Publishedat 13th of September 2019 06:15:27 AMChapter 4

I was a little sad when I entered the outer court, to be frank . Usually, I’d instantly be met with a smile and the greeting, “Welcome home . ” In saying that, I did hear it in the Imperial Palace in the North nowadays, so it wasn’t that big of a deal to me .

I went up the steps . I didn’t say much to Castell . He was aware that I was in a rush, so he didn’t keep me . He merely told me that Mommy Elizabeth was currently attending a usual daytime conference and, thus, had to wait for her to finish .

I think I came back too soon . Normally, it’d take me another two days before I’d arrive . I was in a rush, however . Therefore, n.o.body knew about my return . The Valkyries who came to welcome me were probably only under orders to do so, which was why they came straight to welcome me . They didn’t appear as though they expected me to be back so soon .

“What’s Nier up to at the moment?” I wondered .

I pushed open the door . Nier wasn’t there to greet me . I scanned the interior to see her lying on the bed with Daisy in her arms . The two were sound asleep despite the golden orb already coming out . I heard footsteps from my side . Two maids came over when they heard the door open . They froze when they first saw me then asked, “Your Majesty?”

The two maids must’ve been new for they didn’t recognise me . I gave them a nod: “Don’t worry and don’t wake them . Just leave . ”

“Yes, Your Majesty . ” The maids nodded and bowed respectfully before leaving .


I entered and shut the door . I removed my cloak and tossed it aside . I unb.u.t.toned my s.h.i.+rt and undid my belt . I carefully went over to lie down next to Nier and gently hugged her . She was usually very vigilant and would wake up . A mere rustle from a breeze could wake her right up at night, yet she didn’t wake up . Perhaps she wasn’t vigilant of me .

I poked Daisy’s sleeping face with my finger . She grouchily smacked my finger away with her puny hand then snuggled up in her Mom’s arms . I laughed and then peacefully closed my eyes . I really needed a respite after the long journey that I rushed through .

Current time in the conference hall .

Elizabeth rested her face in her hand . She sat on her throne feeling bored as she watched the crowd on the other side of the black veil debate amongst each other . The topics they were debating got more and more boring . Needless to say, she had no final say no matter how they debated it .

“I really don’t understand why they’re so enthusiastic,” thought Elizabeth .

Elizabeth wasn’t a lazy monarch . To the contrary, she was a diligent monarch . She just didn’t want to spend her time and energy on farming field dimensions or agricultural reforms . There was something else she was currently more concerned about and that was her son’s arrival .

“My son should still be rus.h.i.+ng back, I think . I must let him try the new dishes I learnt when he comes back . I can’t accept that elf being the only one who knows how to cook,” Elizabeth said to herself .


Despite Elizabeth shouting out, the black veil didn’t open . While it was true that Castell didn’t always have to stay there, he always did stand there . That day, though, he wasn’t there . Perhaps the Valkyries informed Castell that Her Majesty called for him . Somewhat unhappy, Elizabeth tilted her body . There was no real point in having him there, but it did allow her to have drinks and food on hand .

Castell swept open the black veil and smiled: “Sorry, Your Majesty, I just went out . Before you say anything, I need to share a good piece of news with you . His Majesty has arrived . ”

“What?” Elizabeth froze . She sat up half way and asked, “Where is he? What did you say? My Son? Where’s my son now?”

“He is currently at the outer court . He is currently with Royal Princess and Archd.u.c.h.ess . ”

“I see…”

Elizabeth stood straight up and swept aside the black veil in front of her . Everybody stopped and looked at her, confused . It wasn’t time to finish the meeting yet . Plus, they had only gotten to the third topic on the agenda . It was still too early to end the conference .

“Castell will handle it all . Do as you wish . I now have something else to attend to . This conference ends here . ”

“So, may I ask what it is that is so important?”

“My son is back . ”

Elizabeth ignored everybody behind her and took off, leaving behind Castell, who wore a helpless smile . Castell resumed his duty, which was cleaning up the aftermath of Her Majesty’s wilful departure . He looked at the frantic crowd and softly chuckled: “So, then, please summarise your thoughts and topics of discussion with me . I will report back to Her Majesty afterwards . Of course, though Her Majesty said that she was leaving it to you, do you have the courage and resolution to do so? I understand what you are thinking . ”

“Yes . ”

The crowd nodded and then gradually left the hall .

Castell sighed, thinking, “Empress Elizabeth must have arrived at the outer court by now . ”

Indeed, Elizabeth was already inside the outer court . She pushed the guards and maids by the door aside and bolted to the outer court . She also pulled off the annoying black veil on her face and threw it aside . She pushed the door open and exclaimed, “Son, have you come back?! Son, ah…”

Elizabeth blankly looked at the scene before her, awkward . Nier rubbed her eyes and propped herself up to look at Elizabeth in a confused manner . Upon noticing Elizabeth, she went to get up . Just as she went to stand up, however, she found herself restrained, causing her to fall back with a loud thud .

I scrambled to my feet and looked around . I fumbled as I asked, “What’s wrong, what’s wrong? What happened?”

Daisy began to cry . She was probably displeased Elizabeth disturbed her sleep . Nier picked Daisy up in a fl.u.s.tered manner and placated her . Elizabeth stroked her long hair and then helplessly smiled: “Sorry, it appears I disturbed you . It’s already noon, though, so, mm, good morning, Son, Nier, oh, and Daisy!”

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