Publishedat 27th of July 2019 11:59:01 AMChapter 66
Dragons’ Cry Genesis (Part 27)

It truly was a night full of surprises . The yo-yo rollercoaster of emotions I experienced that night was honestly hard to deal with . As a matter of fact, I was somewhat scared . I had the right to be . I was up against just one dragon in the desert . All of a sudden, I was surrounded by a horde of them .

If there was somebody in that village who didn’t sleep at night and gazed at the sky, they would’ve been frightened . Perhaps the dragons in the surrounding area heard mom’s woeful cry . The dragons that had to split up into smaller groups were alerted and flew over here to Mom . They were searching for fellow dragons just as Mom searched for them . They must’ve been very excited to see a dragon here .

Dragon Mom and I were surrounded in the centre . All of the dragons had different appearances . Mom was a black dragon with some brown . These dragons, on the other hand, were all silver dragons . Their scales s.h.i.+ned underneath the moonlight, dazzling our eyes . The dragons had us surrounded . They lied down to curiously scan us . I could feel their hot breaths all around me . The tension led to me grabbing onto Mom’s arm .

Mom softly said, “Don’t be scared, Son . ”

I nodded and then looked at Mom’s face . Compared to me, who was scared, Mom’s gaze was filled with joy and excitement . She gently cleared her throat . She then began to talk to the dragons in the hard to understand language that I hadn’t heard in a long time .

Hearing their language garnered cheerful cheers from the dragons . The excitedly exchanged eye contact with each other and then looked at Mom . The leader, who was the largest silver dragon, lowered its head to salute her . I thought the dragon was a venerated pure-blooded dragon as Mom is, but it spoke in a language that I was very familiar with .

“h.e.l.lo, pure-blooded dragon . It has been a long time . I have not heard the dragon language in a long time . ”

“Why does thou not speak this language?!”

Mom couldn’t be blamed for being startled . The dragon spoke in the elven language instead of the dragon language . Additionally, it was very fluent with the elven language . It was no wonder I easily understood it . Dragon Mom never expected her own kin to speak the elven language . The dragons were ridiculously proud of their culture . They communicated in the dragon language upon meeting . As a dragon, speaking to those belonging to the same race as yourself in another language was incomprehensible .

“I can speak it, but my juniors do not understand it . ” The silver dragon responded in the difficult to understand language .

Dragon Mom jolted and then looked at the silver dragons behind her . I, too, hesitated for a moment . The silver dragon stated its juniors didn’t understand the dragons’ archaic language, which meant that the group of dragons weren’t the dragons who were originally in the desert . Put another way, the dragons there were only children of the dragon race’s previous generation .

The silver dragon shook its body . It switched back to the elven language: “We are the dragons who joined the elves back then . However, our husbands and families were exiled here, so we followed them here . It has been over a hundred years, hasn’t it? Most of our families have pa.s.sed away; hence, we had no choice but to regather and live on as dragons . It has been a very, very long time since we have met a pure-blooded dragon besides ourselves . I heard the outside world state the dragon race has gone extinct . ”

Dragon Mom gave a slight nod, but then she shook her head . In a solemn tone, she replied, “My race will never go extinct . My race still has me . As long as I am alive, my race shall exist . ”

The silver dragon shook its head . Perhaps it was no longer interested in the dragon race, since it had a.s.similated into elven society and lived with its family ever since . Dragon Mom searched for fellow dragon kin due to loneliness . She wanted to prove that her dragon race still existed . She wanted to revive her race, but the silver dragon before her was clearly uninterested . The only thing the silver dragon was interested in was why a pure-blooded dragon visited the area . It, in fact, wasn’t even willing to speak with Dragon Mom in the dragon language . Dragon Mom was the only one who spoke in the dragon language and voice she hadn’t used for millenniums .

I guess Dragon Mom must’ve felt disappointed . After all, she considered the dragons, who joined the elves, traitors, yet she was so lonely that seeing her own kin was enough for her to feel content .

“You, too, are a pure-blooded dragon . How rare . My daughter has elven blood in her . I thought that there were no more pure-blooded dragons anymore . My name is Camille, Camille Mognas . These are my companions and family members .

“I am Sylvanas . ”

Dragon Mom seemed reluctant to give a self-introduction; nevertheless, the silver dragon didn’t say anything . Instead, Camille scanned me: “So then, who are you, Young Man? I can see that you, too, have scales; however, I cannot sense the aura of a dragon from you . ”

Dragon Mom jumped in before I could respond and proudly declared, “This is my son, Troy Galadriel Rosvenor . He is the King of this land . ”

Although she belittled dragons breeding with elves, Dragon Mom was immensely proud of me despite me not being a dragon, so she pushed me forward . I awkwardly smiled: “Indeed, I don’t qualify as a full-fledged dragon… However, it’s true that my mom gave me a second life . ”

The silver dragon narrowed her eyes and then muttered under its breath, “Galadriel, Galadriel… Is the Galadriel surname not the surname of the Elven King? Are you the wife of the Elven King?!”

“I did not know my husband was the Elven King . All I know is that he loved me . ” Dragon Mom avoided the question .

Indeed, Dragon Mom isn’t my father’s wife; she was just his mistress . Therefore, she had no means of bragging . In saying that, her reply was enough to stun the dragons . The way they looked at me immediately changed . They looked at me with respect .

“What’s with these dragons…? They’re dragons . Do they consider themselves elves?” I pondered .

“Your Majesty, you also have dragon blood in you? I am surprise to hear that . Nevertheless, did you come specifically to look for us?”

I nodded: “Yes . My mom was looking for you . It’s actually nothing important . She just wanted to see her dragon kin, that’s all . ”

“I see . It would be lonely to live as the only dragon, indeed . We feel the same way . We got together, because we, too, felt lonely . Our lovers have all pa.s.sed away . Consequently, we gathered together to start a new life . You have helped us out a lot with your visit this time . ”

Dragon Mom froze, and so did I . I was confused . What did our visit help them with? Shouldn’t it be they who have gave Mom a sense of belonging? In spite them not being pure-blooded dragons, they were dragons .

“It’s been rough on you to come here so late . We initially lived in this valley . It was a very beautiful valley, but it was destroyed by the flood . We now live in the forest in small groups . We’re very careful so as to not let others see us . Back then, elves and anthropoids had some issues with each other . We don’t think the anthropoids would be too happy to see us . We’re now too weak to fight . Now that you are, nonetheless, I think we can soon revive our dragon race . ”

I didn’t have the slightest clue as to what the dragon was talking about… We had no plans to live in the area forever . I was worried Mom would choose to live with them, but it didn’t look possible . The dragons were different to what Mom imagined . You could even say that she had a strong dislike for them .

Mom considered herself an esteemed, pure-blooded dragon, proud and esteemed descendant of the dragon race . The dragons, on the other hand, had literally forgotten their pride as a dragon . They had completely integrated into elven society and lived as elves . Dragon Mom looked down on such dragons . The dragons were the only kin she had left, though; hence, a difference in opinion on the matter wasn’t important . Dragon Mom merely wanted to be with her dragon kin, see others spreading their wings next to her and flying with them . Mom was unlikely to live with the dragons . She was probably just going to live with them for some time, as their existence has been confirmed .

“I have no objections if the race can be revived . You have an idea?”

“You’re here now, right?!”

The silver dragon casually looked at Mom, while Mom had no idea what she had done… Frankly, neither did I . But nonetheless, I didn’t want to see it, either . I guess we just had to wait for the silver dragon to make it explicit .

The silver dragon pivoted and said, “Follow me . I shall take you to our gathering spot . Everyone, come to my place after dawn . We are welcoming guests, so we need to prepare a reception for our guests . ”

The dragons nodded and then spread their wings to fly off in different directions . I watched horde of dragons fly off into the sky while feeling perplexed . A few minutes ago, there was only a lonely shadow and tears in the sky . However, there were finally the shadows of others .

Dragon Mom transformed into a huge black dragon . After comparing her to the horde of dragons, I realised that Mom was slightly larger . Make that one size larger .

I climbed onto Mom’s back and tightly hanged on . Seeing as we were ready, the silver dragon took flight . Dragon Mom walked to the edge and, in a soft voice, warned me, “Son, be wary of these dragons . ”

“Huh? Why? Mom, aren’t they the same race as you?”

“Yes . Yes, they are the same race as Mommy . They are, indeed, Dragons . However…” Dragon Mom suddenly extended her wings to blow up a large chunk of snow . Dragon Mom’s voice was slightly inaudible with the whistling of the wind, so I questioned if I actually heard her . She said, “However… They are all female dragons… All of them are… To them, though, you are the only male…”

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