Once a Week

Chapter 24

Meanwhile the lady, despairing of entertainment, had removed her hat.

"Really," she said, "I"m that sleepy---- I suppose the tide"s safe, Mr.


It was William"s chance.

"Quite, quite safe," he said earnestly. "It"s going down hard."

"Well then, I almost think----" She closed her eyes. "Wake me up when you"ve thought of something really funny, Mr. Bales."

William was left alone with Romance.

He went out of the cave and looked round. The sea was still some way out, but it came up quickly on this coast. In an hour ... in an hour....

He scanned the cliffs, and saw the ledge whither he would drag her. She would cling to him crying, calling him her rescuer....

What should he do then? Should he leave her and swim for help? Or should he scale the mighty cliff?

He returned to the cave and, gazing romantically at the sleeping Miss Spratt, conjured up the scene. It would go like this, he thought.

_Miss Spratt_ (_wakened by the spray dashing over her face_). Oh, Mr.

Bales! We"re cut off by the tide! Save me!

_W. Bales_ (_lightly_). Tut-tut, there"s no danger. It"s nothing.

(_Aside_) Great Heavens! Death stares us in the face!

_Miss Spratt_ (_throwing her arms around his neck_). William, save me; I cannot swim!

_W. Bales_ (_with Waller face_). Trust me, Angelina. I will fight my way round yon point and obtain help. (_Aside_) An Englishman can only die once.

_Miss Spratt._ Don"t leave me!

_W. Bales._ Fear not, sweetheart. See, there is a ledge where you will be beyond the reach of the hungry tide. I will carry you thither in my arms and will then----

At this point in his day-dream William took another look at the sleeping Miss Spratt, felt his biceps doubtfully, and went on----

_W. Bales._ I will help you to climb thither, and will then swim for help.

_Miss Spratt._ My hero!

Again and again William reviewed the scene to himself. It was perfect.

His photograph would be in the papers; Miss Spratt would worship him; he would be a hero in his City office. The actual danger was slight, for at the worst she could shelter in the far end of the cave; but he would not let her know this. He would do the thing heroically--drag her to the ledge on the cliff, and then swim round the point to obtain help.

The thought struck him that he could conduct the scene better in his shirt-sleeves. He removed his coat, and then went out of the cave to reconnoitre the ledge.

Miss Spratt awoke with a start and looked at her watch. It was 4.15. The cave was empty save for a crumpled page of newspaper. She glanced at this idly and saw that it was the local _Herald_ ... eight days old.

Far away on the horizon William Bales was throwing stones bitterly at the still retreating sea.


"It was very nice of you to invite me to give you lunch," I said, "and if only the waiter would bring the toast I should be perfectly happy. I can"t say more."

"Why not?" said Miss Middleton, looking up. "Oh, I see."

"And now," I said, when I had finished my business with a sardine, "tell me all about it. I know something serious must have brought you up to London. What is it? Have you run away from home?"

Miss Middleton nodded. "Sir Henery," she added dramatically, "waits for me in his yacht at Dover. My parents would not hear of the marriage, and immured me in the spare room. They tried to turn me against my love, and told wicked stories about him, vowing that he smoked five non-throat cigarettes in a day. Er--would you pa.s.s the pepper, please?"

"Go on," I begged. "Never mind the pepper."

"But, of course, I really came to see you," said Miss Middleton briskly.

"I want you to do something for me."

"I knew it."

"Oh, _do_ say you"d love to."

I drained my gla.s.s and felt very brave.

"I"d love to," I said doubtfully. "At least, if I were sure that----" I lowered my voice: "Look here--have I got to write to anybody?"

"No," said Miss Middleton.

"Let me know the worst. Have I--er--have I got to give advice to anybody?"


There was one other point that had to be settled. I leant across the table anxiously.

"Have I got to ring anybody up on the telephone?" I asked in a hoa.r.s.e whisper.

"Oh, nothing like that at all," said Miss Middleton.

"Dash it," I cried, "then of _course_ I"ll do anything for you. What is it? Somebody you want killed? I could kill a mayor to-day."

Miss Middleton was silent for a moment while allowing herself to be helped to fish. When the waiters had moved away, "We are having a jumble sale," she announced.

I shook my head at her.

"Your life," I said, "is one constant round of gaiety."

"And I thought as I was coming to London I"d mention it to you. Because you"re always saying you don"t know what to do with your old things."

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