The season has changed to Autumn.

Tsubaki and her schoolmates currently have come for one of the primary school"s seasonal events, autumn-leaf viewing.
Although it was called an autumn-leaf viewing, Tsubaki with her schoolmates who was still in the lower grades is not actually going climbing a mountain to have one.
The school has arranged that the lower grades and middle grades" students" autumn-leaf viewing to be held at a reserved ground within a city park, while only the upper grades" students who could enjoy an autumn-leaf viewing at a mountain after climbing one.

“The leaves color really turned beautifully.” (Tsubaki)
“Looking at this scenery with tea in hand, how luxurious." (Anna)

Seated on a bench that far from the rest, Tsubaki and Anna were admiring the red colored Maple"s leaves with a cup of tea in hand.
This would be perfect if only there"s a maple-shaped steamed bun here, thought Tsubaki as she and Anna exchanging look without a word.
While the two were enjoying their time in leisure like that, there was a shrill voice of the female students who could be heard coming from behind them.

“Mizushimsama. What do you think about this view? You find it beautiful as well, do you not?”
“Yes” (Kyousuke)
“Mizushimsama, I have prepared tea for you over there, please help yourself.”
“I don"t need it” (Kyousuke)
“Do you mind having some tea cakes? I heard they were made in maple"s shapes.”
“Is that so.” (Kyousuke)

And there it goes our peaceful time, thought Tsubaki with a sullen face.

“As always, there"s harem wherever he goes.” (Anna)
“He could at least try to compliment them a little” (Tsubaki)
“Yeah, that is impossible for him, you know?” (Anna)

Looking at the view of Kyousuke who was surrounded by the female students, Tsubaki and Anna let their thoughts known to each other.
Because she did not want to garner unnecessary hatred of the female students by sticking close with Kyousuke all day long, Tsubaki has moderately taken a distance from him. But, every time she was not around him, the female students would immediately swarm him.
It is exactly like a saying "When the cat"s away the mice will play."

And by the time Kyousuke began to move, the female students also began their grand marching.
Seeing that the girls would tagging along with him wherever he goes, Kyousuke"s mood had kept worsening by minutes. And Tsubaki had perceived this as well.

And then Kyousuke, who was already at the limit of his patience, walk towards Tsubaki and Anna at a rather fast pace.
Come on, you could at least hold on for a little while. Thought Tsubaki as she found Kyousuke to be a little pathetic. However, she also believed this might be the best he can do for now. While saying "Heave-ho", Tsubaki immediately stands up from the bench, goes through Kyousuke and confronts the female students who were after him.

"Everyone, could you please restrain yourselves? I believe Kyousuke-san wants to enjoy the autumn-leaf viewing in his leisure." (Tsubaki)
"Ara, Asahinsan. How about you who should restrain yourself? You just wanted to have Mizushimsama all for yourself, are you not?" (Chizuru)

Perhaps for Chizuru, who was a well-bred girl, it was immodest to hitting on a man. That was why she was only watching Kyousuke from a distance all this time.
Even until now, she was only watching the female students chasing after Kyousuke with an indifferent eye, but it"s all change when Tsubaki took a step forward.

"Then Toudou-san, please imagine this. You wanted to spend your time in leisure by watching this scenery. However, there are a lot of people who keep pestering you with question after question. Now, can you keep your patience at that moment?" (Tsubaki)
"That is…" (Chizuru)
"By no means, I am telling you to stop talking to him. It"s just, could you please not overstep the line? You must have known what I mean, no?" (Tsubaki)

Found what Tsubaki said was a sound argument, Chizuru was frustrated and it had shown on her face. However, she regains her composure and returns to her usual self just in a second.

"If that is so, you could have explained that to others before all of this happen, could you not?" (Chizuru)

Said Chizuru as she immediately turned back and go to the place where her followers had been waiting.
Looking at her retreating figures, Tsubaki was filled with guilt as she had consciously using Chizuru"s strong sense of justice for her own ends.

Tsubaki wished for Kyousuke to be able to handle this all by himself, but because he had always been watching his mother"s sickly figure lying on top of bed since his childhood, it has instilled an image of woman as a weak creature in him. That was why he could not be firm toward women and could not tell the female students to buzz off.
Although Kyousuke took a cold att.i.tude toward them and always gave a curt reply, for these girls who were in love with him, every time he happened to answer their question, their reaction was "KYAAA–!! No way, did you hear that? Mizushimsama is talking to me!", and this had made him wonder why they did not get his message and keep after him. Kyousuke still doesn"t know that the mental strength of women in love was as strong as steel.

Seeing Tsubaki was on her way back to the bench after finished her conversation with Chizuru, Kyousuke, who was seated on the bench, then look up to her with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

"You saved me there." (Kyousuke)
"Please do manage it by yourself if they were only that many." (Tsubaki)
"Girls are scary when they come in a group, you know." (Kyousuke)
"How pathetic." (Tsubaki)

Why you suddenly turned into a sheep that was thrown out at a pack of wolves? Doesn"t it was supposed to be the other way around? Thought Tsubaki in wonder.

In contrast with Tsubaki who was disappointed in Kyousuke, Anna was rather supportive and indirectly back him up.

"It can"t be helped. After all, the impression of women you leave in Mizushimsama was strong." (Anna)
"Tsubaki is not so thirsty like them… No, in Tsubaki"s case she is gluttonous?" (Kyousuke)
"Women in general, are carnivores, please keep that in mind." (Tsubaki)
"Why there are no normal girls around me?" (Kyousuke)

Kyousuke was about dropping his shoulders, but since he was the poster boy of the Mizushima, he could not show any unsightly behavior in public.
But, he"s still not capable of doing it so perfectly like an adult so his sadness was shown a little on his face.
Wanted to change his mood, Kyousuke then asked Tsubaki about Sumire.

"By the way, how is Sumire recently? Could she walk already?" (Kyousuke)
"Ee. She can walk already, although she still has to hold onto things around her. And recently my mother is leading her by let Sumire hold onto her hands to have walking practice." (Tsubaki)
"I see. Are you going to bring her along at the Mizushima party this year?" (Kyousuke)
"I believe as long as she is not in kindergarten yet it"s still impossible. My mother and Sumire would be absent, and only me and my father would be attending this year as well." (Tsubaki)

In December every year, the Mizushima house would sponsor a party and it had become one of the Mizushima house customs.
Because there was a possibility for Yuriko and Tsubaki to had a confrontation with Naoko and Mio in a party, they had arranged so Yuriko and Tsubaki to only attend a party that was sponsored either by the Mizushima house or the Asahina house.
The attendees of the party sponsored by the Mizushima house are mostly the executives of the Mizushima company together with their family and the president of their partnered companies. While the attendees of the party sponsored by the Asahina house are limited to relatives only. Thus the people Yuriko and Tsubaki met there were trusted peoples by both houses respectively.
And for a party that was sponsored by the Asahina company"s business partner, usually would be attended by her father alone.

While enjoying the tea and teacakes, Tsubaki was interested in Kyousuke about his friendship with Leon that happened on the summer vacation where they had exchanged their email addresses, so she began to change the subject.

"By the way, Kyousuke-san. What happens with Leon after that?" (Tsubaki)
"Hm? Well, we have been contacting each other frequently. Also since we would have the same destination for a winter vacation in Austria, we already make a promise to meet up there." (Kyousuke)
"Maa, is that so." (Tsubaki)

Tsubaki was relieved after she learns that Kyousuke finally had a friend of a same-s.e.x.
Kyousuke would never try to open himself to others if he never learns how to trust others so she hoped for the friendship he had with Leon to keep goes smoothly from now on.

"It"s almost time to regroup. Shall we go gather with the rest?" (Anna)

Said Anna after she checks the time. After that, the three of them stand up from the bench and get into the buses of each cla.s.s respectively, and then after all of the students get on the buses, the buses move toward the school.
Arrived at the school, Tsubaki then gets into the Asahina"s courtesy car to get home. Arrived at home she saw her father, who would always seclude himself in the Atelier that detached from the house every time he back from work, was walking around the house entrance looking excited.
It seems like he was waiting for Tsubaki because as he saw Tsubaki get off from the car, he immediately rushed over to her.

"I have returned, Otou-sama." (Tsubaki)
"Ah, Tsubaki-chan welcome home. Hey, do you have any lessons after this?" (Kaoru)
"No, today is a day off. Do you need anything from me, Otou-sama?" (Tsubaki)
"Un, a little. It"s hard to talk here so let"s go have dinner outside while at it, what do you think?" (Kaoru)
"Then allow me to change my clothes first." (Tsubaki)

Getting called by her father to have time alone for a talk, Tsubaki was confused as she could not tell the reason for it because she had never caused any troubles.
While still searching for the reason, Tsubaki finished changing her clothes and then she gets into the car where her father had waiting.
Inside the car, Tsubaki has caught sight from the corner of her eyes of her father had repeatedly tried to say something but stopped midway. Feeling bad to press her father about what he wanted to say, Tsubaki decided to spend her time in silence. Eventually, they arrived at a high cla.s.s traditional j.a.panese restaurant.

"The seafood in this restaurant is the best, you know." (Kaoru)

Said Kaoru as he and Tsubaki were guided to the private dining room by the restaurant"s waitress.
Then they took a seat at a table facing each other and enjoying their dinner together.

Just as her father had said, the seafood was so delicious. Especially the Grilled Abalone were it was prepared in thin slices and by the time Tsubaki sprinkle sesame seeds on top of it and put in her mouth, she could feel her cheek melting by the taste.
After finishing her dinner to the last dish, Tsubaki then waiting for her father to talk impatiently.
Finished the tea in a single breath, Kaoru said "Okay" in a small voice to prepare himself, he then looking at Tsubaki, who was wondering about what he wanted to say, and open his mouth.

"Tsubaki-chan, how"s school?" (Kaoru)
"It was fun. I am in the same cla.s.s with Anna and also we just had autumn-leaf viewing on a park today, you know? They also prepared tea and teacakes, it was quite luxurious." (Tsubaki)
"Ah, I had those too before, how nostalgic. Haruki always got himself surrounded by girls and glaring back at them at those times." (Kaoru)
"That was what Kyousuke-san experience today. His mood was turned badly by always getting surrounded by the girls." (Tsubaki)
"I knew it." (Kaoru)

After saying that, they then laugh together.
Believes this was not the main topic, Tsubaki looks quietly at her father. And then, the smiling face that her father shows immediately replaced by a serious expression, and once again he began to talk.

"I know this is too sudden but… Tsubaki-chan, you have a part in you that is much more mature than ordinary children, right? I and Yuri-chan believe that must be because we have been neglecting in pampering you." (Kaoru)
"I do not think so though." (Tsubaki)
"No, even if you said so Tsubaki-chan, this is what we feel all this time. And Tsubaki-chan, up until now, have you ever ask for something or said selfish thing toward us? Never, right? I am really happy that you call me Father. However, I did not take care of you because you are Yuri-chan"s daughter, but because I wanted to be your real father. Ask me for anything if you wish for something, be selfish and troubles me more, don"t hesitate. You see, I love you as much as I love Yuri-chan." (Kaoru)

Tsubaki felt a little moved after hearing what her father said.
I was right. Leave my mother in his care was a good choice, after all. Thought Tsubaki as she began to back-patting herself in her mind.
However, knowing that it is not the time to be immersed in self-praise, Tsubaki then began thinking on how to resolve her father"s misunderstanding.

"Well then, Otou-sama." (Tsubaki)
"What is it!? (Kaoru)

Just as Tsubaki calling him, her father replied in high spirits with sparkles in his eyes while leaned forward and waiting with great antic.i.p.ation.
Her father might be thinking that Tsubaki wanted to ask him for something, but Tsubaki did not have any intention of doing that.
Tsubaki felt sorry for betraying her father"s expectations, but she had to explain to him how she has no materialistic desires and how she is by no means had reserved herself toward him.

"At that time, I thought if it"s you, you could bring happiness for Okasama and in favor of your marriage with her, and I still think so even now. Also, I see you as a real father to me. And if I look like I was restraining myself to you, you are wrong, Otou-sama." (Tsubaki)
"But…" (Kaoru)
"If there is something I want, I will properly ask you. I am not someone who has lots of needs and at present, I am satisfied with what I have. If you thought it because of what had happened four years ago, then you are wrong so please don"t worry. Honorable poverty, that was the way of life mother has taught me since I was little so the current lifestyle I have now is already more then what I could hope to ask for. And if the time comes where I wish for something, I promise, you will be the first to hear, Otou-sama." (Tsubaki)

Tsubaki could not tell her father that she would always compare the price of the goods with her salary from her past life every time she goes out shopping, and the thought that flies through her mind every time she saw a bunch of 0"s lines up on the straight line was "Shiiiiieeet! This thing can blow my wage up in half!"
Toward Tsubaki"s reply, her father had a face that said he could not believe her.
Had a feeling that this would not end until she asks her father for something, Tsubaki began to thinking up for some requests.
"Ah, that"s right." Come up with what she wants, Tsubaki started to ask her father.

"Erm, Otou-sama?" (Tsubaki)
"Un?" (Kaoru)
"Could we grow Camellia (Tsubaki) in the greenhouse or in the garden? Also, Lily (Yuri) and Violet (Sumire) as well, please? I think we didn"t have them at our home." (Tsubaki)
"Of course! Absolutely! Let"s do that now!! Ah… red, white, or pink which color would be nice? Should we decide after looking at the flower language? Wait, I can just buy all of them, couldn"t I? Yup, I can. Let"s do that! I"ll make the preparations immediately!" (Kaoru)

After hearing Tsubaki"s request, her father started to talk in a quick pace excitedly and began to make a phone call.
However, Tsubaki remonstrates her father immediately and stop him from causing any scene, and decided to ask him a few requests at a suitable time from now on to not worry him again.

In the end, they decided to grow red Camellias, Casablanca Lilies, and purple Violets in a few days at the greenhouse and the garden.
Her father was so happy that he always talks about this repeatedly to her mother saying "This is what Tsubaki-chan asked me, you know?".

He is a little troublesome because he was an adult with the heart of a kid.
He"s a good person. However, he is the type of a good person who would end up just being a good person for everyone, thought Tsubaki as she looking at her father.
Still, looking at that father together with her innocent and sheltered mother was so soothing, and she hopes for these couples to be in a good relationship for years to come.
Although she would get heartburn if she watches them for too long.

In her previous life, Tsubaki grew up in a family with a bunch of misfits relatives in the countryside with bad civil law, so she was bewildered with this much of love she received from her parents.

I didn"t hate it, rather I am very happy, but since I"m an adult on the inside I don"t know if I should honestly be happy with this or what, thought Tsubaki in rather mixed feelings.

TN: The red Camellia symbolizes love, pa.s.sion, and a deep desire. Casablanca Lily represents happiness and celebration. And purple Violet means modesty.

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