Once We Come Across Love

Chapter 8: Ling Chao, You"re too Vicious T___T

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Chapter 8: Ling Chao, You"re too Vicious T___T

Since Ling Chao was born, the first time he had ever confessed to a girl, he was unexpectedly thrown into a river. Although Ling Chao had inherited his mother"s black belly[1], high IQ, and high EQ, he was still an only a child after all. Coming across this kind of situation, it unavoidably made him turn gloomy. Leaving him with no dignity and a strong sense of defeat,

As a result of his anger, he didn"t pay any attention to Xiao Tu for the next few days.

Regarding Ling Chao"s response, Xiao Tu felt very gloomy. She hadn"t actually thrown him into the river on purpose, it was only that his behavior on that day was really all too strange. It made her feel panicked, as if something dangerous was approaching.

As a person who had practiced martial arts for so long, when they encounter this kind of situation, reflectively doing some reasonable self-defense was considered normal. Moreover, those who practice martial arts with her was always her master and senior martial brothers, they were always older and robust, so her throwing them was just a simple gesture without anything harmful to it.

In any case, she really hadn"t done it on purpose.

However, Xiao Tu began to have second thoughts, she was the one who had thrown him into a river after all. What if on the one in a millionth chance something were to happen to Ling Chao and it affected his interview, would that mean she was guilty?

Like this, she kept on considering for a long time and Xiao Tu finally came to the conclusion that she needed to apologize to Ling Chao.

Unfortunately, she didn"t apologize in time, when she followed her senior martial brothers and sisters and went to partic.i.p.ate in the martial arts compet.i.tion.

The junior martial arts compet.i.tion in F City had a well-known reputation throughout the country. Although it was provincial level compet.i.tion, most of the partic.i.p.ating students came from all over the country, its influence was quite broad.

Teacher Wu viewed this compet.i.tion very seriously. On the van that was taking them to the compet.i.tion, he had a.s.sembled a meeting, during the meeting, he had pa.s.sionately spoken about his past days filled with glorious achievements and elaborated on the profoundness of Chinese Martial Arts. a.s.serting that learning martial arts can help safeguard their home, help an elderly lady crossing the street, in a short sentence– martial arts is glorious. Compet.i.tion is necessary, taking the prize is a must!

Hearing these bold words the team members all became eager to get into action, everyone except for Xiao Tu. She was muddleheaded and yawning the entire way.

Seeing this, Wu Cheng Wei, sitting next to her asked, "Junior apprentice sister Xiao, did you not sleep well last night?"  

Xiao Tu looked at Wu Cheng Wei with two baggy eyes, "Yeah, I didn"t sleep very well." After speaking, she let out another big yawn.  

There was a reason why Xiao Tu didn"t sleep well, and her reason was Ling Chao. These past few days after practice, Ling Chao didn"t come to the training grounds to pick her up. Xiao Tu also knew that Ling Chao was angry, thus she considered to offer him an apology. Who would"ve imagined that after she decided to apologize and came to his home, Ling Chao had already gone to the city for the interview?  

Although it was her fault for throwing him into the river, Ling Chao was being too petty! Not even notifying her at all that he was going to A Zhong for an interview. To think that Xiao Tu considered him as a close male friend!

Xiao Tu was originally excited to partic.i.p.ate in the martial arts compet.i.tion, but because of the guilt she felt toward Ling Chao, she now felt depressed. A moment of excitement and then a moment of gloominess, it was no wonder that she couldn"t sleep well.

As Wu Cheng Wei saw Xiao Tu acting like this, he suggested, "If you"re really tired, go take a nap once we get to the hotel. Anyways only the opening ceremony is held in the morning, going or not going won"t matter."

"Teacher will scold me."

"Doesn"t matter, if dad asks, I"ll just say you went to the restroom. He won"t find out."

Since she has Wu Cheng to help cover for her, Xiao Tu"s courage also grew and when they finally arrived at the hotel, she found an excuse to separate from the group and went to her room to sleep.

She was sleeping very well when she suddenly felt something shake. By the time she dazily opened her eyes, she finally noticed it was her cell phone clamoring by the bedside.

In this era, a junior high student like Xiao Tu having a cell phone is still a rare matter. But Xiao Tu was different, when she"d started her first day of middle school, Ling Chao"s father had sent a cell phone to her. At first, Xiao Tu"s mother had wanted to decline, but the results were that Ling Chao"s father had stopped her with a hand and said: "We are going to be a family sooner or later, just think of this as a betrothal gift."

Xiao Tu"s mother had thought a bit and found that there was some reason to it, and therefore accepted the "betrothal gift".

Of course, these were all not known to Xiao Tu. If she were to know that she was sold by her mother with just a cell phone, then it was estimated that she would crouch on the ground, feeling wronged as she started drawing circles.

Xiao Tu made a great yawn as she rubbed her eyes before reaching out a hand to take the cell phone by the bedside. She randomly pressed down the answering key and the call came through.

Ling Chao"s voice could be heard from the other end, "Where are you?"

Xiao Tu hadn"t fully woken from her nap, she answered in a daze. "XX Hotel."

"I"m waiting downstairs. You have ten minutes to get down here, or else I"m going to show the math test you hid in my backpack last month to your mother." After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Xiao Tu held the phone for two seconds. Two seconds later, she completely awakened.

Fifty-nine points! It"s that math test with just fifty-nine point!

Ling Chao, you"re too vicious! T_____T

When Xiao Tu rushed to the hotel lobby in a flurry, Ling Chao was leisurely sitting on a couch. Once he saw Xiao Tu arrive, he raised his hand and looked at his watch. "Nine minutes and forty-five seconds."  

Xiao Tu"s mouth twitched, "Why are you here?"  

"I came for an interview."

Interview? Bringing this up, Xiao Tu became angry again. She deliberately asked, "Didn"t you finish your interview yesterday?"  

Ling Chao held both hands behind his head, and replied in a relaxed manner, "Anyways it"s not important, I"m staying here to play for two days."

Truly a brilliant student, being able to so boldly and confidently skip cla.s.s. Xiao Tu with her evil intentions reminded him, "Today is Wednesday, you still have two days of school."

"I"m not returning to school for cla.s.s anymore." Ling Chao said.

"Huh?" Xiao Tu blanked, "You, what did you say?"  

Ling Chao glanced at her. With a complex expression said in a normal tone, "After the interview yesterday. Starting next week I will be attending A-High."  

Only then did Xiao Tu"s realize that recruited students needed to start school earlier to prepare. In other words, starting next week he would no longer send her to school, pick her up from the training grounds, help her on her homework, and so on. Xiao Tu"s heart suddenly tightened and felt a little upset.

She was silent for a long time before finally making an "oh" sound.

Ling Chao watched her, and asked, "Don"t you have something to say to me?"

"I…" That was abrupt, Xiao Tu didn"t know what to say at that moment. She could only mumble while staring at Ling Chao in a daze. After a while, she suddenly thought of something and her eyes brightened.

"Right, I need to apologize!"

Hearing her words, Ling Chao raised his eyebrow, "Apologize for what?"

"For… I shouldn"t have acted like that, throwing you into the river. I was wrong, please forgive me."

When Xiao Tu spoke, she held a truly sincere expression, hoping that Ling Chao could let go of his hatred. Who knew that the more sincere she was the more scrunched up Ling Chao"s eyebrows became. He said, "Regarding that issue, do you not have anything else you want to say?"

"Something else? Xiao Tu tilted her head and thought for a long time. Finally, she shook her head. "Nope."


The youngster sitting on the sofa humph once. After getting thrown into the water, he was peeved for several days before becoming unresigned to being rejected like that. Especially after he finished partic.i.p.ating in the interview and found out he was about to leave her to go to A-High to study. This kind of unresigned feeling turned more and more intense, therefore he stayed in the city even after the interview was finished and waited for Xiao Tu to show up herself and force her to say things clearly.

Except he didn"t expect that what Xiao Tu had been obsessing over was the fact that she had thrown him down the river, as for the matter before that, she did not take note of it at all.

Miserable, should be the way to describe Ling Chao right now.

But although student Ling Chao was miserable, he had the ability to turn that miserable feeling into something miraculous. In a moment, inside those pitch-black eyes a trace of conspiracy that was not easily detected flashed by.

"I was thrown into a river by you, do you think this sort of apology would work?"

When he suddenly said that, Xiao Tu became a little stupid. "Then, what else do you want?"

"You should try and think of a way to compensate me."  


"For example, help wash my clothes, or buy me breakfast."

Black lines appeared on Xiao Tu"s forehead. When did Ling Chao become like a young master? She grabbed at her messy short hair, and replied, "You"re going to study at A-High, how am i supposed to do these things?"

"That"s true." Ling Chao nodded as if he were thinking.  

"Right, You should think about a more realistic method. As long as it"s possible I will do it, I promise!" Xiao Tu patted her chest in guarantee.

"That is what you said?" Ling Chao"s eye finally showed a trace of an evil plan. "You can owe me for now. Wait until you win the martial arts compet.i.tion and get a recommendation to A-High to pay me back."

"What!?" Xiao Tu became lifeless.

Regardless whether or not Xiao Tu could become the champion, the important part was whether or not she could get a recommendation to the high school. In brief, Ling Chao"s words were more or less putting pressure on Xiao Tu that she absolutely had to win. And fortunately, Xiao Tu was that kind of child, the type that gained power under pressure.

Therefore, in the next few days of compet.i.tion, she with the potential that was seen by her martial arts teacher"s eyes and the pressure given to her by Ling Chao, as well as that bit of luck while being divided into groups, unexpectedly stormed the whole way to the junior women"s group finals. And those senior martial brothers and sisters of hers who have solemnly vowed to become number one, besides Wu Cheng Wei, were all collectively annihilated.

Therefore to speak, the world never lacked miracles, it merely lacked the conditions for the miracle to be created. Xiao Tu just so happened to be so bulls.h.i.tted enough to be hit with a miracle.


[1]Black belly – outwardly kind but inwardly evil

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