Publishedat 5th of October 2019 11:02:57 AMChapter 49

I really wanted to be able to return to Troy City the next day; however, behind me was an organised army . Two armies were marching ahead of me . One army transported siege weaponry and large cannons along with their march . Mommy Elizabeth and I didn’t travel in a horse carriage . Instead, we rode with the cavalry . It was the first time I saw the red uniform army in full battle mode . Every soldier wore neutral expressions . They didn’t express anything in relation to the life and death battlefield . Every single soldier’s uniform’s b.u.t.tons were scrubbed s.h.i.+ny . The march that shook the Earth was in unison . Aside from the messenger who ran back and forth between units to deliver commands, n.o.body uttered a word .

That was Mommy Elizabeth’s most formidable weapon she used to conquer this world .  That was the invincible red uniform army . They were the strongest from numbers to equipment . Every soldier present was determined to fight to the very end and never retreat . Although I heard of their dominant exploits before, when I was amongst them, they intimidated me .

The army I led to the North wasn’t the complete red uniform army . The majority of the soldiers who accompanied me to the North were mainly support soldiers . They were locals at Karana’s place . Though they underwent the empire’s training regime, they still weren’t on the level of the most traditional red uniform army . Frankly, I thought one field operation army was adequate .

Nier rode alongside us . The Valkyries in their white robes and on their white horses rode around the horse carriage with the flag representing the royal family . Inside of the carriage were maids and my daughter, Daisy . The Valkyries’ most important task was to ensure Daisy’s safety . Nier should’ve also protected her daughter, but she argued that I needed more protection .

When I remembered the things she said to me, I felt her primary goal was actually to supervise me . Daisy should be the safest . Troy City didn’t have an army . Even if the new church distributed weapons to their followers, their untrained rioters couldn’t possibly take on an army .


“If we maintain this pace, we should arrive at the perimeter of Troy City in two days’ time . Son, you didn’t send anybody to speak with the new church’s pope? Do you really want to just attack Troy City? It may now be under the new church’s control; it’s your city, nevertheless . The city is named after you . Don’t you think that destroying it would be a pity?”

“I already sent someone, but he never replied . I don’t know what the new church’s pope is planning, but they won’t even release my people . That only makes me worry more for Ling Yue and Liu Yue . ”

Of course, I might’ve just been extra hasty . It had only been a day . He probably hadn’t come back .

I was worried sick about Ling Yue and Liu Yue, though . I prayed Tanya had escorted them back to the North .

Current time at Troy City .

“What are you doing?! What exactly are you doing?! Why are so many people fighting to get out of the city?! Troy will be back very soon! King Troy will be back very soon!” yelled Ling Yue .

Ling Yue stood atop the city wall . Behind the closed doors were the commoners trying to squeeze their way out . Horse carriages were also gathered at the doors . Behind them was a group of people who were so eager to leave Troy City that they were willing to walk if that was what it took . There were mothers holding their children in addition to men protecting their family and carrying their pitiful luggage . They looked up at Ling Yue, feeling as though they stood at the precipice of despair .

“We don’t want to resist anymore . How are we supposed to resist against Ling Yue? We can’t break through the doors or walls of Troy City no matter what we do,” thought the citizens

The citizens had lost the courage and will to resist . Freya once believed the people were mere beasts who didn’t need attention . The people were finally the equivalent of sheep that could be slaughtered however one pleased .

“Everyone, everyone, you don’t need to run . You don’t need to run! King Troy, your lord, will soon be back . Why do you have to run? Troy is coming back to save you . He will come back to protect you . Why do you want to run?”

The people below didn’t respond, but they continued to charge toward the doors . They looked at Ling Yue with pitiful and hopeless gazes . Their gazes left Ling Yue feeling hurt and hopeless . She didn’t understand why the people flocked to the doors when she returned . She didn’t understand why they wanted to flee .

They were oppressed and bullied . Troy was coming back to save them . The city was never called the city of freedom when it was under Troy’s jurisdiction, but that sort of situation never occurred .  n.o.body could push others around with their weight . n.o.body could rob and run rampant because they had a gang backing them up . Women didn’t have to feel scared all the time . Men didn’t have to worry about returning home to see their house burnt or worried that their wife and children were dead .

The city of freedom meant freedom for others . So-called freedom was forever a privilege exclusive to the powerful and influential . The purpose of law wasn’t just to rule but to protect those without power . How was everybody able to lead normal lives under Troy’s rule? It was because Troy’s power was everyone’s power . Thus, everyone could enjoy the same freedom .

“Why? Why? Why do these people want to flee? Why? Do they not want normal lives? Why do they want to flee when Troy, the man who can save them, is coming back? Why do they want to run? Everybody should be eager for the King’s return . Why is everybody running? What exactly happened?” questioned Ling Yue .

Ling Yue wanted to prove how just and n.o.ble her husband was to the doubtful people . Ling Yue yelled at the top of her lungs . She gave her first command since coming to Troy City: “I won’t allow anyone to leave Troy City . You should be my husband’s citizens; not his enemies . You should wait here for my husband to return . I guarantee . On the name of my tribe’s honour, I guarantee that you are the people my husband needs to protect . Even if a war does erupt this time, my husband won’t possibly harm you . Wait here . Wait here . Don’t leave this place . It’s dangerous if you leave this place . Don’t be afraid of those people behind you . I am Troy’s wife . I will protect you! Troy will release you!”

“There’s no need for them to fear my husband; he would never harm them,” Ling Yue told herself .

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