One Sweet Life

Chapter Eleven

OSL – Chapter Eleven

Warning: Chapter Eleven has mature content. Readers not of a mature age, skip Chapter Eleven.

Gu Tian Tian’s bottom squashes An Yin Zhu’s lap, and he laughs. He wraps an arm around her waist, an arm around her chest, pulls her back onto a comfortable position on his lap. She doesn’t dare move because his arm is about two centimetres below her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Gu Tian Tian regrets forgetting she and An Yin Zhu are two different kinds of people. He’s the kind with hands that can caress her backbone in public.

‘I want to stand,’ Gu Tian Tian says, and turns her head to give An Yin Zhu a dagger.

‘It’s comfortable for you to sit on my lap,’ An Yin Zhu says.

Gu Tian Tian wiggles on An Yin Zhu’s lap, he holds her tighter, and kisses her lips. She stops wiggling, let him hold her on his lap and act like she feels the same as when he held her in the past.

Gu Tian Tian expects An Yi Zhu will walk her down the mountain after resting. She’s wrong. His lips kisses the side of her face to her chin. She turns her face, he holds her face, and his lips move from her chin to her lips.

There are light poles along the mountain trail. But where An Yin Zhu and Gu Tian Tian are sitting, there’s only light from the moon. She widens her eyes and looks at his handsome face under the moonlight. His eyes looks like an illusion, like they’re holding spring love.

Gu Tian Tian closes her eyes, but she can see An Yin Zhu’s eyes clearer in her heart. There’s something strange about the look in his eyes, she gasps and his tongue plays with her tongue. She fails to hide her weak tongue. He traps her tongue in his mouth.

A long time later, An Yin Zhu releases Gu Tian Tian’s tongue and lips. Her hands covers her lips. Two seconds later, her head spins because his hands are fondling her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. When did his hands move to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s?

‘You…’ Gu Tian Tian says.

Gu Tian Tian’s hands presses against An Yin Zhu’s intrusive hands. He smiles, and squeezes her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

‘Are you trapping my hands because you want to keep my hands in this position?’ An Yin Zhu whispers in Gu Tian Tian’s ear.

Gu Tian Tian lets go of An Yin Zhu’s hands. A second later, he resumes fondling her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She wants to bite off his smiling lips.

In the middle of the night, Gu Tian Tian sneaks into the female dorms like a thief. She lies in bed, her heart won’t stop racing, and her head feels cluttered.

An Yin Zhu calls Gu Tian Tian’s phone. She picks up because she doesn’t want him to ring the landline phone.

‘Are you inside?’ An Yin Zhu asks.

‘Yes,’ Gu Tian Tian says.

An Yin Zhu makes Gu Tian Tian frustrated. Who calls someone straight after dropping them off, and watching them safely enter their place?

‘Um,’ An Yin Zhu says.

An Yin Zhu’s voice sounds seductive to Gu Tian Tian no matter what he says. Her ear feels hot. ‘I’m hanging up. I want to go wash my face.’

‘Um, sweet dreams,’ An Yin Zhu says.

Sweet dreams? Gu Tian Tian doesn’t doubt after what happened tonight, she’s going to have nightmares.

At three in the morning, Gu Tian Tian didn’t have nightmares because she didn’t sleep since hanging up the phone. If she can’t sleep, she’s going to wake up the person responsible for her lack of sleep.

‘What’s wrong?’ An Yin Zhu asks. ‘What happened to you? Where are you?’

An Yin Zhu’s sleepy voice wears off quickly after he realises it’s Gu Tian Tian calling him. His sleepy voice turns into a worried voice.

‘I’m still here,’ Gu Tian Tian whispers under the bedsheet.

An Yin Zhu calms down, and lazily sits on the bed. ‘Did you have a nightmare?’

‘Um,’ Gu Tian Tian says.

‘I’ll come pick you up,’ An Yin Zhu says.

‘Huh?’ Gu Tian Tian asks. ‘The dorm gates are locked.’

‘I’ll use my locksmith skills to unlock them,’ An Yin Zhu says, and laughs.

Gu Tian Tian thinks about the time Mr. and Mrs. Gu dumped her at the An family’s home. She left her school books in her bedroom, but she left her keys at home too. At the time, An Yin Zhu was a ten-year-old. She told An Yi Zhu what happened, and he used a metal clip to unlock the front door of her family home. Afterward, An Yi Zhu experimented with all the locked doors in his and her family homes. But Mrs. An caught An Yi Zhu in the act, and banned him from unlocking doors without keys.

Gu Tian Tian used to think An Yin Zhu was a locksmith G.o.d, and asked him to teach her how to unlock doors. He replied, ‘How can someone who locks them self in the toilet, and asks a neigbor to climb through the bathroom window to save them, is capable of learning how to unlock doors?’

Gu Tian Tian didn’t expect there’s a day where An Yin Zhu will use his locksmith skills to unlock the female dorm gates. It feels like she’s having a rendezvous with him in the middle of the night.

‘Wait for me,’ An Yin Zhu says. ‘I’ll call you when I get there.’

Gu Tian Tian heart races like she actually wants to see An Yin Zhu in the middle of the night. ‘Don’t come.’

‘I want to see you,’ An Yin Zhu says.

Gu Tian Tian heart races faster.

‘Xiao Tian, when you need me, and I’m the first person to appear in front of you, will it move your heart?’ An Yin Zhu asks.

‘No,’ Gu Tian Tian says.

‘Heartless,’ An Yin Zhu jokes.

Gu Tian Tian hangs up her phone. She doesn’t know why her heart is racing, and making it hard for her to breathe.

Gu Tian Tian climbs out of bed. She uses the light shining through the window to change clothes, and brush her hair. She feels her racing heart, and remembers An Yin Zhu’s hands fondling her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on Lovers’ Mountain. She touches her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and feels nothing. But when An Yin Zhu’s hands touched her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she felt breathless.

Ten minutes later, Gu Tian Tian hears sounds of a familiar car engine. She frantically picks up her ringing phone. ‘Are you here?’

‘Um, come outside,’ An Yin Zhu says.

Gu Tian Tian creeps outside like a criminal. She considers going back to bed, but knows An Yin Zhu will come drag her out of bed.

Gu Tian Tian can’t see the tall figure clearly in the dark. But she senses the tall figure is An Yin Zhu.

An Yin Zhu looks like a pond under the moonlight, whereas Gu Tian Tian feels like a fish in the pond.

Gu Tian Tian steps toward An Yin Zhu. Although they have known each other for years, it feels like it’s the first time she can see his face clearly.

End of Chapter Eleven

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