[169] "Primitive Tribes of the Nilagiris," 1873, 17.

[170] Sudra is the fourth traditional caste of Manu.

[171] "Manual of the North Arcot District," 1895, i. 242.

[172] Mysore Census Report, 1901, part i. 519.

[173] Basavi, see article "Deva-dasi" in my "Castes and Tribes of Southern India," 1909, ii. 125-53.

[174] "Manual of the Cuddapah District", 1875, 283.

[175] Madras Museum Bull., 1907, v. No. 3, 149.

[176] "Gazetteer of the Trichinopoly District," 1907, i. 289.

[177] Jeypore, Breklum, 1901.

[178] "Gazetteer of the Tanjore District," 1906, 1. 72.

[179] "Gazetteer of the Madura District," 1906, i. 86-7.

[180] Ibid., 86.

[181] Madras Museum Bull., 1906, v., No. 2, 78-9.

[182] Madras Museum Bull., 1907, v., No. 3, 149.

[183] "Ind. Ant.," 1881, x. 364.

[184] The Pallis claim to be descendants of the fire race (Agnikula) of the Kshatriyas, and that, as they and the Pandava brothers were born of fire, they are related.

[185] "Gazetteer of the South Arcot District," 1906, i. 375-6.

[186] "Gazetteer of the Madura District," 1906, i. 85.

[187] "Narrative of Little"s Detachment," 1794, 212-3.

[188] Lambadis or Brinjaris, who formerly acted as carriers of supplies and baggage in times of war in the Deccan.

[189] Journ. Anthrop. Soc., Bombay, i. 253-4.

[190] "Ind. Ant.," 1879, viii. 219.

[191] Ibid., 1880, ix. 150.

[192] Journ. Anthrop. Soc., Bombay, ii. 272.

[193] "Gazetteer of the Madura District," 1906, i. 86.

[194] "Gazetteer of the South Arcot District," 1906, i. 102.

[195] "Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies" translation by H. K. Beauchamp, 1897, ii. 610.

[196] "Ind. Ant.," 1880, ix. 152.

[197] "Mysore," 1897, ii. 350.

[198] Madras Museum Bull., 1901, iii., No. 3, 266.

[199] The making of a shrine, Calcutta Review, 1899, cviii. 173-5.

[200] Bhutha, or demon worship, prevails in South Canara, where the villages have their bhutha sthanam or demon shrine.

[201] "Cochin Census Report," 1901, part i. 25.

[202] "Gazetteer of the Vizagapatam District," 1907, i. 329.

[203] "Gazetteer of the Anantapur District," 1905, i. 164.

[204] "Native Life in Travancore," 1883.

[205] "Gazetteer of the Madura District," 1906, i. 102.

[206] "Mediaeval Sinhalese Art," 1908, 70-75.

[207] Philalethes, "History of Ceylon," 1817, 163.

[208] M. Bapu Rao, Madras Christian Coll. Mag., April 1894, xi.

[209] "Gazetteer of the Madura District," 1906, i. 286.

[210] "Gazetteer of the South Arcot District," 1906, i. 278.

[211] F. Fawcett, Man, 1901, i., No. 29, p. 37.

[212] "Madras Census Report," 1901, part i. 134.

[213] "Malabar and its Folk," Madras, 2nd ed., 133.

[214] Thula (scales), purusha (man), danam (gift).

[215] See Shungoony Menon, "History of Travancore," 1878, 58-72.

[216] Madras Diocesan Record, October, 1905.

[217] "Christianity and Caste," 1893.

[218] Rev. J. Cain, Madras Christian Coll. Mag., 1887-8, v. 358.

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