Publishedat 20th of March 2020 01:30:08 AM
Chapter 1237: 1237

At dawn, the sun was seen rising from the east .

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The air in the rainforest was dense with the morning dew, so wet chills a.s.sailed their bodies constantly . Youyou could feel his joints getting cold and stiff .

On these mountains, the howling of wild beasts was constant .

With one hand holding up a fire torch, Mu Yichen"s other hand gripped a dagger to cut off the obstructions in their path .

Lisa, who was guarding the rear, would occasionally look around .


The younger twin muttered, “How much longer before we can leave this place?”

“Shouldn"t be too far away!”

As his energy seeped out gradually, he was near collapsing point .

He had not rested for two consecutive days and nights . Adding that he had not eaten or drunk the last day, the long and arduous journey made him famished and cold .

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His condition deteriorated down to the bottom .

His brother tried to comfort him . “Soon, we"ll be out of this place!”

The younger one suddenly stopped in his tracks with his breathing hastening .


The girl walked up to him and took him on her back without a second word .

The boy might be stubborn and unwilling to be carried by her, but he had truly fully exhausted himself this time and no longer had any strength to resist . Without a struggle, he let her carry him on her back!

“Thank you . ” He told her wryly in a hushed tone .

She merely replied, expressionless, “You are my master . ”

Her meaning was clear . Protecting him was her responsibility and what she was engaged to do .

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The boy could only sip his lips in response . This girl was really single-minded .

She was like a cool, steel machine that meticulously performed the program it was set with tirelessly .


Doesn"t she feel tired?

The trio continued their trek across the jungle .

Even though she was carrying the boy, the girl did not feel tired .

Trained to withstand tough load, where she was made to wear combat uniform with pieces of lead, that weighted much heavier than the twins combined .

As for Little Yichen, he began to slow down due to his injury .

At this time, a slight movement was heard from the jungle bushes ahead of them, and it startled him .

He was about to approach to look closer when Lisa suddenly stopped him . With a "shh", she signaled him not to move .


In the stillness and peering from within the dark forest, two pairs of sharp, yellowish eyes could be seen glistening .

Soon after, two creatures, resembling wolves or dogs, slowly emerged from the fauna; their ferocious eyes glinted hungrily at them .

“What are these?!” The older twin stifled .

The girl narrowed her eyes and sized up the creatures before replying all of a sudden, “Wolves!”


The boy was taken aback; they appeared to have run smack into the worst-possible situation!

His brother furrowed his brows as well when he studied the animals . “No . These are more ferocious than wolves . ”

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He had seen this breed in the zoology encyclopedia before . They were definitely not wolves .


The girl stumbled a step backward with a frown when she heard that .

Youyou added solemnly behind her . “These are two jackals!”

There was a Chinese idiom comparing jackal to a tiger and a leopard . From here, one could deduce how fierce these creatures were!

They usually hunted in pairs, which was rare in the animal kingdom .

In reality, many often mistook jackals for wolves, though there were differences; jackals were much smaller than wolves .

This Canis was typical seen in mountainous terrain and inhabited gra.s.slands .

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