The next day I bought Eri some cloths. we ate breakfast while watching tv,

hearing the news a smile appeared on my face, at least yakuza won"t give me troubles for the time being. I brought Eri chan outside, she was wearing a light red dress and with a cap, she looked so cute. I took her hand and started walking toward the station.

I plan to bring Eri chan to another city that has a big amus.e.m.e.nt park, I wanted her to enjoy and forget her past. we entered the train and sat on the bench, Eri started looking at the scenery from the window, she enjoyed watching the trees and house go past by, the big blue sky with clouds.

we arrived in the city, I brought Eri to a restaurant and we ate some food, after that I ordered some ice cream for her, while she was eating, ice cream got smeared over her face, watching that I wiped her face with tissue paper, making her giggle. she took some ice cream in a spoon and brought it near my face, Seeing that I felt warm inside, I smiled and ate the ice cream. As I was an orphan, I don"t know how siblings interact with each other, but looking at eri chan, seeing that happy face she makes while eating ice cream, makes me want to protect that smile of hers forever.

after eating the ice cream, We went to an amus.e.m.e.nt park. we went to almost all the rides except the roller coaster, as children we"re not allowed. she enjoyed all the rides, I brought her to see a concert that was being held by a group. I make her sit on my shoulders as we watched and cheered.

After the fun but tiring day, she fell asleep. I brought her to the apartment, I rented and made her sleep on the bed covering her with a blanket. I sat on the chair near the bed, thinking about what excuse should I give to my parents and how should I explain about Eri. while Thinking hard I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to see that, Eri was staring at me giggling. I looked at eri confused. she said "onii San you look so funny while you were sleeping, you were drooling too"

hearing her tease me I said, " now even eri chan is teasing me, I want to cry boohoo...."

eri chan panicked and started consoling me, I suddenly caught eri chan and started tickling her, making her laugh louder, " that was your punishment for teasing onii San, hehe..., come let"s clean up and be on our way to home."

hearing that eri chan stopped laughing and went to the bathroom, we brushed our teeth and took bath, after wearing new clothes I brought Eri to the station again, this time we were going back home. On the way, I explained eri what to tell my parents when I take her home.

after hours we finally arrived at my home city, I called a taxi and took her to my home. when I entered the house and said "mom, dad I am home"

I heard footsteps rushing towards me and saw mom rushing over, she came near me and slapped hard on my face, I wanted to explain but before that, she hugged me and started crying.

"Where did you go for all this time, leaving that note behind, at least you should have been clear with us, we would have helped you. you know how worried me and your father were. next time don"t do something stupid again *sob*... "

hearing what my mother said, my eyes got red and tears came out, seeing how deeply mother loved and cared for me, I felt so much warm, I thanked the G.o.d/doll again in my heart.

father came soon after and he looked at me and looked at eri chan and said " You got some explaining to do young man but before that welcome back" as he hugged me.

after calming down I told them the story I made up "I saw some guys taking eri, I first taught they were family but just in case I attached a transmitter to them, on the afternoon I heard eri chan screaming, So I rushed to save her, I tracked the signal to an abandoned building and saw the thugs beating eri, I slapped them away and saved eri, eri chan was scared, so to make her feel good I took her to an amus.e.m.e.nt park and a concert. then we came back home "

listening to my story, they looked at me for some time, not believing it fully, they looked at Eri and asked "tell me eri-chan what happened to you"

Eri chan looked at me and turned her head toward my parents and said "I was in the darkroom, where a bad uncle injured me, onii San came smashing the door and saved me, after that we went to an amus.e.m.e.nt park and concert, onii san also bought me some Icecream"

she said just what I told her to, eri chan is smart I taught. hearing what eri chan said father wanted to say something but I interrupted him and said "father, she doesn"t have anyone to take care of her, please don"t send her to the orphanage, I always wanted a little sister, seeing that she has no one, why can"t we just adopt her" bowing to my father, making a sincere request. there is no shame in bowing towards one"s parent.

Seeing me bowing like that, they felt moved and agreed to my request. Eri chan finally became a part of our family.

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