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Chapter 856: 856

“I realize that you know a lot!” Little Yichen marveled . “You seem to know everything . ”

“When I make braised chicken wings, I remove the tip of the wings,” his brother added .

Due to his sensitive const.i.tution, he had to be careful of what he ate . Hence, whenever he cooked, he would pay attention to what was good for his health and what he should avoid .

As for his mommy, there was food she must avoid, too, so he was particular in this aspect .

Just as Youyou finished with a sausage, he caught sight of some service staff staring at them at a distance from his periphery .

He frowned with displeasure .

The older twin followed the direction of his gaze and was baffled to see a few people"s intermittent stares .

“Youyou, er…”


“Those servers are so pitiful . ”


“Why do you say that?”

His brother sadly replied, “Look at them; they must be starving because they keep staring at us!”

The younger boy was rendered speechless .

“Stupid! They"re afraid that we don"t have the money to foot the bill . ”

“That"s petty!” The older boy suddenly pulled out a bulgy wallet from his backpack and placed it on the table .

The younger one"s eyes gave a violent twitch . “What are you doing?”

“I"m gonna pay the bill now, lest they keep the lookout . ”

With that, he called out to one of them .

One service staff quickly approached . “Hi, children . Is there anything else you want?”

“I"m paying . ”

“Huh?” The staff was startled .

The boy c.o.c.ked his eyebrow and said, “Get me the check . ”

The staff quickly brought the bill to him . “The total is 350 yuan . ”

He nodded and opened his wallet .

Golden flashes seemed to shimmer all around them in an instant .

In his black wallet were rows of credit cards and a stack of banknotes . At one glance, one could roughly estimate that there was a little over a thousand cash . It was a mind-numbing sight, indeed!

This kiddo…

What a little Tuhao 1 !

And to think we are worried about their paying power!

Well, their worry was uncalled for, obviously .

The older twin took out 400 yuan and waited for them to return the change . There was a one-eighty change in att.i.tude by the time the waiter came back with the loose change .

“All of you don"t need to worry that we"re here for a free meal anymore, right?” He arched his brow in apparent disdain .

The respectful service staff was deeply embarra.s.sed by his comment and apologized profusely .

Alas, the younger twin had no patience for them and merely waved them away .

As his brother kept his wallet, he asked all of a sudden, “Why do you carry so much cash with you?”

“Oh, this isn"t much actually . It"s for the sake of convenience!” his twin replied .

The credit cards he carried were in fact supplementary cards . In reality, since he was not yet of legal age, the merchants would refuse to take his cards, unless the shops were operating within Mu"s commercial malls .

Therefore, he would always carry cash with him in case of emergency .

By the time the two little lads finished with their dinner, it was only half an hour more to their movie .

They somehow managed to catch it on time after a mad dash to the theater .

While this was not Youyou"s first visit to the movie theater, it was for Little Yichen . Thus, it was hardly surprising to find him exceptionally excited .

He only got to watch a movie in his home theater most of the time .

In any case, the cinema had a better ambience to enjoy a show .

Because of that, the boy initially had a hard time sitting still when it began .

His brother had to reach out and gave him a knock on the head .

“Be quiet and watch the movie . You"ll be chased out if you continue fidgeting!”

The boy instantly quieted down .

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