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Chapter 823: 823

When her voice eventually weakened, Gu Xingze could not help holding her a little tighter .

He caught sight of a thermal flask beside her hand when he lowered his head . Opening it, there was ginger soup, which was still warm, in it .

He carefully poured some out and brought it to her mouth . “Shishi, drink some ginger soup . ”

She sat up slightly to sip a few mouthfuls .

After drinking some of the soup, her body seemed to feel a little warmer .

He poured her another cup, and she obediently drank it all up .

Seeing that she had drunk all the soup, he then worried that she would fall asleep .

“I"ll sing for you . ”

She blinked . “Well, okay . ”


Smiling, he started singing in a hoa.r.s.e voice .

“A long, long time ago…

“You had me, I had you…

“A long, long time ago…

“You left me and soared far away…”

Mu Xi returned home and lay in her bed after washing up . However, sleep eluded her .

Even when she got home, she patiently phoned her artiste, but she was, ultimately, unable to get through .

Regardless of how Lin Fengtian and Ruo Bing repeatedly rea.s.sured her, she still felt uneasy .

Perhaps it was her instincts, but despite her time with Yun Shishi still being relatively short, she understood the latter"s temperament well .

Regardless if she was at home or otherwise, she would give her a notice at least .

Her charge was very polite and treated everyone around her with their due respect .

She would never let her worry unnecessarily, unless of course she encountered something unexpected .

Her thoughts ran wild as she tossed and turned on the bed . Just as she sat up in frustration, all of a sudden, the phone she had placed on her pillow rang .

In the dark and quiet night, the loud ringing of her phone frightened her .

She quickly picked it up, thinking that her artiste had called . The unfamiliar number on her phone display, however, made her heart feel faint .

She sighed and answered the call in a dispirited voice . “h.e.l.lo?”

“h.e.l.lo, are you Yun Shishi"s a.s.sistant?”

On the other end came a child"s voice . It was quiet but with a hint of urgency .

The voice sounded mature .

If not for its tenderness, she might even be unable to tell that this was a child speaking .

Stunned, she subconsciously answered, “Yes!”

On the other end, Yun Tianyou sat on the sofa with a name card clenched in his hand . His face was somber . “Yun Shishi is my mom . She"s not back yet, and I can"t reach her . I"d like to ask if you know where she is . ”

She was shocked . Her first reaction was to think which child had called to prank .


Shishi has a child?!

Is this a joke?

Shishi"s just 24, and she has a child already?

She obviously did not believe it .


“Is my mommy still filming on set? It"s already this late; she should be back home . She sent me a message earlier, but there"s no news from her afterward . I can"t reach her phone . I"m sorry to disturb you, but I"m just really worried about mommy . ”

Youyou"s tone was polite and courteous, but there was more of calmness and coherence in it .

She immediately tensed up, too . “I"m her a.s.sistant, but she"s not with me now . Today"s filming is over . Because she got drenched in water earlier, I had her take a hot shower in the hotel room, but there"s nothing from her afterward . I can"t reach her phone and I"m very worried, too!”

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