[216] Art. IV.

[217] Ps. lxxv. 4, 5.

[218] Ps. cxlv. 1.

[219] 2 Cor. v. 6.

[220] Wisd. ix. 15.

[221] Ps. cxlii. 4-7.

[222] S. Luke xviii. 1.

[223] 1 Thess. v. 17.

[224] 1 Cor. x. 31.

[225] S. Matt. vi. 7.

[226] S. Luke vi. 12.

[227] S. Luke xxii. 43.

[228] Ps. xxvi. 4.

[229] Exod. xix. 21.

[230] S. Matt. vi. 9.

[231] S. Luke xviii. 1.

[232] 1 Thess. v. 17.

[233] Ps. x.x.xii. 20-22.

[234] Ps. x.x.xiv. 13.

[235] _On the Sermon on the Mount_, Sermon CV. i.

[236] St. Luke vi. 13.

[237] _On Perseverance_, chap. xxiii.

[238] 2 Cor. xii. 7-9.

[239] S. Prosper, _The Book of Sentences gleaned from S. Augustine_, Sent. 212.

[240] _Tractatus in Joannem_, 102.

[241] _Monastic Const.i.tutions_, chap, i.

[242] i. 6.

[243] Ps. x.x.xviii. 13, 14.

[244] _Tractatus in Joannem_, 44.

[245] _Opus Imperf. in Matt., Hom._ XVIII.

[246] _Tractatus in Joannem_, 73; and _De Verbis Domini_, Sermon cccliv.


[247] S. John ix. 31.

[248] xxviii. 8.

[249] _Tractatus in Joannem_, 44.

[250] Implicitly in the old interlinear Gloss on 2 Tim. iii. 5.

[251] _Opus Imperf. in Matt., Hom._ XIV.

[252] xxviii. 2.

[253] Ps. x.x.xvi. 23-25.

[254] 1 Tim. ii. 1.

[255] xi. 3.

[256] Dan. ix. 18, 19.

[257] Friday in the September Ember days.

[258] The Ordinary Gloss on the words _obsecrations_, _prayers_, etc., in 1 Tim. ii. 1.

[259] _Collat._, IX., chaps. xi-xiii.

[260] _Tractatus_ x.x.xv. _in Matt._

[261] _De Orthodoxa Fide_, iii. 24.

[262] 2 Kings vii. 18.

[263] 3 Kings xviii. 42.

[264] vii. 59; xx. 36.

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