He always felt that this woman is not exactly as what he thinks.

























































































































































































He admitted that he deliberately humiliated her so she will feel embarra.s.sed. After all, she looks so gentle when she was hiding behind another man.

























































































































































































Around Gu Xingze, Yun Shishi seems like an armed cat. She can stretched out her sharp claws and doesn’t allow him to violate her.

























































































































































































Or perhaps, this influential man is good in concealing his desire and just stayed silent. It seems his control is amazing or it’s his natural instinct.

























































































































































































The blood in his heart start to flow fast. He never allowed any person to disobey him. However, this woman is so stubborn.

























































































































































































Mu Yazhe’s thin lips stayed silent and his eyes conceal his real emotion.

























































































































































































Seeing what happen, Alan couldn’t really accept it. But, despite of that she keep up with Yun Shishi and help her to wear the dress that Qin Zhou previously fancy. She also fix her hair and coupled her with simple and yet luxurious brand of accessories.

























































































































































































Because of guilt, Alan pay more attention to her makeup.

























































































































































































Her makeup will naturally brought a change to the elegant snow white dress she is wearing.






























































































Her face has gorgeous crystal-like makeup. Alan took a mirror and showed to Yun Shishi her extraordinary charming face.

























































































































































































Alan is a top notch makeup artist, the way her hand put a makeup seems like a surgery. So, her face right now looks extremely beautiful.

























































































































































































Yun Shishi stood up and smile to Alan. She still looks so flawless as before.

























































































































































































Again, Alan couldn’t help but think: People who was born extremely beautiful doesn’t need to rely on expensive and beautiful clothes and accessories. Yun Shishi is now wearing a simple white dress, but she’s still shining like before.

























































































































































































When Yun Shishi hold her skirt and went outside the dressing room, she once again attracted everyone’s attention.

























































































































































































Gu Xingze’s eyes got even more amazed than before.

























































































































































































Even Little Yichen who was leaning on Mu Yazhe’s arm couldn’t utter a word in his amazement. While Qin Zhou’s eyes directly got fix on her.

























































































































































































Hanyu Yan who was standing on the side got stunned and very jealous. This girl can really make people envy her! Her beauty and temperament are unique. Why did the heaven blessed her so much?






























































































Mu Wanrou’s face got a bit complicated and her eyes looks so evil.

























































































































































































Yun Shishi look at Gu Xingze and Qin Zhou, then she smiled and ask: “How about this?”

























































































































































































People who isn’t born beautiful really cannot do more than that ah!”

























































































































































































When he finished his word, Hanyu Yan’s face turn red and white.

























































































































































































However, even though Qin Zhou is being sarcastic, she couldn’t bad mouth him. Qin Zhou is not just an ordinary manager, he is the ace manager of the Universal Entertainment. He has countless resources in his hands and a very solid background. So, she cannot afford to offend him.






























































































Gu Xingze also said: “Qin Zhou’s eyes is good. This dress is also beautiful!”

























































































































































































“Whatever Shishi wears she will still be beautiful!” Qin Zhou said as if he is a fan of her.




















































































































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