One Special Moment

Chapter 14.

"Colby, are you still with me?" Sterling asked in a deep, sensuous voice.

"Yes," she managed to say. She felt hot all over. Her body literally felt like it was on fire. Her lips were sizzling from his description of all the ways he was kissing her, and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were smoldering from all the things he said he was doing to them.



"Can you feel my touch?"


"Can you taste my kiss?"

Colby flicked her tongue across her lips, remembering the taste of him from their last kiss. "Yes."

"That"s good, because I can taste you, too. It"s a sweet, delectable taste. And I can inhale your scent. It"s a scent that"s exclusively yours."

By the time Colby ended her telephone conversation with Sterling, the only thing she wanted to do was to go home and sleep for the rest of the day. She didn"t know that talking on the phone could be so stimulatingly draining. If just talking to him about making love had this sort of affect on her, she didn"t want to think about how the real thing would be.

The afternoon sun slanted across the ocean as Sterling jogged along the beach. Sweat poured from his body and his muscles ached, but he kept on running.

He had been a fool to break down and call Colby and confess that he missed her. But after Angeline left, he had desperately needed to hear her voice. He needed a touch of the soothing calmness she seemed to be able to give him. His mother had hit him with some heavy stuff. The mere fact she could be dying had caused deep emotions to flare up within him. They were emotions he hadn"t wanted to deal with. To his surprise, he had felt compa.s.sion for the woman who had turned her back on him. The very idea that he could feel such a thing for Angeline Chenault made him run faster and made him push his body harder. He raced across the sandy beach at relentless speed, trying to get rid of the emotions raging within him.

After his conversation with Colby, his turbulent emotions had been soothed. But talking to her had made him desire her that much more, causing him to want to play out one of his fantasies, and by the time their conversation had ended, he couldn"t help but antic.i.p.ate their wedding night.

But his common sense was kicking back in and warning him that more and more he was getting himself in deeper and it was time to pull up and pull back.

He must not forget that Colby"s time in his life was temporary, and that someday he would have to send her away, out of his life forever.

Chapter 14.

"Oh, Colby, you look so beautiful," Cynthia said, dabbing at her eyes.

"Thanks, and I want to thank you and James for letting me have my wedding here. I know you went to a lot of trouble to pull this together when you should have been taking it easy in your condition."

Cynthia frowned. "Don"t you dare try making me an invalid like James wants to do. I"m doing fine, and the doctor says this pregnancy is progressing along nicely. I have tests scheduled at the end of next week. I hope the results are good."

Colby smiled. "Me, too, and I believe they will be." She glanced over her shoulder. "Do you know if Sterling has arrived yet?"

"Umm, I don"t think so, but don"t worry he"ll be here. He called James this morning from Texas."

Colby nodded. Something must have come up to make Sterling stay in Texas longer than he had planned. He was supposed to return to Virginia a couple of days before the wedding. But he hadn"t done so. In fact, she had not heard from him since that he"d called nearly two weeks ago. Their sensuous and steamy phone conversation still made her blush whenever she thought about it. Although he hadn"t called her, she knew he still checked in with Mac daily and called James periodically.

"Kimara Garwood is a beautiful woman," Cynthia was saying, breaking into Colby"s thoughts. "She and her husband make such a stunning couple. And to think they already have four kids and are expecting another set of twins. That will make six kids all under the age of four. That"s what I call having guts."

"Or a need to have my head examined," Kimara said, coming up to them from behind. A huge smile was on her face. "I came to see if I could be of any help."

"No, I"m ready and just waiting for Sterling. Thanks anyway," Colby said, smiling. Cynthia was right. Kimara was a beautiful woman and she looked gorgeous. For a woman who was having a second set of twins she appeared rather calm about it. She and Kyle had arrived that morning and Colby had taken an immediate liking to her. She was a very nice person who was truly genuine. There was nothing pretentious about her. No wonder Kyle Garwood simply adored his wife.

At that moment, James walked over. "I just got a call from Sterling. He"s on his way from the airport and should be here in twenty minutes or less." He chuckled. "I have a feeling it will be less."

Colby nodded, suddenly feeling nervous. "Thanks for telling me. Will you let the others know?"

James nodded and left.

"If you"re sure you don"t need me for anything, I"ll go back to my husband. Kyle"s been watching that wedding cake very closely, and I don"t want him to sneak a slice before he"s supposed to," Kimara said, smiling. "Sterling is very special to me, Colby, and I thought he would never settle down and get married. And after meeting you today, I can see why he"s doing so. I think you"re special, too, and I wish the both of you much happiness. Kyle and I both do."


Kimara gave Colby a hug before turning and walking away. Colby glanced around the huge room. Sterling had wanted a simple, small and private wedding and that was exactly what he was getting. The only persons present other than herself, James, Cynthia and the minister were the Garwoods, Mac, two of her coworkers whom she was close to, and a formal photographer for the media"s benefit. Edward Stewart was also present. He had arrived yesterday to get her signature on the prenuptial agreement. She had kept that information from James. He would not have agreed with her decision to sign such a doc.u.ment.

The living room had been decorated with Cynthia"s special touch. The flowers arranged around the room were beautiful and the dining room was elegantly prepared for the small reception that was to follow.

Colby sighed. She still had no idea where Sterling was taking her on their honeymoon. All she knew was that they would be gone for a week, and then he would take her to his home in the North Carolina mountains for another week. After that, he would be leaving for Spain to begin work on his next movie.

Since North Carolina was closer to Virginia than California, she had mentioned to Sterling that she preferred living there instead of California while he was in Spain. Because of Cynthia"s pregnancy she wanted to be as close to James and Cynthia as possible. Sterling had understood and had said that would be fine with him.

Colby checked her watch. Sterling should be arriving any minute now and she felt b.u.t.terflies in her stomach. The thought of spending the next week with him was fire to her mind. If he did anything to her like he had described that day on the phone, she doubted she would be able to survive the experience. Sterling Hamilton was something else, and for her he was a dream come true.

The moment Sterling entered the house he quickly scanned the group of people present before targeting his sight on Colby. He nodded brief greetings to James, Kyle and Kimara before making his way across the room where his future wife was standing with Cynthia. He thought she looked absolutely gorgeous in her tea-length white lace dress. She saw him and he noticed her eyes light up. The thought that she was glad to see him made him smile.

He closed his fingers around hers and carried her hand to his mouth. He kissed her palm. "I apologize for being late, but something unavoidable came up."

Colby was glad to see him. She hadn"t realized just how much she had missed him until now. And she hadn"t been sure she had made the right decision to marry him until now. In her heart, she felt that whatever problems she faced in the future with this man, she"d be able to deal with them. She would be the kind of wife he needed, and soon she hoped he would come to appreciate her and would want her to remain with him and their child always.

"You"re not late," she said, smiling up at him. "The wedding isn"t supposed to start for another forty-five minutes or so."

"I know, but I wanted to get back two days ago."

Colby nodded. "I understand you had business to take care of. That"s all right, you"re here now and that"s what matters most."

Sterling gazed deep into her eyes. "I"ll make it up to you, I promise."

Colby sighed deeply as the warmth from his eyes touched her.

"Since I"m here is there a reason to wait any longer? Can we get things started now?" he asked.

She nodded.

His smile came easy. "Good. I"ll let James and the minister know." He kissed her palm again before walking off.

Cynthia began fanning herself with her hands. "Whew, honey, I just hope you"re ready for tonight because I have a feeling Sterling definitely is," she teased. "He is one hot-blooded male. Did you see how he was looking at you?"

Colby watched Sterling walk across the room to James and the minister. She had never known a man with a more graceful and masculine stride. "No. How was he looking at me?"

"Like a man who"s very hungry and you"re going to be his appetizer, main course, dessert and late-night snack. If the two of you don"t want kids right away, I hope one of you thought about birth control."

Cynthia"s words s.n.a.t.c.hed Colby back into reality. And with it came the knowledge of why she and Sterling were getting married. She couldn"t look at Cynthia when she said, "There won"t be any birth control. We want to start a family right away. Come on, I think they"re ready for us now."

"Mom and Dad would have been so proud of you, today."

Tears burned the back of Colby"s eyes as she lovingly gazed up at her brother. "Thanks, James. And they would have been proud of you, too."

A look of confusion wrinkled James"s forehead. "Proud of me? For what?"

Colby tried to smile but couldn"t. She could not...she would not make light of what she was about to say. "They would have been proud of you for taking care of me the way you did, putting my needs before your own and for finishing what they started by making sure I always felt loved and protected."

James shrugged. Colby could tell her praise was somewhat embarra.s.sing him. "I just did what any brother would have done."

Colby shook her heard. "No. Any brother would not have done what you did. Only a special brother, a loving brother and a caring brother would have done what you did." She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "And this sister thanks you from the bottom of her heart."

At that moment the music began playing for the wedding ceremony to began.

Sterling took Colby"s hand in his the moment James walked her to him. Then together they faced the minister and began reciting their wedding vows. Sterling"s face was carefully schooled and Colby had no idea what he was thinking as he said the words that, in the sight of G.o.d and all those present, were supposed to bind their lives together forever.

She stared up at him and listened as he repeated the words the minister had instructed him to repeat. She smiled when he glanced down at her and she knew then, at that very moment, that she would love him forever. She knew in her heart she was truly pledging her life to him, and unlike him, she was not pretending. She intended to keep each and every vow she was saying.

Kyle pa.s.sed Sterling the ring to put on her finger, and moments later, Cynthia gave her the one to place on his. Not long after that, the minister announced they were man and wife and told Sterling he could kiss his bride.

Sterling reached out and tenderly stroked her bottom lip with his thumb. His gaze was gentle as he lowered his head and kissed her. Then suddenly he began kissing her with a fierceness that surprised her. All of a sudden, it seemed that all the barriers he had ever erected between them came crashing down in that one kiss.

Colby felt the stirrings of desire that Sterling could arouse in her so quickly and so easily. She returned the kiss with all the love she felt in her heart. She felt happy, elated and renewed. And no matter what he thought his plans were for their future, their lives were being joined forever.

She knew she wasn"t like the other women he had been involved with, some more beautiful, worldly and sophisticated. But she believed she had something to offer him that a lot of them did not. She would give him her undying love, devotion and trust. And one day she would give him a daughter. In her heart, she truly believed that.

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you look today?" Sterling whispered to her as they moved around the room dancing. James had cleared back the furniture to make room for them to share their first dance together as husband and wife.

"No, but thanks for telling me," she said, smiling at him.

"Chandler would have liked you." Pain flashed across Sterling"s features. "That"s the only sad part about today. I always a.s.sumed he would be there whenever I did get married."

Colby nodded as she gazed deep into Sterling"s eyes. "But he is here. I can feel his presence, and I know you can, too. And as always, he is very proud of you."

At that moment, Colby"s words touched him. Once again they had been the soothing calmness he needed. He suddenly forgot about the promise he"d made to himself on the drive from the airport to remember to stay focused and to be mindful of the reason he was marrying her, and to not forget that she would not be a permanent fixture in his life. But from the moment he had entered the house and had seen her, his entire world had brightened up. Despite everything, especially the contract their marriage was based on, he knew the woman he held in his arms was special. He pulled her closer to him.

"Are you ready for the honeymoon?"

Colby blushed when she remembered what Sterling had once told her he planned to do to her during their honeymoon. "It depends on where we"re going."

Sterling smiled. "I guess I should tell you so you"ll pack accordingly. How does Barbados sound?"

She smiled. "Wonderful. Is that where we"re going?"

"Yes. I"ve rented a very secluded place on the ocean. It will be our fantasy hideaway for a week."

At that moment, the music stopped and their dancing came to an end. The photographer approached them for more pictures and they happily obliged him.

A few hours later after changing into travel clothes, Colby and Sterling were ready to leave. They had prepared themselves for the chaos they knew awaited them at the airport. The photographers would have questions and the paparazzi would want pictures. Sterling had deliberately kept where they were going on their honeymoon a secret from the media so they wouldn"t be pestered once they got to Barbados.

After Colby gave everyone hugs and kisses, she and Sterling were on their way.

Chapter 15.

Colby fell in love with the beach cottage the moment she walked through the doors. It was a huge single-story house that had two connecting bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, an eat-in kitchen and a screen-enclosed patio on the back that faced the ocean.

"Oh, Sterling. It"s beautiful. How did you find it?"

Sterling leaned back against the door. He couldn"t help but share Colby"s excitement. "A friend of mine told me about it, and I knew I wanted to bring you here."

Colby walked back over to him. She curved her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for this and for everything. Today has truly been special."

"The best is yet to come," he said, pulling her closer to him. "I missed you," he said truthfully.

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