Publishedat 14th of October 2019 05:30:10 AMChapter 725: 725

Catching hold of his rebellious hands, the man"s lips arched into a devilish smile . He watched the boy"s face take a red hue out of shyness!

Even though the kid was saying no, he was not resisting and struggling much . Embarra.s.sed and upset, the boy glared at him indignantly . He turned his face away, not wanting to look at him, as his pink lips pursed into a haughty arch .

It was a silent resistance .

This little boy was truly stubborn . Where had he inherited this proud personality from?

He held the boy"s chin and forced the latter to look at him .

Youyou struggled a little, trying to escape his grip, but who was he to triumph over his father"s strength?

Realizing that resistance was futile, he simply decided to give up . He stared at the man with threat in his eyes .

The man smiled a little .


This was his first time seeing his son"s face up close .

His jet-black hair was silky smooth, and it shone under the light .

His palm-sized face, with rosy cheeks, was fair like snow . Accentuating his adorable features were his high bridge nose and glistening round eyes, which upturned at the corner; these pupils were framed by curly and thick lashes .

His black orbs were as clear as water, making them more tantalizing, and dazzling like diamonds without an ounce of impurity .

Indeed, Youyou had inherited his mother"s beautiful eyes and his father"s distinctive facial features . He embodied all their positive physical attributes .

There was no doubt that this little guy would soon grow up into a sophisticated, handsome man .

The boy"s face burned under his piercing stare . He glared back at him defiantly .

Just like this, the father and son"s eyes clashed with each other silently .

Amused by the nervousness on the little lad"s face, she could not help but laugh . “Youyou, what is with your expression?”

The boy"s face turned even redder, and he awkwardly replied, “He keeps staring at me!”

“That"s because daddy loves you, right?” she prompted .

“I don"t want to be loved by him!” he stubbornly replied, pouting begrudgingly thereafter .

The man let out a laugh suddenly . “Youyou, do you want to play a game with daddy?”


“It is Little Yichen"s favorite game . ”

“What? I don"t want to play—”

Before he could finish his words, the man held his body firmly and tossed him slightly in the air .


He screamed as his body hung suspended in the air for a brief moment before it fell on Mu Yazhe"s waiting arms .

Before he could utter a protest, the man tossed him gently in the air again . His expression changed into one of shock as he let out another shrill scream . “Wahhh!”

Too high!

It was too high!

In the next moment, he was falling again . His heart seemed to stop beating for a moment!

His heart was suddenly in his throat .

As he fell once more, his father caught him firmly again .

Both the man"s arms went under the little boy"s armpits as he held him aloft .

Terrified, his complexion turned wan . His beautiful face was now entirely ashen . “Put me down! Put me down!”

He struggled and thrashed his cute little legs . The man"s hands trembled a bit, causing the boy to let out another horrified scream . “Oh, my! I"m going to fall!”

Just when he thought that he would hit the floor, his father once again caught him stably in his arms .

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