Equus, 97.

Ericulus, 148.

Ethics, 188.

Eudes Deslongchamps, 99.

Eurypterida, 141, 171.

Eutropius, 147.

Everett, Rev. R., 98.

Evolution requires geometrical increase of time, 139.

Eye, 76.

Eye, formation of, 51.

Eye of trilobites, 135.


Fabre, M., 46.

Feather-legged breeds, 181.

Feejeans, 199.

Fertilization of orchids, 55.

"Fiat just.i.tia, ruat coelum," 195.

Fibres of Corti, 53, 279.

Final misery, 194.

Finger of Potto, 105.

Fish, flying, 64.

Fishes, fresh-water, 145.

Fishes, thoracic and jugular, 39, 140.

Fixity of position of limbs, 39.

Flat-fishes, 37, 166.

Flexibility of bodily organization, degrees of, 119.

Flexibility of mind, 267.

Flies, horned, 93.

Flight of spiders, 65.

Flounder, 37.

Flower, Professor, 163, 232, 283.

Fly, orchid, 55.

Flying-dragon, 64, 158.

Flying fish, 64.

Foetal teeth of whales, 7.

Food, effects on pigs, 99.

Footsteps of Connecticut, 131.

Foraminifera, 186.

Formally moral acts, 195.

Formation of eye and ear, 51.

Forms, substantial, 186, 272.

Four-gilled Cephalopods, 76.

Fowls, white silk, 122.

French theatrical audience, 198.

Fresh-water fishes, 145.

Frogs, Chilian and European, 149.

Fuego, Terra del, 192.

[Page 292]


Galago, 158.

Galaxias, 147.

Galeus vulgaris, 172.

Galton, Mr. F., 97, 113, 228.

Gascoyen, Mr., 182.

Gavials, 43.

Gegenbaur, Prof., 176-178.

Gemmules, 208.

Generative system, its sensitiveness, 235.

Genesis of morals, 201.

Geographical distribution, 144.

Geographical distribution explained by Natural Selection, 6.

Geometrical increments of time, 139.

Geotria, 147.

Giraffe, neck of, 24.

Gizzard-like stomach, 83.

Glacial epoch, 150.

Glyptodon, 110.

G.o.dron, Dr., 101.

Goose, its inflexibility, 119.

Goppert, Mr., 101.

Gould, Mr., 88.

Gra.s.shopper, Great Shielded, 89.

Gray, Dr. Asa, 253, 255, 261.

Great Ant-eater, 83.

Great Salamander, 172.

Great Shielded Gra.s.shopper, 89.

Greyhounds in Mexico, 99.

Greyhounds, time for evolution of, 138.

Guinea-fowl, 120.

Guinea-pig, 126.

Gunther, Dr., 145, 146, 172.


Hairless Dogs, 174, 175.

Hamilton, Sir Wm., 267.

Harmony, musical, 54, 279.

Heart in birds and reptiles, 158.

Hegel, 217.

Heliconidae, 29.

h.e.l.l, 194.

Heptanchus, 172.

Herbert Spencer, Mr., 20, 28, 67, 72, 163-166, 168, 170-172, 184, 187, 202, 203, 205, 218, 228, 245, 246, 248, 251.

Hessian flies, 170.

Heterobranchus, 146.

Hewitt, Mr., 124, 181.

Hexanchus, 172.

Hipparion, 97, 134.

h.o.m.ogeny, 158.

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