Mu Wanrou softly releases her skirt and gracefully crosses her arm. She felt quite satisfied with Hanyu Yan’s words when she heard her called her “Madam Mu”.

Hanyu Yan sweetly smiles, as if her lips got wipe with honey. Whenever she got an opportunity to get closed with an influential family she never let that chance go.

She grabbed Shao Dong’s arm and said while looking at Yun Shishi with full of contempt: “What I am saying is, you better not stay here anymore and disgraced further yourself. Go back to the slums!”

Qin Zhou’s eyebrow raised and sneered: “Well, our Shishi really came from a poor family. But, Hanyu Yan did you came from a n.o.ble family?”

Hanyu Yan got speechless.

After all, she’s not!

On the contrary, she also grew up in a poor family. Her family was consist of five people, so it’s very crowded in their small house. With this, she’s the real one that came from the slums! And because she grew up while tasting the hardship of life, she strives for power and glory. 

Hanyu Yan is not a genius when it comes to studies. So, after she graduated from junior high school, she went to an art school and she became an art student at that early age. She hasn’t even graduated from college when she luckily got the role and debuted.

In order for her to debut, she even did everything that she could and ate a lot of bitterness.

After those hardships, she now became famous. But still, there are some media reporters that make irresponsible remarks with her.

And it’s always about her sore spot.

Qin Zhou saw her feel embarra.s.sed, but still, he sneered again and said: “Our Yun Shishi did not only graduated from college but also an honor student! Moreover, we are also asked to take care Shishi by Director Lin!”

Director Lin?

Hanyu Yan’s face change in color: “Which Director Lin?”

“Oh, you really feel so big and popular now that you can even forget your mentor?” Qin Zhou said with neither cold nor warm tone.

It’s Lin Fengtian!?

How could she ever forget!

Lin Fengtian was one of the most talented directors in the Chinese film. He directed two movies that won a championship award from the box office for three consecutive years!

He is recently recruiting for a heroine to his film that is adapted from a famous youth novel&h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;

The heroine is her?!

The unexpected truth made Mu Wanrou’s eyes got wide.

Mu Yazhe’s handsome face also showed a trace of change in color on the couch.

Hanyu Yan suddenly sneered: “Why would Director Lin choose her as a heroine?”

She was only able to get a role in a film called “Bamboo Dragonfly” because she climbs up the bed of the film’s largest investor. So, she felt dissatisfied with Lin Fengtian because he didn’t give her a face.

So how could this Yun Shishi convince him?

Could there be an unspoken rule?

“Why not?” When Gu Xingze heard her, he showed a smile and reach out his arm to Yun Shishi. And look at her with his eyes that full of gentleness: “Although she was born in an ordinary family, she looks so elegant and refine. Shishi might not be famous, but I could say that she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

When Mu Wanrou looks at Gu Xingze, she suddenly comes to understand. Gu Xingze intends to use his own popularity to expose Yun Shishi in the media and open an opportunity for her! And also, it can be seen that both him and Lin Fengtian is very satisfied with her to be the heroine.

If Gu Xingze is not satisfied, with his aloof personality he wouldn’t let her use him as her campaign.

This Yun Shishi, what is really good about her?&h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip; Why does the heaven always favor her?

“I don’t care who favors her! She’s not welcome in this place!”

Mu Wanrou’s eyes exposed her viciousness and the tone of her voice is full of jealousy: “Take off of that dress and get out of here!”

When Yun Shishi heard her, her face showed a trace of embarra.s.sment.

Why does this woman humiliate her too much?

Yun Shishi smiled and asked: “Why?”

She let her off, but why doesn’t stop?

Yun Shishi doesn’t bully anyone so easily. But&h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;

Mu Wanrou arrogantly smile, as if she heard a big joke: “You’re asking me why?”

When Alan heard Mu Wanrou. She couldn’t help but mention on the side: “Miss Yun, I’m very sorry. But, EMPRESS is one their investment&h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;”

Yun Shishi got so surprised and stunned.

No wonder, Mu Wanrou acts arrogantly. Because she is the mistress of EMPRESS.

Gu Xingze smile and said: “But, I will buy that dress.”

Mu Wanrou sneer and said. “I don’t want to sell it.”

“One hundred million.” Gu Xingze didn’t even blink when he name the price.

When his voice faded, Qin Zhou got very shocked.

Oh my G.o.d! Xingze &h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip; are you crazy!?

One hundred million, what the &h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;

Even if he liked Yun Shishi, but still, to buy a dress for one hundred million!

Yun Shishi felt deeply touched.

She knew that Gu Xingze doesn’t really want to buy this dress for one hundred million. But, he wants to protect her.

If she took off the dress and was driven out, it will be her great humiliation.

So Gu Xingze is buying this dress for one hundred million to maintain her dignity.

One hundred million? Gu Xingze &h.e.l.lip; why are you protecting her? Why do you need to be so gentle?

“Xingze, are you crazy!?” Hanyu Yan could no longer stand him and said: “That dress is not worth one hundred million!”

“But, I like it.” He calmly and briefly said. But, he didn’t look at her.

“I will buy this dress for one hundred million!” Gu Xingze calmly looked at Mu Wanrou and once again declared his words.

“You &h.e.l.lip; &h.e.l.lip;” Mu Wanrou looked at him in disbelief

On the side, Mu Yazhe coldly said: “Don’t sell.”

When everyone heard him, they gasp for breath.

Don’t sell? Even it’s one hundred million? Why?

Qin Zhou got curious and said:: “President Mu, one hundred million is already an astronomical amount!”

Mu Yazhe was lazily sitting on the couch, but still, he looks so elegant. He looks very calm just like an emperor from ancient China but his presence is so oppressive.

“Do you think I am missing a hundred million?”

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