Publishedat 9th of December 2019 01:25:06 AMPlease help us improve Trinity Audio
Chapter 904: 904

She had never been absent from the past cla.s.s gatherings .

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One could say that she got along relatively well with her .

However, with her friend"s attendance today, Huang Lili constantly picked on her and even wanted to bring out old debts .

Turning over old accounts, huh?

She was unafraid of her .

This woman had so many old accounts; she did not mind exposing them one by one!

With that, a male cla.s.smate asked in disbelief, “Xiao Xue, are you telling the truth?”

“Of course! Why would I lie? You"ve all been thoroughly deceived by her appearance!”

Pausing, she suddenly gave a scornful smile . “There"s a sentence perfectly fit for you: "A white lotus who loves gentlemen is actually a real b*tch"!”


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Completely outraged by this, Huang Lili pounced on her and clawed at her .

Gao Nan, with good reflexes, quickly pushed his girlfriend out of harm"s way and ended up receiving the a.s.sailant"s attack, her nails leaving a deep b.l.o.o.d.y mark on his arm .

“Get off me!” With a look of disdain, he pushed her aside .

She lost her center of gravity and fell to the ground, looking like an utter mess .

“Don"t touch me; it"s dirty . ” He quickly picked up a wet wipe from the table and vigorously rubbed the spot where she had touched with it .

His action was undoubtedly the biggest insult to her . It angered her boyfriend as well .

“What do you mean by that?!”

“Her hands are dirty,” the man repeated coldly . His haughtiness infuriated him even more, and he aimed a fierce kick at him .

Xiao Xue let out a scream of surprise . Never did she expect Du Jiayan to turn violent .

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Fortunately, Gao Nan was nimble, and he dodged him while protecting her in his embrace . The two men then entered a scuffle .

Huang Lili gawked at the side .

Meng Qinghe hurriedly stepped forward to stop the fight . Alas, it was an unwise decision to intervene in this fray at this point of time as it resulted in him receiving a punch from Du Jiayan and a kick from Gao Nan yet did not manage to pull them apart .

Xiao Xue was worried by this scene, afraid that her boyfriend would be on the losing end .

Was he someone to be trifled with, though?

He was half a skilled man in fighting; in his youth, he learned judo and had some skills . As for the other man, not only did he not gain the upper hand, he received several punches in the face as well . He looked terrible .

After wrestling with each other for a while, he was actually on the losing end and at a disadvantage .

“Stop fighting!”

“Stop fighting, stop fighting! Ah…”

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The scene descended into chaos .

Feeling the churning of her stomach and an acid reflux, Yun Shishi held onto the gla.s.s counter for support in the washroom .

A queasy feeling kept a.s.sailing her, and she incessantly retched .

Alas, she only spat out some gastric juice and could not vomit out anything else despite retching for quite some time .

She splashed some water on her face . Unknown if she was having a hangover or something else, but she felt terrible as the urge to vomit was ever present .

Huang Lili"s ferocious yet aggressive face suddenly came to her mind .

She regretted it all of a sudden!

This cla.s.s gathering was undoubtedly an ambush .

She felt extremely tired to see such an ugly and hypocritical face .

Taking out a piece of wet wipe, she gently drained the water splotches on her face . The urge to vomit came to her again, and she clutched the gla.s.s counter for support while she retched…

Her heart skipped a beat in that moment .

She recalled that she did not drink much at all .


She clutched at her chest as her thoughts jumbled up .

At the thought of her period, she realized that it had been delayed for some time, and there was no signs of it thus far .

Could it be…

Shocked, she did not dare to think further .

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