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Chapter 815

Mu Xi watched fearfully at the side, only hoping that this rain scene could end quickly .

“"The Green Apple", Scene 28, Take 2; Action!”

The filming went on with hiccups .

The main problem was that Gu Xingze could not get in the proper condition .

As for Yun Shishi, her eye expression somewhat lacked the emotion .

Sitting in front of the monitor, Lin Fengtian found this to be strange . He kept feeling that the two were not in the right conditions and seemed to be distracted .

The eyes of the superstar, in particular, were either wondering or too deep . The intense emotional struggle in Yin Dongyu"s eyes was not properly expressed at all .

On the other hand, while she got the right eye expression and her lines were properly read, her demeanor had an awkward feel to it .

It was the ineffable sort of awkwardness .


He "cut" the filming and announced, “Mid-break for 15 minutes . ”

Mu Xi took a blanket and quickly covered her charge"s body as she helped her back to her seat .

The superstar sat by her side, too, but did not spare her a glance; it was as if she were air .

There was no interaction at all .

Being observant, the director was vaguely aware that there was something fishy between the two . Hence, he walked over to Yun Shishi, pushed the actor away, and occupied his seat .

“Shishi, you"re not fully in condition today . What are you thinking about?”

“I… I got distracted . Sorry . ”

He waved his hand . “I don"t want to hear this . Say; have you ever been in love?”

“I guess… I"m kind of?”

“Think of him as the man you love, and then bring it into the role . Envision this; the man you love clearly loves you back, but he"s afraid to love…”

He tried to bring out her emotions . “In the next take, you must portray the anguish and hysteria in Yin Xiachun . ”

Having high comprehension level, she soon got what he wanted from her . “Director Lin, thank you; I understand now!”

“Okay! Try to pa.s.s it in one take!”

With that, he went to the superstar"s side .

His face turned somber instantly .

“Xingze, for this scene, you just need to follow your inner struggles . ”

The actor was dumbfounded .

He drummed his fingers on the table and snorted . “Do you really think that I can"t tell? You like Yun Shishi, don"t you?”

The superstar raised his eyes, his face pale and his eyes abnormally empty .

“Your present emotional state fits this plot very well . Carefully give some thoughts about Yin Dongyu"s emotional state and then just express your inner struggle out; that"s it!”

He narrowed his eyes; how could he not tell how this actor felt for her?

Gu Xingze liked Yun Shishi .

Unfortunately, this feeling could only be buried deep in his heart .

The actor frowned slightly in contemplation .

Standing up, he patted his shoulder . “Give it some thought, and then try to pa.s.s it in one take!”

With that, he left .

Gu Xingze raised his head, but he accidentally met Yun Shishi"s eyes . She was sitting somewhere not far from him . Seeing that he was also looking at her, she immediately averted her gaze .

The break of fifteen minutes was soon over .

The two went back to the scene .

The staff raised the water hose and sprayed it in the air, creating an artificial rain scene in no time .

“"The Green Apple", Scene 28, Take 7; Action!”

“Yin Dongyu!”

Yun Shishi cried out in hysteria . From the start, she was exactly in condition, and the power of this shout almost made her voice hoa.r.s.e .

Lin Fengtian smiled satisfactorily .

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