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Chapter 793: 793

“Since Youyou is cooking sweet and sour pork for daddy, what about mommy? What is Youyou cooking for me?” Yun Shishi was overtly teasing him .

The little boy went soft and cuddly at the thought . “Youyou only cooks dishes mommy likes! Sweet and sour pork is something mommy likes as well; Youyou only has mommy in his heart!”

“All right . I"m just teasing you . ” His mother chuckled with amus.e.m.e.nt .

Her precious little baby was really adorable .

The boy stared at his mommy"s lovely smiling face with great contentment in his heart .

Deep down, he knew very well that she was only teasing him .

That was because his mother loved his innocence the most . With that being the case, he would present that side of him unreservedly in front of her .

Even if this meant that… he had to put on a silly persona .


He would stop at nothing to make her happy .

It looked cold and deserted on a quiet street under the dim lightings .

The evening breeze, accompanied by strong gusts of wind, had turned the night chilly .

Yan Bingqing huddled to herself and hastened her footsteps .

She looked downcast as she paced along the streets . She had left the studio later than usual tonight . In the past, she would have armed herself fully with shades and headgear to avoid the paparazzi as much as possible .

Now, no paparazzo would tail her ever again even if she was to dress up for them .

Huanyu"s ban was absolute .

For the first few days, her scandals were all over the Internet, and her unbearable past was bared to the public fully . Her secret affairs and sugar daddies, abortions, drug-taking – every aspect of her corrupted lifestyle was exhibited to everyone sans a reservation . Her reputation plummeted instantly .

This was how the entertainment industry worked .

When a person was popular, they were worshipped and revered as glamorous kings and queens .

When one was down and out, they were the most despised; those who stepped on them only turned from bad to worse .

The news with photos of her used to depict her most stunning and exquisite look .

Now, what the tabloids published were only photos of her looking frail, shameful, and despondent .

Soon after, Huanyu sent an injunction notice to all media organizations of any reports regarding her .

Even if it was just some minor news released online, it would be taken down shortly after posting .

She was totally erased from the ma.s.sive world of the Internet and was forbidden from getting any exposure .

This was how Huanyu carried out its business – ruthless and thorough .

She got a taste of that man"s brutal nature .

Yan Bingqing mocked herself for her lack of self-defense . Not having any room for struggle against his attacks, oh, how pathetic had she become .

This was not the worst, though .

Besides losing those hard-won acting contracts and commercial endors.e.m.e.nts in and out of China and Hongkong, her faithful fans all but left her . This was the worst .

There were only reprimands for her on the Internet .

It was true that she had experienced bad times in the past .

It was just that, for so many years, she had used all ways and means to get her fame and fortune .

Finally, she had become a first-tier actress of Huanyu . She had everything from claps of appreciation, reputation and money to bouquets of flowers . Now, all were lost, and she was only left with doubts, apathy, vicious words, and finger-pointing behind her back .

The most frightening thing was that she could not even get a decent and simple job now .

All her bank accounts were frozen, and her a.s.sets of hundreds of millions had evaporated overnight .

She walked back to her house, crestfallen .

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