A person who is once bitten is twice shy. Xiao Tu never ever wanted to encounter Ouyang again. Unfortunately they did meet again. On her first day of school they were a.s.signed as roommates. It is hard to describe the trembling in our dear Rabbit"s heart. Let"s just say she had not forgotten the terrible beating she received from this female Ultraman, Ouyang Mei, and she was very very afraid. In fact she was inclined to hide under her covers.

On the other hand, Ouyang Mei was completely unaware of how Xiao Tu felt. She was thrilled to meet an old foe again. She entered their dorm room dropped her luggage and flexed her muscles intimidatingly. She greeted Xiao Tu with exuberance, “Xiao Tu! I have not encountered any decent opponents since our last match. Shall we have another battle?”

Needless to say this friendly invitation filled Xiao Tu with extreme anxiety. She waved her hands apologetically, and answered with haste, “Wha! No! Ah, maybe later, maybe later…. Let"s first unpack and get settled before we make any plans to… to fight. Yes?”

“Okay,” responded Ouyang Mei not quite understanding Xiao Tu"s reaction. She felt a little disappointed too. She began unpacking her things.

The other two roommates arrived. Because the weather was still fine, the girls didn"t have much to organize and quickly finished. When all was settled, Jiang Juan suggested they get to know one another. “Let"s Introduce ourselves!” she said.

“Okay!” Ouyang Mei agreed immediately. She stood up and adopted a martial arts stance. With both hands claps in front she proclaimed. “My name is Zihong Jiu, but my nickname is Ouyang Mei (Little Nine)*. I am from J province. Sisters, please take care of me since I am away from home for the first time.”

The other three girls just stared at her.

After a pause, Jiang Juan responded, “Zihong Jiu, are you perhaps a martial artist?

“Just call me Ouyang Mei.” Ouyang Mei Nodded, “How can you tell?”

Jiang Juan suppressed a smile, “It"s obvious you are an athlete.**”

Jiang Juan took this opportunity to go next, “My name is Jiang Juan. People call me Juanzi. I"ve done a lot of research on our school. I know everything there is to know. Just ask me if you have questions.

This girl is cunning like a snake, Xiao Tu thought before she introduced herself. “My name is Xiao Tu. I was in junior high school in F town of A City, and that"s… well, I am a martial artist, too…”

“Oh wow, did you and Ouyang Mei know each other already?” Jiang Juan asked.

Ouyang Mei said: "We competed against each other in the city"s young samurai game last year."

"Who won?" Jiang Juan interest was piqued.

Xiao Tutu felt sheepish, she replied truthfully, "I lost."

"Yeah, I thought so. You have a totally different vibe than Ouyang Mei."

"What"s different?" Xiao Tu was curious.

"Ouyang Mei looks like Ren Yingying, you ..." Jiang Juan paused, and looked up and down Xiao Tu, "are bit like Yue Buqun ..."

Xiao Tu"s expression became bleak.

"…His daughter Yue Lingshan," finished Jiang Juan.

Xiao Tu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately she is not a man. Unfortunately she is a woman with Yue Buqun for a father and Lin Pingshi for a husband! Two eunuchs! Eek!

Now Jian Juan turned her attention to the fourth person in the room, "h.e.l.lo. You haven"t introduced yourself yet."

This person had been studying Ouyang Mei intently. When she noticed everyone"s attention on her she smiled sweetly. Her smile was like a blooming flower. “My name is He Tian, you can call me Tian(Sweet).” Her voice had a romantic quality.

Since the introductions were complete, Jiang Juan cleared her throat and said, “Let"s go eat.”


The cafeteria and dormitory are far apart. To get to the cafeteria you must first pa.s.s the teaching building the gymnasium. Fortunately, there was a land snake like Jiang Juan who knew the shortest path. The newbies were able to reach the cafeteria easily.

The girls bought their dinner and chose a clean table to sit down to eat. Xiao Tu wrinkled her nose at the carrots in her bowl. She carefully picked out the carrots. She made a neat pile of them on the side. She also removed the shredded cabbage. She combed through her rice until it was clean.

Jiang Juan gave her a teasing look, “Xiao Tu aren"t you a rabbit? Why don"t you eat vegetables?”

Xiao Tu was self-conscious, “I don"t like vegetables”

“Why did you pile them up on the side? Is it a garnish?”

The answer to these questions required a rather long explanation.

Xiao Tu"s habit of picking out the carrots started in elementary school. At that time, she went home for lunch. Since Xiao Tu"s mother was often away during mealtime, she would leave meals on the table for Xiao Tu and Ling Chao. Her mother was very concerned with child nutrition. Knowing that carrots are rich in carotene her mother put carrots in every dish. And our Rabbit would secretly pick them out of every dish because she hates carrots.

The problem was how to dispose of the carrots after she picked them out. She initially she tried throwing them in the trash. Her mother found out. Next she tried flushing them down the toilet. Her mother found out. She even tried rinsing them down the sink, but that blocked the pipes and her mother found out.

Finally, Ling Chao was so annoyed he recommend she throw them in the river. Xiao Tu shook her head virtuously, “No. The teacher said that we should not throw litter into the river.”

After arguing back and forth and failing to find another solution, Ling Chao compromised. “You pick out the carrots and I will eat them.” From that time forward Ling Chao would eat Xiao Tu carrots. After a while he actually started to enjoy carrots.

In fact Jiang Juan question make Xiao Tu feel like a weirdo. She couldn"t explain her quirky habit, and the silence extended awkwardly.

He Tian quickly jumped in to rescue the situation. "Ouyang Mei, are you really practicing martial arts?"

Meanwhile, Ouyang Mei was devouring her chicken like a barbarian. She seemed to growl while she ate. He Tian was a little disgusted. She tried to make the best of her discomfort by turn the conversation on what she was really keen to know. “If I practice martial arts too will my complexion be as nice as yours?”

He Tian was curious and a bit jealous because this female Ultraman was a truly beautiful girl, despite her vulgar manners. Although it must be noted that she was even more stunning when she didn"t open her mouth. She was like a G.o.ddess from heaven. After observing her all morning He Tian decided that she must learn Ouyang Mei"s beauty secrets.

“You want to practice martial arts?” Ouyang Mei wiped her mouth with the back of her arm. “It"s really good. You can strengthen your body, and protect your country. If nothing else you can help your grandmother cross the road. Of course it"s also good if you want to lose weight or detoxify…”

Xiao Tu was listening to this sales pitch with amazement. Why did Ouyang Mei sound just like Teacher Wu Dalang? Does her family own a martial arts hall? While Xiao Tu asked these questions in her mind He Tian got right to the point. “Is what you"re saying true?”

“Of course, I"m serious. My dad and his disciples teach these principles all the time.”

"What does your father do?" Xiao Tu couldn"t help asking.

“He owns a martial arts hall, of course!"

Xiao Tu: >___

Walking back from the cafeteria, He Tian was eagerly absorbing all Ouyang Mei had to say about her father"s martial arts theory. When they pa.s.sed the gymnasium, she suddenly looked up, “Ouyang Mei, can I worship you as a teacher and learn martial arts?”

Ouyang Mei was generous, and she answered, “Of course!"

He Tian was very happy, she grabbed Ouyang Mei"s hand, "Let"s go to the gymnasium. There is a martial arts field. You can teach me now!"

"No problem!" Ouyang Mei followed He Tian a few steps, and suddenly turned back to Xiao Tu. She said, "Xiao Tu, should we have a match?"

Xiao Tu was like a frightened deer, "I ... I won"t go!"

"Why are you going back to our room so early? We haven"t played for a long time. Come with us to warm up and we can practice throwing each other around!" Then, Ouyang Mei reached over to grab Xiao Tu"s arm.

Xiao Tu jumped away. "I ..." She looked around anxiously and spotted the basketball court nearby, she had found an excuse “I want check out what"s going on over there!"

Ouyang Mei looked disappointed: "What"s so good about basketball? Nothing is more fun than martial arts!"

"I want to watch basketball, I like watching handsome guys play basketball!"

At this idea Jiang Juan suddenly perked up. "Tutu, I"ll watch basketball with you."

Fortunately, Ouyang Mei did not force the issue, so Xiao Tu escaped the bad luck and was pulled by Jiang Juan to check out the handsome guys on the basketball court.

There was already a crowd at the basketball courts. In the center court a blue and white team were playing fiercely. Every basket scored a lot of applause.

Jiang Juan joined in the frenzy with zeal. She pushed her way into the crowd pulling Xiao Tu along with her until they reached a good spot to watch the action.

"Look at number 4 in the blue jersey. He is gorgeous!" Jiang Juan tracked him with hungry eyes.

But Xiao Tu couldn"t muster up any enthusiasm. She had no love for basketball, and the encounter with Ouyang Mei had drained her spirit. She tugged on Jiang Juan"s sleave, “Juanzi, let"s go back to our room?”

“Wait! We just got here!” Jiang Juan complained. Then she let out a sigh, “If only I were that ball. So many hot guys would fight over me! How good would that be?” She spoke these last words loudly, and everyone stared at her with surprise. Jiang Juan didn"t notice. She directed Xiao Tu"s attention back to the players. “Oh, look! White Seven, he"s going to make a three pointer!”

Xiao Tu did indeed look. She watched a boy wearing a white jersey make a perfect shot. He held the ball with his left hand and deftly threw it in an elegant arc. Swoosh. No rim. The crowd cheered madly.

Xiao Tu was in a daze. From the back he looked familiar. Ling Chao is also left handed, she mused. It took a moment, but she suddenly recognized him. “OMG it is Ling Chao!”

*I"m a little confused about how everyone is named. It seems depending on who is talking how a person is addressd changes, but I don"t really understand the rules. So to make it easy for me I"ll just pick a name and stick to it. Or try to.

**I inverted the mt phrase because “It"s obvious you"re not here to study” is hurtful. "It"s obvious your an athlete" stings a little less yet still implies the person is stupid. But maybe Jian Juan is an acerbic type character. idk yet.

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