One Sweet Life

Chapter 29

So fast it is already our Day 5 Anniversary Special! We hope that everyone has enjoyed the Anniversary Special so far…..

Anyone disappointed that the ‘magic moments’ did not happen between the OTP? I was actually not surprised as I knew that An Yin Zhu loves Gu Tian Tian so much that he would not want to hurt or take advantage of her for now. Was also glad that Gu Tian Tian finally realized the importance of An Yin Zhu in her heart…….

We have also almost reach the end of One Sweet Life (一世蜜糖). A few more chapters and we have to say goodbye to this lovely sweet couple. 

Enjoy the read today!

Chapter 29

"Hey!" Gu Tian Tian look at Yuan Jing blankly: "What?" Yuan Jing stared at her face for few seconds, then she laugh cheeky: "Where is your childhood mate? It has been few day that didn’t see Senior An waiting downstairs."

"He is outstation…" Gu Tian Tian holding her chin with lacking strength. Yuan Jing shake her head. She suddenly realise: "No wonder you have love sick look." Gu Tian Tian darken her face, that"s right. She admit that she was thinking brazen of An Yin Zhu. It is definitely different from love sick.

"What happen to you guy?" Yuan Jing sighed suddenly, look around then speak secretly: "Liu Ping has break up with her boyfriend, sigh…"

Gu Tian Tian is shocked. No wonder Liu Ping seems quiet when she met her at hostel yesterday. She lay on the bed whole day, doesn"t speak at all. She thought she was sick, hence she hand her medicine.

Gu Tian Tian couldn"t help and sighed. "She has been together with her boyfriend since high school. They has been together for two years. The result of the guy is average. He did not manage to get in the University of B City. Not willing to try other university. They split up. Just started university for two months, they break up then."

Yuan Jing sighed again. "I heard from 3rd year senior few days ago. Maybe more couples will break up when they’re 4th year, sigh…" She felt glad after heard what Yuan Jing said. Luckily An Yin Zhu and her doesn’t have this kind of matter. When she was nine years old, the whole family of An moved to C City, they are still able to maintain their relationship for ten years.

It"s already been ten years… Gu Tian Tian just realized. Like knowing this fact for the first time. "Sigh, you are the best. You have childhood boyfriend. No need to worry. I"m worry by looking at Yuan Ping. I don"t believe love again. While looking at you, seems like I could believe in love. However you are different. You’re childhood mate. The relationship is different…" Yuan Jing worry and kept mumbling.

She used to be displeased whenever she heard her name being drag together with An Yin Zhu and being called "childhood mate". However she felt happy this time. She thinks about it, base on current situation, seems like she will not break up with An Yin Zhu even after she graduated from university. Er…no. What break up, she never promise to be his girlfriend. He proposed her straight away. Notify their parents unconsciously. She gets angry every time she thought of it, she felt helpless after few seconds. It"s too late, though it"s not completely too late.

As An Yin Zhu always say, he is good looking and capable. They are matching, childhood mate… perhaps there are better options than him. Unfortunately, she only has An Yin Zhu in her mind now. When she get back to hostel at night, Gu Tian Tian use computer for a while. She stared at the the clock showing ten. Her expression getting darker. Ever since they come back from their trip, An Yin Zhu still care about her. Always appear downstairs of her hostel on time. However after few days, An Yin Zhu changed. He was outstation yesterday. He only called her twice, inform her that he reached safely and to say good night. It is already ten o"clock now, he not even call her once for the whole day.

Gu Tian Tian went to brush her teeth without any expression. Jing Yuan saw her when she went to the bathroom. She noticed that Gu Tian Tian seems in bad mood. She ask her, Gu Tian Tian and Yuan Jing does not have experience falling in love, however Yuan Jing read a lot which related, hence she is good in theory. After hearing what Gu Tian Tian said, she seriously say: "As what they said, people still anxious if they have not get something yet. Are you too easy to him?"

Gu Tian Tian get angry immediately. Yuan Jing is shocked: "Have you, have you did that?" Gu Tian Tian deny immediately. Yuan Jing relieved: "Thank G.o.d, don"t you ever easily… ehm ehm, I advise you base on my experience…" Experienced, Gu Tuan Tian glare at her.

"Ehem, base on the pattern, definitely pregnant if did it. Definitely break up if pregnant or force abortion. Fell sad whenever think about it!"

Gu Tian Tian : "….."

What kind of novel, it"s totally nonsense. However Gu Tian Tian is getting worried. After brushing her teeth, Gu Tian Tian lay on the bed, staring at the phone. She start feeling angry with herself as well. Just call him if want to. It seems she agreed to be with him by judging on her att.i.tude. Let"s just put aside her ego for a while. Phone connect for some time, however no one answer. Is it happening as what Yuan Jing said, Gu Tian Tian is getting nervous. Second call again, it"s finally being answered after connected for some time, by a lady.

"h.e.l.lo, who do you want to speak to?" Gu Tian Tian is shocked. The lady repeat again, Gu Tian Tian calmed down. "h.e.l.lo, is this Mr. An"s phone?"

"Ah, may I know who is this? An Yin Zhu can"t take a call right now. I can help you to convey your message…" The lady sound alert.

Gu Tian Tian, no doubt is now filled with anger. Couldn’t take a call? In what situation that he couldn’t take a call? It"s been ten o"clock now! What is he doing? Who is this lady? Gu Tian Tian heart beating fast. She seems stupid when she is with An Yin Zhu. But it depends, she never admit she is stupid. A lot of thoughts keep appearing in her mind in seconds.

If An Yin Zhu could not take the call right now, or he did not bring the phone with him, perhaps drunk… If it"s nothing between An Yin Zhu and this lady, perhaps she is his subordinate. She shouldn"t answer An Yin Zhu personal call, if not the owner himself. Or tell her what"s An Yin Zhu doing. The lady wouldn"t ask her who is she looking for, or the lady may directly ask her who is she. Gu Tian Tian tried to set a little trap while asking her, she addressed An Yin Zhu as "Mr. An". If the lady is not close to An Yin Zhu, the lady may address "Mr. An" just like she did. However this lady address him with full name.

An Yin Zhu? Am I stupid! Gu Tian Tian think coldly. Other than these, the lady volunteer to convey her message. Regardless it"s women intuition, or Gu Tian Tian discover something fishy from the short conversation. She has taken this lady as her enemy. She help her to convey? Gu Tian Tian smile, she use her ever sweetest voice: "I am Xiao Cui of X Club, Mr. An promised to give me a diamond ring as present two days ago. I have chosen…"

"h.e.l.lo, who are you! b.i.t.c.h! Listen, I don’t care if you’re Xiao Hong or Xiao Cui. An Yin Zhu belongs to me. You better keep a distance from him. Don’t ever call back again, otherwise I get you gangsters!" "Dooo——" Gu Tian Tian thought she being meant, but the lady seems fiercer than her.

She stare at the phone that were hang up. Angry. She think she found out what she wanted to know. b.a.s.t.a.r.d An Yin Zhu, I"ll will not let you off! Gu Tian Tian flipping the whole night, couldn"t fall asleep. She kept thinking of revenges. When she calm down, then she start thinking about herself, what she gonna do. Base on reliable information, An Yin Zhu never had girlfriend during secondary school and university officially, except one rumored girlfriend. Hence he is not a negligent person. However base on his usual behavior toward her, Gu Tian Tian not sure if he only did that to her, or it"s his natural instincts. Gu Tian Tian has been fighting with An Yin Zhu since she was child. Although she is not smart as An Yin Zhu, but she is not stupid. She just heard what that lady said one sided, what exactly happened, it"s not the fact yet, she can still hold it, trying to think calmly.

She can"t do much after some thoughts. An Yin Zhu currently is in D City. She can’t just travel to D City to check what is he doing. The most important right now is to be able to contact An Yin Zhu, or wait him to come back. Gu Tian Tian glanced at her phone, it"s been one o"clock. She called An Yin Zhu again after second thought, wanted to make sure of the lady is still with him. Unfortunately he switch off his phone. Gu Tian Tian bitting her lips, wait until tomorrow is the only thing she could do.

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