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Chapter 48
Before the Ascension

The four sisters wanted to go out to play more; they even wanted to come back for a holiday . Unfortunately for them, Miss Vera refused them . Taking into account the incident, Ying and the youngster were also against the four sisters going out to play . As a result, this adventure of theirs quickly turned into being grounded in the imperial palace . Life in the imperial palace was initially quite fun, but it was soon boring as they had spent several days there .

The four sisters were aware of how dangerous life outside the palace was . They had a lingering fear after the last incident, but they didn’t need to worry for long for something worse was coming: the coronation ceremony . The coronation ceremony was two days away . The entire imperial city was at its most tense moments . Entry into the palace was forbidden . The trustworthy guards took care of gifts delivered to the palace . The soldiers on the streets would kill anyone who did anything that crossed the line .

The last comb had, indeed, cleared out lots of armed special agents and spies . Regardless, Miss Vera kept up the strict safety regulations . Miss Vera knew full well that spies and special agents were weeds she could never be completely rid of . She witnessed group after group killed off, while others were locked up . Nevertheless, it was enough to put a dent in Ikana’s plan, thereby making it a lot safer on the coronation ceremony day .

Miss Vera didn’t want to witness violence . Howbeit, she understood that, if she didn’t give Ikana a bit of disciplining, Ikana would continue acting audaciously and fearlessly . She couldn’t eliminate all of the spies and special agents . At the very least, lots of Ikana’s plans should go down the drain . As for Ikana’s backup plans, Vera had to cross that bridge when she came to it . She didn’t know what Ikana was thinking . Perhaps Ikana might behave herself on the coronation ceremony day .

“You will have excellent positions for the coronation ceremony . You will be able to be behind her to see her wear on the crown . I believe it will be the most grandeur ceremony you will witness in your lifetime . We will receive the blessings of the pope in the imperial palace’s largest hall,” informed the youngster, excited .


The hall was the most resplendent edifice in the palace . Even the four sisters from the North would, presumably, be astounded . There was a huge and tall dome overhead . There was colourful gla.s.s at the very top . The light s.h.i.+ning down bathed them in the holy light . The huge saint and angel stone statues were extravagant and majestic . The statues prayed in silence next to the huge windows . Though they were in the palace, the hall had a religious vibe . It was a fitting place to be crowned .

The Imperial Palace in the North was a larger in size, but the latter’s design wasn’t as s.p.a.cious since there were buildings on either sides of the palace . To the rear was a snowy mountain, which restricted the area available to the palace . That explained why the Imperial Palace in the North focused on building upwards . There were lots of rooms, but they weren’t as big .

“You can come here in the future . Mm, this is where the throne will be . This is where you will be . You can stand on the steps if you want to get a better view . ”

The group walked to the end of the statue . Walking from the entrance of the room to the rear was enough to tire and annoy them, bearing in mind that was just one room . The throne was situated beneath the statue of the G.o.ddess that the nation wors.h.i.+pped . Eyes shut, their G.o.ddess wore a long robe and cloak, a gentle and friendly smile . She had her hands supinated and open . On one hand was a long sword, on the other, a scale . It was supposed to signify that fairness, justice and military might coexisted .

There were three steps below the throne . Those who could stand there were those who held important statuses around the Queen . Standing on the stands beside the throne would allow one to see the entire scene down below . That was the position next to the Queen – the spot all va.s.sals of the nation craved to stand on .

“Nice, nice, we can see everything here, right?”

Nona couldn’t her excitement . She loved the design of the hall . Smiling as she looked at the throne, she asked, “Can I have a sit on it to have a feel for it? I honestly want to know how it feels . ”


The youngster found himself in a dilemma . The throne wasn’t the throne in the North; it was Miss Vera’s throne . While he was cognisant of the fact that Nona meant no ill will or held any ulterior motive, it wasn’t something anyone could sit on as they pleased . It would cause awkwardness and potential trouble if she did sit on it . With that said, he couldn’t bear to refuse her when he saw her innocent and cute look .

The youngster checked the surroundings then awkwardly tried to change the subject, but Liu Yue sighed . She grabbed Nona’s collar: “Don’t be wilful, Nona . The throne is a symbol of Miss Vera’s authority . You can’t just sit on there because you want to . This is not our home, and Miss Vera isn’t Dad, either . She will not make compromises for everything . ”

“Oh, you’re right…” Nona pouted then backed off two steps while sadly looking at the throne .

Relieved, the youngster expressed his att.i.tude to Liu Yue with a glance, while Liu Yue furtively smiled .

Vera inquired, “It’ll be held here in two days, right? It should go smoothly, right?”

“Not here, no . The people who are permitted to enter this place are trustworthy . The important part is after the coronation . Once the coronation is complete, Miss Vera will have to make a lap around the imperial city in a horse carriage . That’s when she’s most susceptible to peril . There are plenty of high locations and streets in the city . Countless, people have entered the city . It’ll be hard to fend off any threats during that time . In addition, due to there being so many people around, it’s going to be even more troublesome for us to move around . ”

The four sisters nodded . They’d seen situations where there was an ocean for a crowd . That was how things were whenever their father went on his once-year tour . In saying that, their father never feared .

Present time at Abner’s side .

“You’re a maid I trust . I’ve had you by our sides for a long time now . I know Ikana trusts you, and I know she’s plotting something behind my back . I’m not angry, but I’d like you to help me find out what she’s doing . ”

“Understood . ” The maid nodded then left .

Abner continued moving his hands along the keys of his instrument . Ikana, who was in the adjacent room, probably only heard her husband was a man who was fond of music and art . However, his fondness for music and the arts didn’t prevent him from having his own “antennas” . Abner didn’t want to get together with Vera again; but nonetheless, he didn’t want the girl to just leave, either . He did have a bright chapter with her in his past, after all .

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