[366] Liquor is distilled from ippa flowers.

[367] "Gazetteer of the Vizagapatam District," 1907, i. 73.

[368] "Gazetteer of the G.o.davari District," 1907, i. 47.

[369] Madras Mail, 4th November, 1905.

[370] "Gazetteer of the South Arcot District," 1906, i. 94.

[371] Ibid.

[372] "Magic and Fetishism" (Religions ancient and modern), 1906, 62.

[373] "Malabar and its Folk," Madras, 2nd ed., 63-4.

[374] Indra presides over the seasons and crops, and is therefore worshipped at times of sowing and reaping.

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