I am 4 years old now, and my new name is Alex hart. my father lion hart is a businessman and has a quirk known as speed thinking. It enables him to think as fast as a computer. with the help of his quirk, he became a good businessman making around a million dollars a year. pretty rich if you ask me.

my mother Lisa hart, helps my father in the business. she has telekinesis quirk, a pretty advanced one at that. she can use many pens to write the contracts and arranging the papers with just a thought.

my parents moved from America, the year before I was born and married here in j.a.pan. reason? there were many criminals and villains roaming around and doing business was a bad idea in that situation, my father sold all the a.s.sets and moved to j.a.pan. we are currently in collaboration with the yaoyorozu family.

Today my parents called a doctor to see if I have awakened the quirk. after the checkup doctor said that I have a telekinesis quirk.

listening to what the doctor said my parents were very happy. I was shocked listening to there talking, I was confused "did the G.o.d mess up or something, why didn"t I awaken one-punch man"s power?"

one year pa.s.sed, still no sign of awakening my one-punch man"s power. today is my 5th the birth and my parents invited the yaoyorozu family to the party. I can finally meet with momo. mother dressed me well and brought me to the living room where all the guests were talking and drinking with each other, I can also see some kids.

we came near the table where the cake was placed. father took the mic and said "Thank you, everyone, for coming to the birthday party of my son. please enjoy yourself"

my parents hosted a grand party for this, they didn"t do this previously. there must be some reason for this I taught.

after cutting the cake and receiving the gifts. Mr and Mrs yaoyorozu approached us along with momo. she was looking so cute, her hairs as twin-tails and the pink frock, she looked like a princess.

they talked with my parents and left momo and me alone, momo came to me and said

"happy birthday hart Kun",

"thank you momo, I can call you momo right, you look so cute in this dress just like a princess"

"Thank you, I"ll call you Alex then"

she seemed happy talking with me and we soon became friends, I told her some jokes and we laughed together. after some time her parents came and to us to say bye. they look happy that we got along well.

momo and I promised to play in her house as they cannot allow her to come to my house. after a few days, I finally decided to go to momo"s house. we played various games and talked about various stuff. she told me that she started learning martial arts and other workouts.

At that time it clicked to me, why one punch man"s power didn"t awaken, seriously how can I forget such an important thing. after some time. I went back home. The next morning I woke up and started my training to awaken my power.

100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 km running, every single day. that was the training needed to become powerful. additionally, I also trained my telekinesis quirk. mother guided me. father also taught me tips and tricks to memorize and improve my thinking capacity.

and so another 7 years pa.s.sed.

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