One Sweet Life

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

An Yin Zhu could not restrain himself when he see her. He catch her back, and drag her into the bathroom. Gu Tian Tian sensed that something not right might happen. She kept grabbing on the door frame and not let go. An Yin Zhu’s grin gave Gu Tian Tian

"Today, you got to take bath even though you don’t want to!"

Gu Tian Tian provoke him: "If you pull me again, I"ll cry!".

His face turn black immediately. He just hold her hand just now. He was afraid he might hurt her, so he don’t even dare to put in any effort. Otherwise she would not have the strength to grab on the door, and bargain with him. This girl is very dramatic. He sigh. He bend down and hold her up. He ignore her uproarious in his bosom. He throw her straight into the 2M small "onsen" in the bathroom.

* Onsen is the j.a.panese word for Hot Spring

Gu Tian Tian reprove An Yin Zhu once she got her head out from the water. An Yin Zhu ignored her and left the ‘onsen’ naked. Gu Tian Tian was confused. She thought that An Yin Zhu was angry again. She wiped off the water on her face. She got up from the ‘onsen’. She stood at the door way and observed outside. An Yin Zhu was holding something in his hand, grinning and walking towards her. Gu Tian Tian"s sight accidentally looked at somewhere inappropriate. She turned to look elsewhere embarra.s.singly. She could see clearly what"s in his hand. She walked backward few steps when he is nearer. She turned to look side way: "Er, I won"s disturb you to take bath…" She cast a glance on his expression diffidently. An Yin Zhu grinned and stared at her. She smile bluntly and try to pa.s.sed through him.

He stood mighty at the doorway just like the general of the armed force although he is naked. She pa.s.sed through him. Although she could get out the doorway, half meter away, An Yin Zhu looked at her and, didn’t stop her. Gu Tian Tian just managed to get out half way, when he raise his arm, grab her waist and dragged her in. Her effort gone in second.

"As I said, we have to take bath together even though you don’t want to."

"I"ll cry!" She stared at him, the vapor causing her cheeks pinkish with hazy eyes.

An Yin Zhu stared at her pouted lips. His throat trundle unconsciously. He wave the camera in his hand and grined: "Just cry, I"ll record it. Combine with the record that I took when you were younger, as memorial."

Gu Tian Tian straighten her face expression. Every time when An Yin Zhu bully her, she will cry when they were younger. One day, when she was crying, An Yin Zhu didn’t beguile her as usual, however he took out the camera and record it. Gu Tian Tian was only eight that time, she only released after she cried for some time. She wanted to take the camera away from him, however she couldn’t fight against him. From then on, An Yin Zhu always threaten her with the evidence he had. He threaten her to play games, include "groom & bride" when they are younger and "master & maid" when they were slightly older. He always command her to pour tea for him, ma.s.sage arms and legs.

Gu Tian Tian was still young then. She couldn’t take it after few days. She cry loudly on the floor. It was useless even though An Yin Zhu threaten her in many ways. At last, he gave up and try to beguile her by giving her a lots of promises. Only then she stop.

"You, you, you… You said you have deleted it!" Gu Tian Tian stare at him angrily. An Yin Zhu laugh without any guilty: "These are precious data. I definitely keep it nicely." He wave the camera in his hand, smiling brightly: "Come, just cry. I will make comparison from last time. I could use it to compare to see if you have improved after ten years…"

Gu Tian Tian: "….." She push him away strongly. However An Yin Zhu didn"t move. His smile getting more gentle while Gu Tian Tian is very angry and just wanted to bite him.

She rushed onto him, trying to get the camera. She is shorter than An Yin Zhu. She is about his shoulder height only. She still could not get it although she had tiptoed and straighten her arms. Both entangled closely. Gu Tian Tian holding on his neck, and finally managed to get the camera from him. But soon she was held and thrown into the small "onsen’.

"Take off yourself, or you want me help you?" Not sure due to the steam from the "onsen" or his breath, her cheeks felt hot and ticklish. She throw the camera to the side of the "onsen", holding tight onto her collar while looking at him alertly. An Yin Zhu held her waist, smiling brightly: "Or you prefer me do it by force."


Gu Tian Tian was filled with righteous indignation. She wish she could break him into skeleton with her sight. He reply effortlessly: "You are opposite". Gu Tian Tian trying to escape. An Yin Zhu sighed helplessly. He grab her shoulder and pull her back: "Can"t you stay still."

Gu Tian Tian provoke him: "Can you have sense of shame."

An Yin Zhu laughed. Gu Tian Tian also chuckled. He push aside the wet hair falling on her face and hug her gently: "Little Gu."


He said: "You"re very naughty." His voice sound low and gentle, sleep like inducing symphony.

"An Ge Ge". Gu Tian Tian address him seriously.


"You"re annoying."

An Yin Zhu gentle face froze. Who is more annoying! He straighten his expression, and push away her hands which holding the collar and tear it down: "I"m annoying? Since you don’t like me, I do not need to beguile you anymore. Cry if you want to!"

Gu Tian Tian speechless. Although she told him he is annoying, but she doesn"t dislike him. However Ah Yin Zhu burst just like an angry cat.

Within second, her t-shirt was torn by him. She covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. An Yin Zhu continued to tear her short pants. Gu Tian Tian immediately hold onto her pants. Hence she was exposed completely. She felt scared the first time. She felt nervous the second time. She is slightly at ease the third time as she felt An Yin Zhu just want to take tease her. He wouldn’t do anything to her.

"Piggy An, are you a beast! Won"t you feel ashamed. It"s your matter if you don’t like to wear clothes. But don’t tear my clothes! Ah Ah! Where are you touching!!"

An Yin Zhu touch her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and pushed her against the wall. He ask her in rough voice: "Gu Tian Tian, how are you going to take responsibility towards me?"

Gu Tian Tian was stunned. She has seen his body, however she was molested by him many times. And he is now touching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Although men and women are equal, however in this matter, she should be the one asking for responsibility right? She keep on struggling: "I didn’t ask you to be responsible. How could you so shameless?"

He squint and smiled. Obviously he is cunning: "I"ll be responsible. I"m a easy guy. You want me to responsible, or you initiate to take the responsibility on me?"

Gu Tian Tian suddenly started herself wide awake. Irregardless she responsible or he responsible, aren"t it is the same? She said confidently: "I neither need you to responsible, nor responsible to you!"

An Yin Zhu approached her face closely and threaten her: "It can"t be. Two options. Only can choose one, unless you dead."

Gu Tian Tian whom rather die than surrender raised her face: "Then let me die."

An Yin Zhu doesn’t get angry. He laugh instead: "It"s too good to you if you die. How about either way against your wish?"

Gu Tian Tian felt that she had fallen into his trap again. He touch her face and looked into her deeply: "I think, if nothing happen, you wouldn"t recognize the fact…"

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