1909, i. 114.

[23] "Ind. Ant.," 1873, ii. 65.

[24] F. Fawcett, "Note on the Koravas," 1908.

[25] S. P. Rice, "Occasional Essays on Native South Indian Life,"

1901, 95-6.

[26] Jeypore, Breklum, 1901.

[27] F. Fawcett, "Note on the Koravas," 1908.

[28] Fire-walking, see Thurston, "Ethnographic Notes in Southern India," 1907, 471-86.

[29] Udaya is one of the divisions of the Badagas, which ranks as superior to the other divisions.

[30] Koyis, see Cain, Madras Christian College Magazine (old series), v. 352-9, and vi. 274-80; also "Ind. Ant.," v., 1876, and viii., 1879.

[31] "Gazetteer of the South Arcot District," 1906, i. 98.

[32] Madras Museum Bull., 1907, No. 3, v. 166.

[33] "Manual of the Cuddapah District," 1875, 291.

[34] The Holeyas were formerly agrestic serfs.

[35] "Ind. Ant.," 1873, ii. 66.

[36] Earth-eating (geophagy), see my "Ethnographic Notes in Southern India," 1907, 552-4.

[37] Letters from Malabar, Translation, Madras, 1862.

[38] F. Fawcett, "Note on the Koravas," 1908.

[39] "Manual of the Cuddapah District," 1875, 288.

[40] Ibid., 285.

[41] M. Paupa Rao Naidu, "The Criminal Tribes of India," Madras, 1907, No. 3.

[42] T. M. Natesa Sastri, Calcutta Review, 1905, cxxi. 501.

[43] "Notes on the Criminal Cla.s.ses of the Madras Presidency,"

1892, 90.

[44] "Malabar and its Folk," Madras, 2nd. ed., 58-9.

[45] Letters from Madras, 1843.

[46] "Hindu Feasts, Fasts, and Ceremonies," Madras, 1903, 32-3.

[47] Madras Weekly Mail, 15th October, 1908.

[48] Rev. E. W. Thompson, "The Last Siege of Seringapatam," 1907.

[49] "An Indian Olio," 98.

[50] "Manual of the North Arcot District" 1895, i. 223-4.

[51] S. M. Natesa Sastri, "Ind. Ant.," 1889, xviii. 287.

[52] Rev. J. Cain, "Ind. Ant.," 1875, iv. 198.

[53] F. Fawcett, "Note on the Koravas," 1908.

[54] "Ind. Ant.," 1876, v. 358.

[55] "Manual of the Ganjam District," 1882, 71-2.

[56] "Gazetteer of the Bellary District," 1904, i. 61.

[57] Madras Agricult. Bull., 1900, ii. No. 42.

[58] Madras Dioc. Mag., 1908.

[59] Madras Weekly Mail, 7th October 1909.

[60] Loc. cit.

[61] Madras Museum Bull., 1907, v., No. 3, 173.

[62] Many of the bird superst.i.tions here recorded were published in an article in the Madras Mail.

[63] "Manual of the Cuddapah District," 1875, 293.

[64] "Gazetteer of the Bellary District," 1904, i. 61.

[65] "Manual of the Cuddapah District," 1875, 293.

[66] See Thurston, "Ethnographic Notes in Southern India," 1907, 44-7.

[67] J. S. F. Mackenzie, "Ind. Ant.," 1873, ii., 68.

[68] Rev. F. Dahmen, "Anthropos," 1908, iii. 28.

[69] Rev. M. Phillips, "Evolution of Hinduism," 1903, 123.

[70] "Manual of the Cuddapah District," 1875, 292.

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