So, he slowly walked to Yun Na and cover her body with his suit jacket, just exactly what Gu Xingze did.

Yun Na got flattered when he helped her, so she showed a smile with some tears in her eyes while saying: “Li Jiuxian, thank you!”


“Don’t cry, your makeup will be wasted.” Li Jiuxian kindly reminded.

After he said that, Yun Na helplessly clenched on his sleeves. As if she was drowning and he is her last hope: “I really didn’t mean it. You saw that it was just an accident, right? I wasn’t careful!”

Li Jiuxian nodded his head earnestly and said: “Yes, I saw that you didn’t mean it.”


Then, he turned his head and looked at Yun Shishi with his eyes that show a blame: “She really didn’t mean it, but why did you still pour a wine on her? Isn’t that a bit insulting?”

But unexpectedly, Yun Shishi just knitted her eyebrows and said: “Oh? Is that so?”
Tang Yu who was standing on the side took a step forward too, and then said: “Yun Shishi,  what you did is insulting! Don’t you think you should act more kind? I don’t know who is backing you, but being such a big bully is too much!”

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