Publishedat 15th of May 2019 06:26:28 AMChapter 53

The mana dissolving potion was just an ordinary liquid to Nier and Lucia . Wait, no, correction . Lucia would probably die on the spot as I did if she drank it . However, it was basically lava to the flood corpses outside . It was the same as Altair to water, because they’d instantly dissolve .

The mana dissolving potion spilt onto a flood corpse’s foot, and the flood corpse instantly dissolved, starting from its foot until nothing remained . It completely melded in with the liquid on the floor . The mana dissolving potion dispersed on the deck leisurely as opposed to aggressively . Only half of the flood corpses were still moving about, albeit slowly . It melted any flood corpses it made contact with . The flood corpses were clueless as to what happened . All that was left for them to do was wait to be erased from existence . Nier was so stunned that she had no words .

I pushed the door open . The sea breeze and ice-cold droplets of water splashed onto my face . I stepped outside .  The Valkyries, who were on the deck huffing and puffing, blankly watched the flood corpses vanish right before their eyes . They had no idea what happened . They probably perceived the red liquid spreading across the deck to be blood . The flood corpses were dissolved as fast as they overtook the deck . The Valkyries swiftly dispatched the remaining flood corpses, and we reoccupied the deck .

“Your Majesty…”

“Lucky, lucky . I thought the flood corpses were complete mana ent.i.ties and would be dissolved…”

“That’s not entirely true . Some of them can still move, albeit very few of them . ”

Lucia looked at the dissolving agent on the ground and treaded carefully, as the mana dissolving potion on the ground was lethal to her and I .

“We’ve overcome our plight, then . I still have a few bottles of mana dissolving potion . I want to go and a.s.sist the other s.h.i.+p,” I said .

I ran to the edge of the deck . The initially calm waters had turned tempestuous . Big waves moved our s.h.i.+p forward but in a most rocky manner . The waves smashed onto the sides of our s.h.i.+p, splas.h.i.+ng white stinky water all over us . I wiped the water off my face . It was virtually impossible to hang onto the rails, for they were wet .

I narrowed my eyes to try and pinpoint the location of the other s.h.i.+p in the turbulent waters . I had no clue where we were . I holed up in my room right from the start, so I didn’t have the foggiest idea as to what happened outside . I didn’t know if the s.h.i.+p could be steered normally, as the crew went into frenzy and frantically ran, while the Valkyries paid no attention . How would we steer the s.h.i.+p without a crew?

Our surroundings were so dark; it was as though I was blind . In fact, I couldn’t even see the water below . The moon in the sky was seemingly blocked . Personally, not having a moon would make me feel very comfortable; hence, I practically didn’t feel anything on the full-moon night . As a matter of fact, I suspected if it truly was a full-moon night or not . I couldn’t use magic; I’d die if I used it . Peering into the darkness, I belted, “Where’s that s.h.i.+p?! Where’s that s.h.i.+p?!”

From behind, Nier shouted, “I don’t know! I can’t see a thing!!”

Lucia’s small body wobbled on the s.h.i.+p as if she was going to be blown off . She clung tightly to my cloak and exclaimed, “Your Highness, let’s go back! Let’s return to the room! The stormy waves outside are too strong . We’ll be thrown into the sea if we lose our footing!”

“Where’s that s.h.i.+p?! Why can’t I see that s.h.i.+p?!”

A Valkyrie behind me shouted, “If you are looking for Her Highness’s s.h.i.+p, we have split up with her . They seemed to have reduced their speed . They were always behind us; however, I do not know where it is now!”

I dallied for a moment . I then turned around and went up to the Valkyrie . I grabbed her uniform and thundered, “Where are they?! Where are they?!”

The Valkyrie was a little startled . She raised her voice: “I… I don’t know! I don’t know! I don’t know, Your Majesty . I don’t know, either! I don’t know where they have drifted off to . All we can feel right now are the waves throwing us around . We have no idea where we currently are or where they are!”

“True…” I uttered .

I let go of the Valkyrie and slowly took two steps back . I went up to the rails and scanned the dark surroundings; I was at a complete lost for what to do . I gripped the railing tight enough to dig my fingernails into the timber . I focused my gaze on a dark flame . I prayed I’d see a speck of a flame . I didn’t know where they were . As a matter of fact, I had no idea where I was… I muttered under my breath, “Mom…”

My cloak was glued to my body . I was s.h.i.+vering so much, I felt as though I was on the verge of puking . I dejectedly discovered that I was literally the same as I was in the past . I thought I conquered the North and ruled the entire anthropoid race, but… but… I was still powerless when my mom and my family met with danger . I wanted to find them, but I didn’t have any means to .

Silently, I questioned, “What should I do? What should I do? Is there anybody who can tell me what I should do? What exactly should I do? There’s nothing in this vast ocean that I can use to navigate . What in the world should I do?! I just know that I should go and protect my family . I should go and find my moms . I should stand by their side . I might not be able to help them, but I want to know that they are safe and sound . I want to go to their side! They’re currently in danger! I can’t just stay here in the rear and do nothing!”

I faced the deck and yelled, “Is the crew still around?! Is there any crew member left who can operate the s.h.i.+p?!”

A Valkyrie responded, “All of the crew have reached the cabin . They should still be alive, Your Majesty!”

“Call them out . It doesn’t matter or not if we can find them, but we need to get moving first and foremost . We can’t just drift around the way we are . We must move . Figure out where we are first!”

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! We saw another s.h.i.+p! We saw another s.h.i.+p approach us! There is another s.h.i.+p! Look, there is a shadow over there!!”

Nier roared at the Valkyrie, “That might not be a s.h.i.+p but the wyrm! Prepare for battle! If it’s the wyrm, you must be prepared to die . If it’s a pirate gang or something, charge onto their s.h.i.+p and show me a brilliant melee!”

“Crew, get out here! You’ve seen flood corpses already; are you telling me you’re scared of a group of humans?! Get over to the cannons! Get over to the cannons!”

The Valkyries forced the crew inside the cabin out . The crew had yet to recover from the fright the flood corpses gave them . From my side and in a slightly scared tone, Lucia asked, “Your Highness, do you think they’re humans or the wyrm?”

“I actually hope it’s the wyrm . ” I looked in the direction of the approaching shadow . The shadow was approaching us . Alas, we had no clue as to what it was . All we saw was a blocky shadow . I gritted my teeth, “I hope it’s the wyrm, because we won’t have to search for Queen Vyvyan and Empress Elizabeth if it’s the wyrm . They’ll find their way to us when they chase it down!”

The mana dissolving potion was just an ordinary liquid to Nier and Lucia . Wait, no, correction . Lucia would probably die on the spot as I did if she drank it . However, it was basically lava to the flood corpses outside . It was the same as Altair to water, because they’d instantly dissolve

The mana dissolving potion spilt onto a flood corpse’s foot, and the flood corpse instantly dissolved, starting from its foot until nothing remained . It completely melded in with the liquid on the floor . The mana dissolving potion dispersed on the deck leisurely as opposed to aggressively . Only half of the flood corpses were still moving about, albeit slowly . It melted any flood corpses it made contact with . The flood corpses were clueless as to what happened . All that was left for them to do was wait to be erased from existence . Nier was so stunned that she had no words

I pushed the door open . The sea breeze and ice-cold droplets of water splashed onto my face . I stepped outside .  The Valkyries, who were on the deck huffing and puffing, blankly watched the flood corpses vanish right before their eyes . They had no idea what happened . They probably perceived the red liquid spreading across the deck to be blood . The flood corpses were dissolved as fast as they overtook the deck . The Valkyries swiftly dispatched the remaining flood corpses, and we reoccupied the deck

“Your Majesty…”.

“Lucky, lucky . I thought the flood corpses were complete mana ent.i.ties and would be dissolved…”.

“That’s not entirely true . Some of them can still move, albeit very few of them . ”.

Lucia looked at the dissolving agent on the ground and treaded carefully, as the mana dissolving potion on the ground was lethal to her and I

“We’ve overcome our plight, then . I still have a few bottles of mana dissolving potion . I want to go and a.s.sist the other s.h.i.+p,” I said

I ran to the edge of the deck . The initially calm waters had turned tempestuous . Big waves moved our s.h.i.+p forward but in a most rocky manner . The waves smashed onto the sides of our s.h.i.+p, splas.h.i.+ng white stinky water all over us . I wiped the water off my face . It was virtually impossible to hang onto the rails, for they were wet

I narrowed my eyes to try and pinpoint the location of the other s.h.i.+p in the turbulent waters . I had no clue where we were . I holed up in my room right from the start, so I didn’t have the foggiest idea as to what happened outside . I didn’t know if the s.h.i.+p could be steered normally, as the crew went into frenzy and frantically ran, while the Valkyries paid no attention . How would we steer the s.h.i.+p without a crew?.

Our surroundings were so dark; it was as though I was blind . In fact, I couldn’t even see the water below . The moon in the sky was seemingly blocked . Personally, not having a moon would make me feel very comfortable; hence, I practically didn’t feel anything on the full-moon night . As a matter of fact, I suspected if it truly was a full-moon night or not . I couldn’t use magic; I’d die if I used it . Peering into the darkness, I belted, “Where’s that s.h.i.+p?! Where’s that s.h.i.+p?!”.

From behind, Nier shouted, “I don’t know! I can’t see a thing!!”.

Lucia’s small body wobbled on the s.h.i.+p as if she was going to be blown off . She clung tightly to my cloak and exclaimed, “Your Highness, let’s go back! Let’s return to the room! The stormy waves outside are too strong . We’ll be thrown into the sea if we lose our footing!”.

“Where’s that s.h.i.+p?! Why can’t I see that s.h.i.+p?!”.

A Valkyrie behind me shouted, “If you are looking for Her Highness’s s.h.i.+p, we have split up with her . They seemed to have reduced their speed . They were always behind us; however, I do not know where it is now!”.

I dallied for a moment . I then turned around and went up to the Valkyrie . I grabbed her uniform and thundered, “Where are they?! Where are they?!”.

The Valkyrie was a little startled . She raised her voice: “I… I don’t know! I don’t know! I don’t know, Your Majesty . I don’t know, either! I don’t know where they have drifted off to . All we can feel right now are the waves throwing us around . We have no idea where we currently are or where they are!”.

“True…” I uttered

I let go of the Valkyrie and slowly took two steps back . I went up to the rails and scanned the dark surroundings; I was at a complete lost for what to do . I gripped the railing tight enough to dig my fingernails into the timber . I focused my gaze on a dark flame . I prayed I’d see a speck of a flame . I didn’t know where they were . As a matter of fact, I had no idea where I was… I muttered under my breath, “Mom…”.

My cloak was glued to my body . I was s.h.i.+vering so much, I felt as though I was on the verge of puking . I dejectedly discovered that I was literally the same as I was in the past . I thought I conquered the North and ruled the entire anthropoid race, but… but… I was still powerless when my mom and my family met with danger . I wanted to find them, but I didn’t have any means to

Silently, I questioned, “What should I do? What should I do? Is there anybody who can tell me what I should do? What exactly should I do? There’s nothing in this vast ocean that I can use to navigate . What in the world should I do?! I just know that I should go and protect my family . I should go and find my moms . I should stand by their side . I might not be able to help them, but I want to know that they are safe and sound . I want to go to their side! They’re currently in danger! I can’t just stay here in the rear and do nothing!”.

I faced the deck and yelled, “Is the crew still around?! Is there any crew member left who can operate the s.h.i.+p?!”.

A Valkyrie responded, “All of the crew have reached the cabin . They should still be alive, Your Majesty!”.

“Call them out . It doesn’t matter or not if we can find them, but we need to get moving first and foremost . We can’t just drift around the way we are . We must move . Figure out where we are first!”.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! We saw another s.h.i.+p! We saw another s.h.i.+p approach us! There is another s.h.i.+p! Look, there is a shadow over there!!”.

Nier roared at the Valkyrie, “That might not be a s.h.i.+p but the wyrm! Prepare for battle! If it’s the wyrm, you must be prepared to die . If it’s a pirate gang or something, charge onto their s.h.i.+p and show me a brilliant melee!”.

“Crew, get out here! You’ve seen flood corpses already; are you telling me you’re scared of a group of humans?! Get over to the cannons! Get over to the cannons!”.

The Valkyries forced the crew inside the cabin out . The crew had yet to recover from the fright the flood corpses gave them . From my side and in a slightly scared tone, Lucia asked, “Your Highness, do you think they’re humans or the wyrm?”.

“I actually hope it’s the wyrm . ” I looked in the direction of the approaching shadow . The shadow was approaching us . Alas, we had no clue as to what it was . All we saw was a blocky shadow . I gritted my teeth, “I hope it’s the wyrm, because we won’t have to search for Queen Vyvyan and Empress Elizabeth if it’s the wyrm . They’ll find their way to us when they chase it down!”.

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