Rushing in direction of the snake gang, I went past many buildings and vehicles, they seemed to slow down, I feel like I am "flash". As I was taking a turn I saw a figure falling from the building, seeing the figure falling in slow motion, I can see that it"s a woman in black with cat ears and a mask, she looked like cat women from batman series, but her hair color is Scarlet.

I propelled myself to catch her, hugging her I can see her brown eyes, which were Staring at me with full of surprise, she hugged my neck trying to balance herself, as we fall in slow motion, it looked like a romantic scene. We can feel each other"s breath being so close, She looked quite stunning even with her mask that only covers her eyes. I wanted to kiss her pink lips so badly but I held back. We finally reach the floor causing it to crack and web-like patterns appeared on it.

Landing we remain in the same position for quite a while, staring at each other.

she then blinked her eyes and

"Looked enough? I know that I am beautiful but starting at me directly for so long is not ok..."

"Oh!...sorry about that..." I said coming out of a daze

"Thanks for helping me. I don"t know what would have happened to me if you didn"t save me..." She said eyes full of admiration.

"By the way how did you fall down?"

"It was those snake gang people, they pushed me off the building"

"Oh! So you have some enmity with the snake gang..."

"It"s not about enmity, they are villains that do horrible things, they have captured as many as 200 newborn babies... I was trying to get some proof about them or catch them red-hand "

"So, the babies were kidnapped by this gang, I now have one more reason to destroy them..."

"You seem to have some personal grudge against them, what did they do to you?"

"Nothing much just kidnapped my father..."

"... I hope he is ok, but are you going alone to help him?"

"I am more than enough..."

"so confident! hmmm... Let"s work together, seeing that we have a common enemy. By the way, my hero name is fairy women, just graduated this year, and my quirk is re-equip. I can equip any armor, weapon, and support gears with just a thought."

"I don"t have a hero name yet, but you can call me one punch man, I can take down anyone with a punch..."

"I didn"t think that you would be this arrogant, don"t try to impress me with such words, if you can"t back it up, it"ll make me look down on you..."

"... I am speaking the truth..."

"whatever let"s get going..." She tried to walk in the direction of the snake gang, but I picked her up in a princess carry.

"What are you doing pervert! Put me down this instant..."

"Be quiet, we don"t have much time, I going to rush so hold on tightly..."

"Don"t "be quiet" me. I can run pretty fast myself...ehh..ehhhhhhhhh!"

She panicked experiencing the velocity and screamed, holding me tighter. I jumped upon the buildings and made my way to the headquarters of the snake gang, it was an abandoned mansion just outside the city.

I put her down and she started panting and her legs gave up as she sat on the ground,

"That was super scary!!, I don"t want to experience that ever again... Can"t you be more gentle?"

"We don"t have time, let"s go in!"

"how? there are many guards, we have to sneak in, wait let me use my new headset it can scan the people, using infrared light" showing off her new headset.

"No need, we"ll go from the front door"

"Are you stupid, they outnumber us by many times. We"ll get killed in no time. We have to form a plan and sneak in...hey you! hear me don"t walk away... HEY DON"T GO TOWARD THE MAIN DOOR, Ah... This guy is going to be a death of me... Wait I am coming too..."

"Why join me if you are scared, you should hide and sneak in..."

"I"ll come with you, maybe I am going mad but I trust you have some plan or enough power for this..."

"Don"t worry you"ll be safe with me..." I smiled at her making her blush.

We arrived at the front door, I knocked out the guards, and as we proceed forward. fairy-women was surprised by my actions. She followed closely behind. On our way to the main hall, I knocked out all the snake people.

We soon arrived at a big hall where big test tubes we"re fixed to the walls, filled with green liquid and babies inside them. They were deformed. Looking at the scene I got really angry, "these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds totally crossed the line, killing you is the only choice".

Fairy women looked at the containers as she clenched her hands, tears came out after seeing the deformed bodies of the babies. She changed into a shining silver plate armor with a skirt and a took out a long sword, I can feel her anger and heartbreak.

She was about to rush forward to attack them. But I stopped her, looking at a dark green snake king that was talking to my dad, who was tied to a chair with some ropes.

The snake king looked at us and

"How did you come in? Hiss~ any way you are going to die sssssoon... Guardsssss catch them hiss~"

"Tell me, what did you do to those babies?..."

"Sssseeing that you are going to die anyway, letsssss me tell you my plansssss... I took out their quirk essencesssss and made it turn into a liquid formsssss, by drinking it my quirk will become sssstronger and I will become the ssssstrongesssst person and will rule the worldssssss... Hiss hiss hiss... [A/N: snake laugh, do snake even laugh?] "

"world domination eh!? Such a big dream... You want the world, I"ll give you a taste of what the world feels like..."

I rushed at him picking him up with his legs and smashed him in the ground for 5-6 times, hisssss upper body became like a meat pastesssss... All his underlings we"re stunned by seeing their boss manhandled like that. They wanted to rush up but seeing my eyes they gave up that thought. At this moment they realized that they f.u.c.ked up!

I turned to the fairy-women and said " take my dad away from here, go about 400 meters away from here and wait, I"ll join you guys soon. Now go"

She looked at my eyes for a second and took my now unconscious dad, and ran at full speed, I waited for them to reach a safe distance, I threw the snake kings body down, who was still breathing.

" Time to end this! Special move: not so "Detroit" SMASH!!!..." as I smashed on the head of the snake king. Making a deep crater of size 600 meters in diameter. the snake king, all his underlings, and the building turned to dust.

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