Publishedat 24th of October 2019 01:25:08 AMChapter 754: 754

The man frowned . “You would be complained of child abuse overseas . ”

“What?” She refuted sheepishly, “In what way did I abuse Youyou? D"you think I"m you?”

“What did I do?”

“Little Yichen is too young to undergo military training . How can you be so cruel as a father?”

“I was thrown into a boot camp for observational training when I was three,” he retorted languidly .

She was truly stunned . “What? At three years old? A three-year-old kid can"t even string a proper sentence in the first place . ”

“That"s you; I was able to recite a hundred Chinese poems when I was three . ”

“… What"s so great about that?!” Feeling her intelligence being attacked, she retaliated at once . “That"s slanderous . ”

“Stupid woman, I suspect you are the deterring factor in our household . ” He declared this solemnly in her face out of the blue .


She was. .h.i.t hard by that statement . “What do you mean?”

“You pull down our family"s intelligence quotient . ”

“…” She acknowledged that inwardly .

“I admit that I"m not as intelligent as you are, but don"t forget that I"m one of the top graduates in my faculty, all right?”

“We are talking about IQ here – not our learning ability . ”

She put up her hands, admitting defeat . “All right! I"m sorry to be the deterring factor here! Still, I have chipped in my beauty quotient to the entire family, haven"t I?”

She blinked her almond eyes, sparkling pride, at him .

He stood up and walked toward her . Standing in front of her, he held out his hands and pulled her into his embrace .

Dipping his head, he lifted strands of her silky hair to reveal her earlobes with the starry night earrings he had gifted her .

She also had the necklace with the shooting star pendant on her neck .

He smiled satisfactorily and pecked her on the cheek .

She looked up with astounded face, and since he was too tall, she had to stand on tiptoes to return the kiss lightly .

Her kiss landed gently beside his lips .

“Master; young mistress, we have caught a large variety of fishes when we went to the sea this afternoon . What do you want us to do with them for dinner?”

c.o.c.king her brow, she replied, “Since we are at the beach, how about arranging a picnic by the sh.o.r.e this evening?”

The children were asleep when she entered the bedroom . Standing by the bed, she saw that they were at each other"s personal s.p.a.ce in their slumber . The older twin"s arm was draped lightly on the younger twin"s shoulder, whereas the latter"s little face was buried in the former"s chest .

Youyou seemed to be more at ease in their sleep .

Both lay under the same quilt .

Their mother gently called out to them with a smile . “Youyou, Yichen, wake up . ”

The younger boy woke up all of a sudden after a few calls . “Mommy…”

“Wake up . The sky is turning dark; it"s time for dinner!”

The little boy rubbed his sleepy eyes as his older brother awoke thereafter . Opening his bleary eyes and seeing their mother, he smiled . “Mommy!”

“Yichen, get ready with your brother and come downstairs for dinner . ”

He nodded, his eyes slanting into an open smile . “Eh!”

“Mommy will be waiting downstairs for you two . ”

She left the room once she said that .

The younger one flipped over from the bed at once and got into the bathroom for a shower .

His older brother sat up in bed and noticed the quilt on him . As he became more alert, he could not help wondering just who had put it on him .

He recalled clearly that he did not cover himself with it when he went to sleep .

Don"t tell me…

He rushed to his brother as the latter appeared from the bathroom in a towel and asked awkwardly, “Brother, did you cover me with the quilt earlier?”

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