Publishedat 17th of March 2020 10:25:11 AM
Chapter 1230: 1230

It was fortunate that Mu Yichen was distracted when he fired that shot so the bullet only hit her abdomen . Still, she had nearly lost her life!

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Her pale lips quivered and her heart pounded at his unkind tone .

“Fourth uncle, what"s with your awful look? Did something happen?”

The man only snorted in reply .

Just two hours earlier, his men had informed him that there was a bloodbath in the underground warehouse where the hostages were held . It was done by a mysterious troop .


It was said to be a bloodbath because there were only a few lucky survivors in a company of over a hundred men .

Despite so, they suffered from serious injuries, so a few pa.s.sed away on their way to the hospital .

The scene was in a complete mess with blood everywhere . He heard that there were few traces of struggle; this meant that they were all killed instantly .

Naturally, there was no news of the two missing hostages .

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In his fury, he had lashed out on his subordinates and very nearly suffered from a heart attack .

The fact that his hostages were taken away despite the three companies of soldiers on rotation duty made him seethe in anger .

Shortly afterward, he received the news about the two children; it was said they had left in a car .


There was no news from the five military vehicles, which were sent after the kids . It was only when his men followed the trail on the road in investigation that they found signs of collision in a remote area at the mouth of a cliff .

They presumed that the vehicles fell off the cliff after the collision .

It was dark at night, so it was difficult to determine what exactly had happened there . They only knew that the fight seemed to have been very fierce . The two kids were missing without a trace, though .

Although he had sent additional men to continue investigating, the kids were still not found .

The rare trace of worry on his usually calm face betrayed his inner anxiety .

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Those two kids were his biggest bargaining chips at present . If he lost those two p.a.w.ns, it was as good as losing everything .

His life and death was at stake!


He looked as if he were facing his enemy; this badly shocked the woman .

She leaned slightly forward to ask him about the situation but grimaced in pain when her movement tugged on her abdominal wound .

Something suddenly struck her!

Her hands slowly caressed her belly with apprehension .

It was extremely flat .

She faltered at the sharp pain in her stomach!

“What"s going on?”


She gently placed her palm on her belly . She could no longer feel any signs of a new life inside her, alas .

In the past, whenever she caressed her belly, she would feel her child in it . Now, it was as still as a pond of dead water; there was no response at all .

Where was the child?

Could it be…

“The child… the child…”

A flash of panic appeared on her face as restlessness overwhelmed her .

The middle-aged man could tell what was on her mind at a glance . He told her directly, “The child? It"s gone!”

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“The child… is gone?!”


His words struck her like a bolt of lightning .

“Yes . Not only the child, your womb has been removed, too!”

Because of the hemorrhage in her abdomen, the doctor had to remove her womb in order to save her life .

The child was naturally gone!

Her eyes widened in disbelief and a strange blankness settled on her face .


She finally got the chance to become a mother, but it was lost in the end!

“Ha ha… ha…”

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