling the North . The same goes for Troy City . If I didn’t have her, I might as well scorch the North . ”

Evelyn smiled . She then sounded somewhat hopeless as she said, “If the people around me were the people around you then my North would not be the way it is now . Why are all of the people around me that sort of people?”

“Probably because I’m a universal lover . ”

Evelyn smiled . “Are you talking about sharing your love generously with other women?”

I had no counterargument, so I just smiled helplessly . “I can’t help it . Maybe it isn’t my mistake . After all, it’s not my fault there are always so many perfect girls around me . Besides, I always experience all sorts of tales with those girls . ”

“I think that you are the only person who could treat said stories as something to boast about,” remarked Evelyn, with a chuckle . She stood up . “I promise you to go, and keep Ling Yue company . By the way, do you not intend to marry Miss Ling Yue?”

“I have no means of giving her a wedding,” I replied . “But I still love her . I can’t hurt my Lucia for my love, though . Lucia is so weak right now . I can’t take Ling Yue there, and tell Lucia I want to marry Ling Yue . I won’t have an opportunity to, either . I can’t marry another woman after my child is born . As such, Ling Yue has to be resigned to being my mistress . ”

“I think that you are the only person who could treat said stories as something to boast about,” remarked Evelyn, with a chuckle . She stood up . “I promise you to go, and keep Ling Yue company . By the way, do you not intend to marry Miss Ling Yue?”

“I have no means of giving her a wedding,” I replied . “But I still love her . I can’t hurt my Lucia for my love, though . Lucia is so weak right now . I can’t take Ling Yue there, and tell Lucia I want to marry Ling Yue . I won’t have an opportunity to, either . I can’t marry another woman after my child is born . As such, Ling Yue has to be resigned to being my mistress . ”

“Is Ling Yue all right with that? I do not think that Ling Yue’s dignity and pride will allow her to be your mistress . ”

“I know that Ling Yue must be unhappy about it, but I can’t do anything about it . She understands how much of dilemma I am in over this matter, and she’s also very understanding . She hasn’t pestered me or forced me . Instead, she chose to help me . She was willing to return to her home . I’m very grateful to her, but sadly, this is all I can do at the moment . ”

“Will you come and visit her?”

“Of course I will . I’ll definitely go visit her, because I love her . I want to stay at her side and watch over her, as well . We will have our own child, as well . We definitely will!!”

I looked at the Queen and told her, “Sorry, I can’t let you return home . ”.

She looked at me with a smile . “It is fine . You have already done what you promised . I was actually prepared for this, because the Galadriel tribe never changes . That is the nature of the Galadriels . They never make compromises . Of course, if you were the leader of the tribe, chances are things would change . ”.

“No, that’s not all I want to say . Leave the South . I’m serious . Leave the South . This is no longer about whether you can return home or not . When I told the tribe about you, they rejected you . However, I noticed that a number of Imperial Guards were missing when I left today . Though it’s said that Vyvyan commands the Imperial Guards, in reality, it’s the Galadriel tribe that commands them . Zelal has the authority to command them . ”.

Evelyn’s expression turned a little grim . I elaborated, “You must leave the South and go North . You can’t go to Troy City, either, despite it being my city, as you won’t be able to fight against the elves representing my mom . You must head North . The North is out of bounds for the elves . They won’t go to the North, so you should head back . ”.

She looked at me and pleaded, “I… I do not want to go back… The North is a nightmare to me . I never want to recall the things I went through in the North . If I must die, I want to die in the South . I want to die in the sea of flowers in the South . I want to die next to my own kin . I do not want to pa.s.s on in the North in the freezing snow all alone . ”.

“What causes you pain is the former North . The North is now mine, Evelyn, don’t forget that . The North brought you endless suffering in the past . However, you must believe that the fault doesn’t lie with the North, but that winged individual . I will provide you with a peaceful North, and I will turn it into the South . Trust me on it . ”.

Evelyn revealed a smile . “I believe that you do not feel so strongly about wanting me to return to the North to protect me, right? Grand Commander, I surmise that you must want me to do something in the North, correct? Tell me . As long as it is a reasonable request, I will be sure to help you . Having said that, I no longer have anything but myself, so what can I do?”.

“You, alone, are enough,” I answered with a chuckle

She saw through me . Indeed, I wasn’t simply worried about Evelyn . I hadn’t known her for long . I would be very sad if she died, but I wouldn’t feel guilty about it . In a situation where even Lucia was at risk, I had to prioritise Lucia . As for Evelyn, it was fine as long as she didn’t die . She wouldn’t die if I send her back to the North . Plus, she could be useful and help me

“Uhm, I hope that you can go to Ling Yue’s home . I really hope you can go there . There’s n.o.body at her home now and she insists on returning home . Unfortunately, I can’t leave right now . If possible, I’ll definitely go and keep her company, or bring her into the palace, but I can’t do that right now . I need to stay by my wife’s side . Ling Yue can’t look after herself alone at home, so I hope you and Leah can stay with her . ”.

“Honestly, I am not very good at looking after another . ”.

“That’s not a problem . Ling Yue won’t require a lot of looking after . Her pride won’t let her accept your help, so you just need to keep her company . You just need to be there so that her house isn’t so cold and empty

Evelyn nodded . “If that is what you have in mind, I can do that . It seems that I do not have any other choice, anyway . ”.

“That’s right . If you stay in the South, you may die . I didn’t tell them that you’re at the city entrance . I believe that the Imperial Guards are wary of my guards’ presence and don’t dare to approach this place . Additionally, without my orders, my guards would never let them search this place, so you are safe . I will arrange for people to escort you back to the North . After that, reside at Ling Yue’s house for some time . I will return to the North very soon to handle matters there . ”.

“Very soon . Roughly how long is that?”.

“At least until my Lucia is safe and sound . My sister, Freya, is in the North . She still needs to get a grasp on the situation in the North, but Freya will soon have a general understanding, and then deploy plausible policies . ”.

“You seem to trust your sister a lot . Since she is your sister, she would only be about sixteen, correct?”.

I nodded . “Mm, even younger . However, wisdom is not limited by age, is it? Though it is slightly embarra.s.sing, the reality is I rely on my sister a lot . To me, my sister is my true pillar for ruling the North . The same goes for Troy City . If I didn’t have her, I might as well scorch the North . ”.

Evelyn smiled . She then sounded somewhat hopeless as she said, “If the people around me were the people around you then my North would not be the way it is now . Why are all of the people around me that sort of people?”.

“Probably because I’m a universal lover . ”.

Evelyn smiled . “Are you talking about sharing your love generously with other women?”.

I had no counterargument, so I just smiled helplessly . “I can’t help it . Maybe it isn’t my mistake . After all, it’s not my fault there are always so many perfect girls around me . Besides, I always experience all sorts of tales with those girls . ”.

“I think that you are the only person who could treat said stories as something to boast about,” remarked Evelyn, with a chuckle . She stood up . “I promise you to go, and keep Ling Yue company . By the way, do you not intend to marry Miss Ling Yue?”.

“I have no means of giving her a wedding,” I replied . “But I still love her . I can’t hurt my Lucia for my love, though . Lucia is so weak right now . I can’t take Ling Yue there, and tell Lucia I want to marry Ling Yue . I won’t have an opportunity to, either . I can’t marry another woman after my child is born . As such, Ling Yue has to be resigned to being my mistress . ”.

“Is Ling Yue all right with that? I do not think that Ling Yue’s dignity and pride will allow her to be your mistress . ”.

“I know that Ling Yue must be unhappy about it, but I can’t do anything about it . She understands how much of dilemma I am in over this matter, and she’s also very understanding . She hasn’t pestered me or forced me . Instead, she chose to help me . She was willing to return to her home . I’m very grateful to her, but sadly, this is all I can do at the moment . ”.

“Will you come and visit her?”.

“Of course I will . I’ll definitely go visit her, because I love her . I want to stay at her side and watch over her, as well . We will have our own child, as well . We definitely will!!”.

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