Chapter 5: He kissed her


He had no time to take into account her pain, for a man like him this situation is a waste of time, not to mention in front of a woman he doesn’t have feelings!

How laughable?

He is her employer and gave her a lot of money, this pain, she deserves it.

The sudden pain gave her a feeling of grievance and bitter tears flows out.
She hissed a pain cry, eyes red, but stubbornly biting her lips, she didn’t want to show her vulnerable side, but still could not take the intense pain. Later on, she could no longer bear it, a broken sobbed can be heard.

“Ooo … …” In the end, just like a cat, she sobs.

In his depth collision, she felt he almost cruelly plundering her all.

The endless pain is like a sea of fierce waves, drowning, ups and downs. Her eyes gradually look away, she tried reaching out her trembling fingers, but she cannot catch anything to cling into.  In front was a total darkness and her mind was in chaos.

Both were perfectly closed to each other, sweat covered their bodies. Mu Yazhe’s five fingers ruthlessly grab her hair, feeling the intense taste of the moments.

Her mind went blank but she couldn’t beg. Mu Yazhe’s body move pa.s.sively to meet his excitement and unconstrained emotion, he suddenly felt his neck wet with hot tears, slightly lift his eyes, in his surprised he see her biting her lips and whimpering in pain

Mu Yazhe’s handsome face look at her pitiful little face, unconsciously lower his head, and heavily kissed her lips, tongue into her mouth moving like a snake, winding, sweeping, swallowing her sobs.

Kiss is a taboo for him!

Kissing means that there’s a profound feeling!

He never kisses a woman. Because in his eyes, a woman’s lips are very dirty, even though all the woman hang around his side has always been an aristocratic daughter or entertainment actress, he never touched any of them.

How did I?… I don’t know why I actually kissed this woman.

Accurately said, this is his first woman. but I never thought that kiss would  taste… so delicious?

Mu Yazhe’s continuous intense kiss and action (Tl:pounding?) made her suffocate but made him a force hit … …(Tl: eja******?)

The bed scenes were very sentimental.

But for her, it’s a bone destruction scenes

Yun Shi Shi in the darkness opened her eyes saw a red silk covering her eyes that have long been drench in cold sweat.

A gushing sound of water can be heard from the shower room.

She touched her body slightly but felt a sharp pain came from the fingertips, she had never been in this kind of situation, she tried clasping her fingers on the bed, but her fingernail broke and p.r.i.c.k her.

She felt pain, but this pain convinced her that everything is over, it’s over … I hope this time, I’ll be able to successfully conceive.

She will give birth to his child, get the money and leave here. She will then go back to her own life.

At the moment, it is midnight.

Mu Yazhe took a shower and changed his clothes, his tall figure standing in the room with a great sense of oppression. His eyes narrowed, as the woman’s body reflected from the moonlight,  rolled up from the white bed. Her back was arch and gasping for breath, with her white and smooth body, his rude traces are very visible.

While on the bed, a blood red like a blooming bud could be seen.

Yun Shi Shi lying motionless in bed, her back is facing him, trembling and curling stiff like a stone. He looked at her, messy hair scattered on the side of the pillow, soaked with sweat.

He looked at her coldly, standing for a brief moment, then turned walked away.

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