Publishedat 11th of October 2019 05:55:18 AMChapter 455

Inside the doctor"s office at a hospital .

Song Enya sat in front of a doctor with worry on her face . The doctor regarded her and the stern-looking man standing behind before he slowly informed, “The child has a slight abrasion on her head with a mild brain concussion . The wound has been cleaned and st.i.tched with antiseptic . Don"t let water get into the wound for the next few days and avoid any spicy food—”

“St.i.tch?” Shocked, she could not help but interrupt the doctor mid-speech .

“Yes . The cut required st.i.tching as it was quite deep . The child probably hit the corner of the stairs as she fell down the steps . ” Adjusting the spectacles on his face, he continued to speak in a respectful tone .

If it were another patient that had repeatedly interrupted him, he would have lost his patience by now .

Unfortunately, this woman was someone he knew . She was not somebody he could afford to offend, so his att.i.tude toward her was respectful and patient .


She was looking stunned and scared . “Is the injury that deep? Brain concussion? Is it that serious?”

The doctor patiently explained, “It is a mild brain concussion and not a serious injury . There"s no treatment for that . The girl will be able to slowly recover after some rest!”

“Will this affect the brain? Like side effects…”

“No . ” The doctor snorted inwardly .  How can it be that serious? This woman must be a medical idiot .

She asked a few more questions, mainly if the st.i.tch would leave a scar on her head .

The answer she got was that there would definitely be a scar and that growing hair from the spot with the st.i.tch would be difficult . The good news was, as it was a small wound of the size of a thumb, only three st.i.tches were required . It would be easy for girls to conceal such a flaw as they tended to have more hair .

Mu Yazhe was not thinking of Song Enxi, though .

He was not present when the commotion happened, so he could only piece the events from the children"s narration . All this while, the girl had accused his son of pushing her down the steps and of being a malicious bully to her .

However, knowing his son"s character well, one thing he was sure of was that Little Yichen would not resort to such cra.s.s behavior .

The boy was more mature compared to his peers; hence, he found them childish and hardly played with them .

It was unlike of him to provoke another child proactively, especially with such bad conduct .

The chaotic situation earlier just did not provide him the leeway to understand everything fully . Just Song Enxi"s bawling was giving him a headache!

Under such a dire circ.u.mstance, he could only think of sending the girl to the hospital fast .

After the whole matter had quieted down, he rea.n.a.lyzed the matter and could roughly picture the sequence of events . The two kids probably had a conflict, and regardless of who started it, the girl probably bit the boy first, which led into him pushing her away .

He had once warned his son never to use brute force on others; thus, Little Yichen was always disciplined and well-mannered .

The girl most likely hit her head hard when she tripped over the steps after being pushed .

He surmised that this was what had probably happened earlier .

As a father, his tendency was to believe his child . Besides, his indulgence to Song Enxi was just skin-deep . Little Yichen was his son, so first and foremost, his duty was to care and love him . If not him, then who should he care about?

He really wanted to give his boy a happy and memorable birthday .

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